The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 4

14-year-old Kelli O'Laughlin

The blood of 14-year-old Kelli O'Laughlin is upon the heads of every White Liberal who ever sympathized with the idea that alien beasts should be allowed to dwell and roam about freely in a White society. Multiculturalism and diversity are code-words for genocide of the White race. Like those other buzzwords of the jewish media, the term "anti-racism" is also nothing but an Orwellian euphemism for "anti-White".

Having come home from school one afternoon in late October, Kelli was brutally stabbed to death by a negro beast  known to English-speakers as "John L. Wilson Jr." This negro happened to be in the act of burglarizing Kelli's home when she made the mistake of interrupting the animal by arriving home, and he then promptly murdered the helpless young teenager. Her mother found her dead upon returning home a short time later.

Kelli's family lived in an affluent Chicago suburb. There was a rash of burglaries in the area throughout the year. Once upon a time in America when "outsiders" were spotted in any such neighborhood, they were immediately questioned and run out unless they had specific business. We still remember those days, as they were in the 1960's and 1970's even in the rather progressive and urban New Jersey cities of our youth, when the local police would stop strangers who were obviously not inhabitants of certain neighborhoods, and made sure they were shown the way out. However in these days of "civil rights" for any beast that happens to make their way into the country, Americans have voluntarily forfeited their own right to defend their lives and their property - which is the reason why men formed governments in the first place!

According to sources such as the  Huffington Post, the Council of Conservative Citizens, and the Mail Online, the beast John L. Wilson Jr. was a parolee who had prior convictions for armed robbery, among other crimes. After murdering this young girl, Wilson - who also stole her cell phone - taunted her parents with text messages, where he boasted of killing their daughter.

We would expect no other behavior from this John L. Wilson character. Martin Luther King Jr. demanded that we judge the negro race "by the content of their character", and we have. And we have found it to be wanting. After 150 years of freedom in America, after over 50 years of a guaranteed advantage over Whites in America via the civil rights legislation of the 1960's, negroes prove daily that even with every advantage, they can be little but the jungle beasts that they have been in Africa for at least the past 50,000 years. No amount of time can civilize the negro soul. Wherever Africans settle, the end result is Africa.


According to the Chicago Tribune, John L. Wilson was ultimately sentenced to 160 years, and died in prison in August, 2023, only 9 years after he was sentenced.