The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 22 - Negro Beast Destroys Genelle Conway-Allen, 13-Year-Old White Girl

When will Whites learn, that every negro roaming around freely is a wild animal waiting to devour some precious White woman or child?

From CBS News:

Genelle Conway-Allen Murder: Police arrest Anthony Lamar Jones, 32, in case of girl, 13, found in park

(AP) FAIRFIELD, Calif. - Police say they have arrested a 32-year-old man in the death of a teenage girl whose naked body was found in a Northern California park a week ago. 

PICTURES: Teen girl found dead at Calif. park

Fairfield police say they arrested Anthony Lamar Jones of Fairfield on Friday morning after having him under round-the-clock surveillance as a suspect in 13-year-old Genelle Renee Conway-Allen's slaying.

The seventh-grader was reported missing Jan. 31 by her guardian at the foster home in nearby Suisun City where she lived. A passerby found her body the next morning in a park.


How many more young White women like Genelle Conway-Allen are going to be destroyed by these wild beasts, before they are taken off of the streets of White neighborhoods permanently? Whites are committing genocide against themselves by allowing this to continue under the charade of a "crime problem" when in reality it is a Negro problem!

If packs of wild wolves were roaming our streets and devouring our children, nobody would think twice about going out and shooting all of the wolves, whether or not any particular wolf had engaged in such behavior previously. So why do Whites not have the same attitude with Negro?