
When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic - Donald James [1931-2008]

The Saxon Messenger is a project of Christogenea.org
and was launched in July, 2009.  

God Save Christendom!


Christogenea.org does not agree with everything that is found written by other authors in the archives on this site. Rather, the archives at the Saxon Messenger are meant to be a collection of conspiratorial history writings, early British Israel documents, Christian Israel Identity writings and similar literature which have been written over the past 150 or so years, and which have helped us on our path to what we now consider to be the truth. As a man (or woman) progresses through life and learns, he must continually be able to change his opinions based upon newly-discovered or recently-learned facts. That is how we grow, both as individuals and as a people. Our own opinions of the Bible and history are fully formulated and expressed at our parent site, http://christogenea.org.

Thank you, and praise Yahweh!


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See our French-language library at http://saxonmessenger.christogenea.org/français