Profound Revolution - Annex

Even as this tract was being written, a strong for­ward surge in empire building was being promulgated by the back-stage directors of the United Nations. You have noted that the provision of the U. N. Charter for review and revision of the Charter in 1955, if it had not been done before, became MANDATORY under Article 109 and has been steadily ignored by the U. S. They have been unable to comply with this provision, because any amendment or revision of the Charter would have to be presented to a United States Senate, far more fully informed about U. N. charters than the Senate of 1945.

The situation in the U. N. now, even after the pres­tige conferred upon it by the visit of the Pope, is so charged with illegality and outright criminality that they need to do something about a CHARTER, a CON­STITUTION or some semblance of law and authority for what they are doing. They have had agencies work­ing on plans and schemes to rectify these defects and, as you have learned, there have been some tragic failures. The inability to get the new International Law presented to an unsuspecting Senate was a signifi­cant case in point. The law for the international cur­rency was incorporated in the new International Law. As it stands now, no International Law, no Interna­tional Currency, but they will continue to work on it.

For nearly ten years two United World Federalists, high in the World Empire-building scheme, Grenville Clark and Harvard professor Louis B. Sohn, have been working on a NEW CHARTER. They call it a "revised" charter and their work on it has been completed. They have launched the program in a book, "World Peace Through World Law," and it has been getting tremen­dous reception among supporters of World Empire, world-wide.

The NEW CHARTER will have to make the grade through a Senate already bruised by the revelations of the substance of the Old Charter, which they have con­sistently refused to revise or consider in relation to the interests of the United States. The World Federalists appreciate the dilemma of the Senate. They have come up with a scheme to have the nation's "free" press (see last page) initiate a propaganda blitz on the American public to persuade them to create an IRRESISTIBLE DEMAND for what they are billing as a "Conference for Charter Revision."

The obvious fact is, under Article 109, they do not need a propagandized Conference to review, revise or amend the Charter. It was required that they do this in 1955 and every year since that time. All they have to do to get a LEGAL Conference to revise the Charter is to bring up a resolution in the General Assembly and go to work on it. The document sent to 1800 of the na­tion's top newspapers sets forth some hint of what they hope to accomplish by the proposed "revision" of the Charter. This program will require a propaganda bar­rage the like of which has never been seen or heard be­fore.

Some of the proposed "revisions" set forth in the news release indicate that what the U. N. has in mind is the NEW REVISED CHARTER of Clark and Sohn. The masterpiece of Hiss and Pasvolsky becomes a constitu­tional gem by comparison with the Clark-Sohn charter. These are some of the proposals submitted to the na­tion's press; they are all incorporated in the Clark-Sohn New Revised Charter:

"A permanent U. N. peace force to maintain inter­national peace;


"A revised voting system appropriate to the strength­ened U. N. and implementing the Disarmament plan. Abolition of the present VETO POWER in the Security Council;

A system of courts (world courts—ed.) to decide is­sues; A WORLD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM re­quiring that the WORLD (?—ed.) use a substantially larger share of its resources to promote the econom­ic and social advancement of the less-developed na­tions;

"A reliable and adequate revenue system.”

BINDING RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE LAWS. As Mr. Roberto Ago of the International Law Commission stated it: the U. N. controls its states by LEGALLY BINDING them to accept the decisions of the majority (in the General Assembly). What the U. N. is after here, is to LEGALIZE the utterly illegal resolutions and laws of the past ten years and to have the people exert IRRESISTIBLE pressure on the Senate to compel the Senate to LEGALIZE the BINDING AUTHORITY conferred upon the General Assembly itself.

They have been operating and running the world for the past ten years by these illegal General Assem­bly resolutions. Now that the people and the State Officials are learning of the resolution racket, the U. N. will try propaganda to enable them to get public sup­port for what they offer as a "Charter Review Confer­ence."

There is entirely too much of the Clark and Sohn New Revised Charter apparent in the U. N. suggestions here quoted to ignore the activities of Clark and Sohn in this field. These planned "revisions" are the work of these two high-ranking World Federalists. Their mouthpiece is James P. Warburg who stated, to a com­mittee of the Senate, that WE would have World Gov­ernment whether or not we wanted it: if we did not get it by CONSENT, we would get it by CONQUEST. These men know whereof they speak. The head of the organ­ization was Elmo Roper who proclaimed that "OUR GOAL IS GOVERNMENT OF ALL THE WORLD." We discount the pronouncements of these men at our own peril and at the risk of the loss of our liberties, liber­ties GUARANTEED by the Constitution which will be forever ERASED by the New Revised Charter.

Consider the item dealing in circumspect terms with a "reliable and adequate revenue system." As Clark and Sohn express the "adequate revenue system" it will provide for the levy of DIRECT TAXES by the U. N. against the people of the Member Nations and for the establishment of an U. N. Internal Revenue Ser­vice with collection depots for collecting the revenue. From the Annex of "World Peace Through World Law":

"Provision would be made for the establishment in each Member Nation of a United Nations Fiscal Of­fice the functions of which would be to receive the taxes of those in that nation who under national laws enacted for the purpose (under General As­sembly law—ed.) have been made liable to pay taxes to the United Nations and (c) to transmit the sums so received to the central treasury of the United Nations.

"(5) All Member Nations would undertake to place their tax collecting machinery at the disposal of the United Nations, for collecting U. N. levied tax­es.”

With regard to the United Nations COURT SYS­TEM, Clark and Sohn suggest "suggestions" incorporat­ed in the proposed propaganda blitz about which the nation's lawyers would presumably know nothing, such "revisions" as these:

"In respect to the enforcement of United Nations LAW, it is proposed to establish a system of, United Nations Regional courts subordinate to the Inter­national Court of Justice, in order to provide ade­quate machinery for dealing with offenses against the Charter or LAWS of the United Nations. . .

"ENFORCEMENT OF UNITED NATIONS LAWS. Along with the machinery for dealing with interna­tional disputes, it is intended through a proposed system of United Nations Regional Courts, to afford effective tribunals throughout the world for the INTERPRETATION and application of the Charter, of the laws and regulations of the United Nations in respect to disarmament, and of the other provisions of the prevention of war. . .

The Clark-Sohn Plan requires not only the abolition of the VETO in the Security Council itself. It would be replaced with an EXECUTIVE COUNCIL under DIREC­TION and AUTHORITY of the General Assembly.

In revising Article 25 it is provided that:

"The Member Nations agree to ACCEPT AND CAR­RY OUT the decision of the Executive Council, subject ONLY to the right to contest the validity of any such decisions by appeal to the (U. N----ed.) International Court of Justice. . . "

To NAIL THIS DOWN, Article 1.03 provides:

"The revised charter and the LAWS and REGULA­TIONS of the United Nations which shall be made in pursuance thereof shall be the SUPREME LAW of the United Nations and ALL AUTHORITIES of the Member Nations SHALL BE BOUND THERE­BY, anything in the CONSTITUTION OR LAWS OF ANY MEMBER NATION TO THE CONTRARY NOTWITHSTANDING."

Comment by Clark and Sohn:

". . . In harmony with this conception, paragraph 2 makes definite the obligation of 'all authorities' of the member Nations to be bound by the revised Charter and the laws and regulations enacted there­under. It follows that when necessary the con­stitutions of member Nations would need to be revised so as to accord with this provision."

It can't happen here? If the plans of the United World Federalists, the United Nations, and the Govern­ment in Washington can be protected from public scru­tiny, it will have happened here. It actually has hap­pened here. It is only by Divine dispensation that the U. N. has decided to LEGALIZE the performances of the past ten years and to persuade the propaganda-drugged population to apply IRRESISTLBLE pressures on the U. S. Senate to VOTE US INTO THE WORLD GOVERN­MENT LEGALLY, that WE, the People, have received this period of grace in which we may counteract this propaganda and lead the way back to a Constitutional Government.

As a hint of what MIGHT happen, the Clark and Sohn New Revised Charter should serve as a guide to the wary.