The Sonnini Manuscript

While we do not dispute the early entrance of Christianity into Britain, we at the Saxon Messenger do look quite sceptically upon the validity of the Sonnini Manuscript. In fact, we are certain that it is spurious. It is nevertheless presented here for informational purposes.


Iceland’s Great Inheritance

By Adam Rutherford F.R.G.S., A.M. Inst. T.



ICELAND is one of the most remarkable countries in the World, and the following pages contain the evidence that this little nation has yet a wonderful and honoured part to perform in the great scheme of things, in the near future. It is the author's conviction that this great destiny of Iceland will prove to be a blessing not only to the Icelanders themselves but also to the kindred Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples.

May this little volume be of some service in helping to prepare the Icelandic people to enter into their great inheritance.
May, 1937.

The Political Influence of the British-Israel Movement in the Nineteenth Century

I cannot agree with all of the conclusions of British Israel doctrines, for the most part because none of the people known to us today as Jews can legitimately claim to be descended from any tribe of Israel. Please see my paper, A Concise Explanation of the Creation of the Jewish People, at Christogenea. Another great problem with British Israel doctrine is that it has idiotically refused to accept the German and other related peoples as having come from the same stock. These false doctrines crept into British Israel from the days of the treacherous infiltrator, Edward Hines, whose propaganda was created in order to make England's wars with Germany palatable. The Jews have controlled British Israel ever since, and for that reason the movement has sadly become a farce. - William Finck


The Political Influence of the British-Israel Movement in the Nineteenth Century

Richard Simpson, Victorian Studies

30th September, 2002.


On 9th December 1917, Jerusalem fell to the British and in an interview with the Evening Standard, in 1920, Max Nordau, cofounder of the Zionist Movement, in 1897, held ‘we thought that the Messiah would be an individual, but I feel now as if it were a collective entity, and that its name might be the British Nation’.1This one statement vindicated just under 80 years of campaigning for the British-Israel movement, not an Anglo-Jewish organisation as one might expect but a movement that believed the British were the “chosen race”, not the Jews and believed the return to Palestine of the British and Jews together would bring about the Second Coming. Despite the plethora of primary documentation, very little has been written on the role of this movement in the nineteenth century. Throughout Anglo-Zionist literature and biographies of great Victorian statesmen there is little or no mention of this movement, which according to the Jewish Encyclopedia (1901) had over 2 million adherents. Despite an extensive press and books, they didn’t quite make it into mainstream politics as an organisation, However, some of their members were very influential and included some of the Royal Family. From their literal interpretation of Hebrew scripture within an predominantly Anglican umbrella, they certainly thought they knew where the country was going so perhaps that took away their incentive for power. What I have tried to do in this long essay is to assess from a snapshot of 19th century British-Israel publications how they reacted to and tried to influence the political world. How they manipulated biblical prophecy into a “we told you so” result, how British-Israel attempted to show that the writings and addresses of public men bore undersigned testimony to the contentions of their movement offering ‘blind’ evidence and how, strangely, after 80 years of campaigning they were very nearly proved right.