"A Declaration of War" - From the Youth of France

Qui sommes-nous ?

Edit, May, 2024: The content in the link above is now lost. Apparently, the group's website has been shut down. There was also a Youtube video linked here which is now gone, but we probably have it preserved in one of the three videos displayed here.

(((Survivors))) by Alison Chabloz

For this video, British patriot Alison Chabloz was convicted of insulting Jews, and sentenced to 20 weeks' imprisonment, which was fortunately suspended for two years but comes with other restrictions. Such is the pitiful state of "justice" in the United Kingdom... or perhaps we may call it the Jewknighted Kingdumb.

Thank you, Alison, for your venture to tell the truth in the face of persecution.


A View from the Past: An Issue of The South African Observer - October 1981

Warning: The people known today as "Jews" have not ever been the true people of Israel. Rather, they are Edomite-Khazar impostors, and that can be established from the Bible and from History. For some of the evidence backing this statement, see the article at Christogenea.org, A Concise Explanation of the Creation of the Jewish People. While the article below is good in that it elucidates Jewish hypocrisy, the author was unaware of this fact. 

We thank Mr. Jerel Mosley, who provided this issue from his personal library.

- WRF, Christogenea.org




A Journal for Realists


P.O. Box 2401, Pretoria.

Telephone 21-9365

Volume XXVI No.11

Single copy 80 cents Twelve copies R10,00 post free

Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper



THE South African rugby tour in New Zealand left its people stunned, shocked and divided as never before in their history.

The eight weeks the Springboks spent in their country produced unprecedented street violence, culminating in a full-scale riot in Auckland.

Opponents of South Africa's racial policies staged marches, demonstrations and clashed repeatedly with police in their attempts to disrupt and halt matches.

There was something obscene in the sight of men with truncheons, the barbed wire, the police barricades and the ugly viciousness of the demonstrators, who mouthed "democracy" while they indulged in naked lawlessness and anarchy.

An Australian Looks At The Identity Crisis: Where To Now Germany?

Sometimes we White Christians get so tied up in our own problems we forget that others of our Israel kin are suffering the same hardships. This article written by Adam DeWitt, of Australia, covers an interesting phase in our war for Christian survival, that American Christians need to know.

An Indictment Against the Profane


An Indictment Against the Profane by L. D. Durrence

While the Bible instructs that we are to censor our own mouths and that men will be judged upon every idle word we speak, those who would attack others regarding "profane language" would do well to ensure that they themselves aren't hypocrites, guilty of language far more profane than the slang they criticize. Far too often, we find that those who are quick to reprimand others for what they erroneously refer to as profanity, are the same ones truly guilty of what they accuse others. This is precisely the type of negative, hypocritical judgment that the Bible warns against (Matt 7:1-5, Luke 6:41;12:1; Rom 2:1-3).

When we look to what the New Covenant of our Bible teaches regarding profane language, we see that true profane language is language that disagrees with the just judgments and principles laid out in Yahweh's Word. To disagree with Yahweh's Word on any point is to blaspheme, and to blaspheme is to profane our God Himself. This also implies that His Word is knowable, definable, apprehendable, as well as required.

Consider the Ambassador Paul's first letter to Timothy in chapter one, warning him not to tolerate other teachings. In verse 6, Paul refers to those "from which some having failed have turned to talking vainly, wishing to be teachers of the law, understanding neither the things they speak nor concerning things which they strongly maintain." Paul then goes on to explain in verse 8 that the law is good if used lawfully. Then in verses 9-11, "Knowing this, that the law is not laid down for righteous, but for lawless and unruly, impious and wrongful, unholy and profane, patricidal and matricidal, murderous, fornicating, homosexual, kidnapping, lying, falsely swearing men, along with anything else which is contrary to sound instruction according to the good message of the honor of the blessed Yahweh, which I have been entrusted with."