An Indictment Against the Profane by L. D. Durrence
While the Bible instructs that we are to censor our own mouths and that men will be judged upon every idle word we speak, those who would attack others regarding "profane language" would do well to ensure that they themselves aren't hypocrites, guilty of language far more profane than the slang they criticize. Far too often, we find that those who are quick to reprimand others for what they erroneously refer to as profanity, are the same ones truly guilty of what they accuse others. This is precisely the type of negative, hypocritical judgment that the Bible warns against (Matt 7:1-5, Luke 6:41;12:1; Rom 2:1-3).
When we look to what the New Covenant of our Bible teaches regarding profane language, we see that true profane language is language that disagrees with the just judgments and principles laid out in Yahweh's Word. To disagree with Yahweh's Word on any point is to blaspheme, and to blaspheme is to profane our God Himself. This also implies that His Word is knowable, definable, apprehendable, as well as required.
Consider the Ambassador Paul's first letter to Timothy in chapter one, warning him not to tolerate other teachings. In verse 6, Paul refers to those "from which some having failed have turned to talking vainly, wishing to be teachers of the law, understanding neither the things they speak nor concerning things which they strongly maintain." Paul then goes on to explain in verse 8 that the law is good if used lawfully. Then in verses 9-11, "Knowing this, that the law is not laid down for righteous, but for lawless and unruly, impious and wrongful, unholy and profane, patricidal and matricidal, murderous, fornicating, homosexual, kidnapping, lying, falsely swearing men, along with anything else which is contrary to sound instruction according to the good message of the honor of the blessed Yahweh, which I have been entrusted with."