The Onslaught Against White South Africa

The liberal media that built up the propaganda machine and instigated the economic sanctions that helped to bring down White South Africa (which many of the Whites in South Africa even volunteered) in the 1980's doesn't say much about all the "progress" that has been made there since the Negroes took over the government. Very rapidly, South Africa has declined from a first-rate "first world" nation into the abyss that is the fate of all uncivilized and savage tribal tyrannies. And now there is an open war of genocide being waged against the White South Africans and it is being concealed as "crime". The South African government AND the liberal western media are all complicit in this genocide.

If crimes against negroes in the American South had been anywhere near the crimes against White in South Africa today, the liberal media would never relent and the War Between the States would still be raging. But nobody cares about White men. The real question is this: when will real White men (not you jews in the liberal media) start caring about themselves?

The second video below is in Dutch without subtitles. It does not need to be heard. The first video can be understood by English speakers. Both videos are from