Behold The International Jew! - Brig. Gen. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, CPDL

Behold the International Jew!

By Brig. Gen. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, CPDL

". . . without regard for race, colour, creed, age, sex or national origin"

(Knowledgeable men, Jew and Gentile, speak out regarding the International Zionist Conspiracy) 



In dealing with any controversial subject such as International Judaism and its Satanic offspring Zionism and Communism, it is often difficult to get a message of warning across to those who are in the most immediate danger. This is due to the fact that the Christian world has become so "brainwashed" in the "Liberal mind detergent" of Zionist propaganda, that immediately, when one speaks of a Jew in any but the most complimentary of terms, he is saddled with the horrible accusation of being an "anti-Semite." This has stifled honest discussion of this tremendous problem.  


This book has been written specifically to Christians who have been mis-led by their church leaders, into believing that the Jews of today are the Chosen People of the Old Testament and that they must be afforded only the most courteous treatment, no matter what evil they may do; to do less, will cause the curse of God to descend on this country, or so their religious leaders aver. The Scripture used to back this contention is found in Genesis 12:3 and contains God's blessing to Abraham: "I will bless them that bless thee; and curse him that curseth thee." They are very careful not to tell their parishioners that Abraham was a Hebrew, not a Jew and that there were no people known as Jews on the Bible scene, until 2 Kings 16:6, about 1200 years after the time of Abraham, and here we find them fighting against Israel.


The contention that God has blessed America because we have been kind to the Jews, is a falsehood, easily proven so. There has been no time in America's history, when this country has gone down hill faster, in every facet of our national life - economically, politically, militarily and spiritually - than in the years since 1948, when we first recognized the right of International Zionism to steal the land of Palestine from it's rightful owners, and establish a Jewish State on this stolen ground.


It is quite possible that we are seeing the culmination of a curse men mentioned in 2 Chronicles 19:2, which is never quoted by our ministers. It says: "Shouldest thou help the un-Godly? and love them that hate the Lord; therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord."


Today we see good Christians, as they deny the truth spoken by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 5:11, when he said: ". . . have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (expose)."


1 John 2:23, 23 tells Christians who the anti-Christ is. It is anyone who denies Jesus Christ. This person cannot have the Father. Then in 2 John 10, 11, John specifically warns Christians to have nothing whatsoever to do with these anti-Christs, for if they do they become "par-takers in their evil deeds." This argument from the Scriptures should pretty well cover the attitude of any honest Christian who believes the Bible, yet who wants to fellowship with Jews.


Jesus was much more specific and vehement in His accusations against the Pharisees than I have ever dared to be. He said of them in John 8:44 - "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. Re was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him..." Then to put a finishing touch on His condemnation, He said as recorded in John 10:26 - "But ye (Jews) believe not, BECAUSE YE ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP . . ." (Emphasis mine.) How much more specific can anyone be? I realize that theologians will try and explain away this denunciation, yet there it stands for any intelligent person to read.


Many times in approaching this International problem, we make the mistake of going to the opponents of the Jews for our quotations; men like Adolf Hitler and his MEIN KAMPF and Martin Luther and his JEWS AND THEIR LIES. So what I have attempted to do in this little book is let the avowed enemy of Christianity speak for themselves.


The first part of this book titled THE OPPOSITION - will give you some thoughts of famous people who have worked with the Jews, saw the danger in International Zionism and tried to warn their people about it. But the greater part of this book will be taken up with quotations from famous Jewish leaders - Rabbis, politicians, authors - as they tell the gentile world, in their own words, what they intend to do.


The inspiration for this book comes from a mimeographed manuscript which I received in the mail several months ago titled THE PATTERN OF THE PLAN. There was no author given and apparently no copyright. The original manuscript was completed in June 1967. I was so intrigued with the documentation and presentation of this vital material, that I contacted the author - who wishes to remain anonymous and received his permission to quote from this manuscript.


A great deal of this book will be taken, at least in part, from this material.


Part 1 
The Opposition!


From the time when Judaism sought to impose on the world a new religion - not that of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, - commonly known as the Hebrew religion of the Old Testament - but the religion of the Edomite Pharisees of Jesus' time, which had been begotten in the dusty halls of Babylon cira 500 BC. It has sought an inter-mingling of the true worship of Jehovah, as practiced by "true Israel" and the heathen worship of occult Baalism, which became known as the "religion of the Pharisees," and which caused Jesus, the Son of God to say to them: "In vain do ye worship me (God), teaching for doctrines the commandments of men," (Matthew 15:9; see also vs 3.)


From the beginning of the Pharasaic religion world leaders began to realize there was a Satanic conspiracy underway to enslave all mankind, under the rule of Lucifer and to destroy every trace of God worship.


This conspiracy can be traced back to ancient Spartanism, Illuminism, some phases of Freemasonry and in this century such one-world organizations as the Club of Rome, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Tri-Lateral Commission, all heavily under the control of the Pharisees.


The purpose of all these organizations has been to bring about a vast, one-world government, which would control the world's wealth and thus their economy and people. It's major plot was one of economic domination based on the Babylonian Usury System which is so vividly condemned in the Bible.


In Deuteronomy 23:19, Israelites were warned: "Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother..." Exodus 22:25 said: "If thou lend to any of my people that is poor.. thou shalt not be to him as an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury." In Psalm 15:5 we learn that those who will abide in the tabernacle of the Most High will include those who "putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward (bribes) against these things, will never make it into the Kingdom. Bankers take warning!


The true meanings of this Satanic, occult religion, were written down over a period of some 1,000 years (from about 500 BC to 500 AD.) in a book which became known as the BABYLONIAN TALMUD. (According to Jewish authorities today, it is the "heart's blood" of modern Judaism.)


A well-known Christian leader once said: "To recoil before an enemy, or to keep silence when from all sides such clamors are raised against truth, is the part of a man either devoid of character or who entertains doubts as to the truth of what he professes to believe."


Unfortunately, in this Century at least, it has become common practice among those who call themselves Christian, to refrain from anything that might be considered controversial.


The same man who made the above remark, said: "Christians moreover, are BORN FOR COMBAT, whereof the greater the vehemence, the more assured, God-abiding, the triumph: Have confidence, Jesus said, 'I have overcome the world.'


In the Gospel's story of Christ's brief stay on this earth as a prophet-teacher, an observant reader will note that the Jewish Pharisees did little to confront Him, until He turned His wrath on the "money changers" and drove them out of the Temple. From this moment, the Jewish leaders began a vicious attack against Him which culminated in His being executed as a common criminal.


When the Pharasaic leaders of Judaism began their conquest of America, they followed the same procedure, by seizing control of the currency. The earliest colonists had established in this country, a working financial system. It was a sound one, based on valid, logical monetary principles - on economic common sense - on real wealth. Using this system, the Colonies flourished and prospered, as they were free from the vicious grasping hands of the Jewish usurers.


As he observed the booming economy of the colonies, the International Jewish banker, Meier Rothschild inquired of Benjamin Franklin the reason. Franklin replied: "It is simple. In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportions to the demands of trade and industry." (From Senate Doc. #23, p.23.)


Realizing how an interest-free currency would shake the Jewish control of world finance, Rothschild and his colleagues began to work so that the colonies would use "Jewish bank monies," instead of their own currency. They did this through the use of their enormous money power and "bought agents" such as Mexander Hamilton. In 1781, Hamilton started the Bank of North America, modeling it after the Jewish controlled Bank of England.


Within a year after "bank money" went into use, the colonial prosperity had disappeared, replaced with economic chaos. On observing this, Franklin said: "Conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended and a depression set in to such an extent that the streets of the colonies were filled with the unemployed." (From MONEY CHANGERS by Coogan.)


Benjamin Franklin was probably one of the greatest intellects America has ever produced. Not only this, unlike many modern intellectuals, he loved America and freedom and was one of our foremost patriots. He knew the Jews from first hand experience with them and understood them very well. He knew if these Pharisees ever fastened their economic tentacles on America, it would bring only disaster, so he tried to warn his fellow Americans: Listen: "The inability of the colonists to get the power to issue their own money out of the hands of George III and the International Bankers, was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War." (MONEY CREATORS - Coogan, p.1, 2.)


In a statement made before Congress in 1789, concerning Jewish immigration to the United States, he spoke words of wisdom which many of you have read before and which would have kept us from all sorts of trouble if we had only listened to him. He said:


"Gentlemen: There is a great danger for the United States of America, this great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in every land which the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have remained apart and unassimilated. . .They have created a state within a state, and when they are opposed they attempt to strangle the nation financially as in the case of Portugal and Spain. For more than 1700 years, they have lamented their sorrowful fate.. namely, that they were driven out of their motherland, but gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine and their property, they would immediately find pressing reasons for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires.. .they cannot live among themselves; they must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race.


"If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than 100 years, they will stream into this country in such numbers they will rule and destroy us and change our form of government for which Americans shed our blood and sacrificed our life, property and personal safety. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews while they remain in the Counting House gleefully rubbing their hands.


"I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children's children will curse you in your graves. Their ideals are not those of Americans even though they have lived among us for ten generations. The leopard cannot change his spots. The Jews are a danger to this land and if they are allowed to enter they will imperil our institutions... they should be excluded by the Constitution." (Found in the Pinckney Papers, Library of Congress.)


Some 180 years after Franklin issued this warning, Rabbi Asher, speaking at a meeting of the Jewish Kehilla in New York, stated: "American interests are one; Jewish interests are another thing." (COMMON SENSE, #495, 5/15/67).


George Washington, our first President, also foresaw these perils. He said that the Jews should be "hunted down as pests of society, and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of the United Stales." (MAXIMS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, P.125-126.)


He said again: "They (the Jews) work more effectively against us than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each State, log ago has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America... the Jews."


In spite of the keen insight Franklin and Washington had concerning the Jews, Congress refused to listen to them and five things happened between 1801 and 1816, which helped the International Jews gain control of the finances of America.


1. In 1781, the Bank of America was founded by the traitor Alexander Hamilton and his Jewish associates.

2. In 1790, the U.S. Public Debt of $75-million was converted by Hamilton, then Secretary of the Treasury, into interest bearing bonds! This interest was paid to the Pharisee "money lenders."

3. In 1791, due to Franklin's death, Hamilton was able to put over his proposition for a privately owned central bank. The result was that the Jewish bankers collected interest on U.S. Bonds for twenty years.

4. In 1811, Hamilton's charter expired and the result was the War of 1812, which put the country's finances under control of the International Jewish financiers.

5. In 1816, a privately owned U.S. bank was started, with a charter that lasted 20 years. It's capital was $35-million of which the government owned $7-million. This bank was given the authority to issue paper money. By 1830, this had expanded to 27 private branches - all Jewish owned/and or controlled.


In 1832, some 40 years after Jewish manipulated Alexander Hamilton had inflicted the charter of privately owned banks on America, President Andrew Jackson, (One of the few truly great American Presidents to sit in Washington), vetoed renewal of the 1832 charter of the Second Bank of America. It was at this time he made his two most famous statements concerning finance:


"If the American people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning." and, "You (Jewish bankers) are a den of vipers. I intend to run you out, and by the Eternal God - I will rout you out!"


That this great man was not able to chase these thieves from the National Temple is an indication of the strength they had accrued in a few short years. (The events listed above and the statements of Jackson were taken from Coogan's book - MONEY CREATORS.)


Some 25 to 30 years after Jackson's administration, the Jews were again trying to set Christians against Christians and were able to get the Civil War started. To do so they used their money and the services of such Jews as Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of Britain in Europe and Judah P. Benjamin, August Belmont, and John Slidel in America.


The Christian Czar of Russia perceiving that such things as the Maximilian Empire and the "Mason-Dixon Line" were Jewish "divide and conquer" techniques, sent troops to San Francisco and New York in a fruitless attempt to thwart the Civil War plan. But once again, as in other Jewish planned wars; the Pharisees manipulated Christians into fighting against Christian. They financed both sides and made a profit of over $4-billion which went into the coffers of the International Pharisees.


In 1863, President Lincoln was coerced by his Secretary of Treasury, Salmon P. Chase and others into signing the National Bank Act, which delegated, once again, to a private corporation, the all-powerful right to issue our money. This removed from the Jews the panic they had felt when Lincoln shook their control by issuing free money.


The fact that Lincoln was aware of the Jewish "money lenders" and their danger to this country was well known after he publicly stated: "As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and the era of corruption in high places will follow. The money power of the country will endeavor to prolong the reign by working on the prejudices of the people until wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of the war." (MONEY CREATORS - Coogan.)


When President Lincoln began to issue $200-millions of interest free money and statements like that above, the "money changers" realized he was too dangerous to be allowed to live and he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Those who have studied this period state that John Wilkes Booth's real name was Buthman, and that he was an agent of the Rothschilds. What is of even more~importance is that Booth's deed greatly aided the Jewish conquest of America by removing Lincoln - one of their stumbling blocks.


In the earlier days, before the establishment of the American colonies, the Jewish Pharisees gained control of world finance through the activities of Jewish goldsmiths; through control of the Bank of England, etc., But when the colonies were established, they gradually shifted their seat of power to the United States, until today, the seat of world Jewish power is not in Jerusalem, but in New York City. Under the capitalistic system, a fertile ground was offered to the Jew bankers and the usurious money lender, on which to build a tax-riddled, debt-laden economic structure which is strangling America today. Capitalism grants practically infinite power to those who own money - meaning in the long run, that International Jewry controls Capitalism!


Free Enterprise is different from Capitalism, for it means healthy, beneficial economic activities based on sound, proven, honest economic procedures. Under true Free Enterprise, individual initiative and enterprise is encouraged. Business flourishes and is able to lay away something for improvement and expansion, as well as "something for a rainy day." The sky can be the limit! Indeed it would have been the limit, if we had been free from the stranglehold of the International Banking bandits. These evil men knew that true Free Enterprise based on free money, owned and issued by the people, as our Constitution requires -would not only wrest their "vise like" control over American economics, but would thwart their plans for world conquest, so they stole from the American people, through various bank acts, culminated by the criminal Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the Constitutional rights of Americans to coin their own money and saddled us with a debt that will never be paid in our lifetime.


When they had done this, the Internationalists could sit back knowing that American Free Enterprise could never be truly "free enterprise" as long as they controlled the money supply.


In this manner, Capitalism has become a clever Jewish system, which while it helped America into a position of world pre-eminence, contained the seeds of our destruction, since it would eventually collapse under the weight of its own excesses, whenever the enemy decided it should collapse.


There have been many financial manipulations which have been used to bring about this collapse, such as inflationary "fiat money", the "National Debt", the socialist-communist practices begun with the New Deal, "deficit spending," Social Security, "suicidal foreign aid," tax-free foundations into which the Jews pour their wealth and which they use for socializing influences, and of course the un-American, Marxist "Income tax."


Listen to what the Communist textbook on PSYCHOPOLITICS, printed in 1933, says on p. 17 - "The masses must at last come to believe that only excessive taxation of the rich can relieve them of the burdensome leisure class and can thus be brought to accept such a thing as an income - tax, a Marxist principle smoothly slid into Capitalistic framework.. .in the United States. This even though the basic law of the United States forbade it and even though Communism at that time had been active only a few years in the United States."


The Federal Government of the United States now belongs to the Zionist Pharisees. The term ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government) is a truism in every respect, no matter whether there are Republicans or Democrats in charge of the country.


The Jew has been very clever in his handling of the United States, for while he has been placing America in financial fetters, he has used the young giant for his own devious purposes. He has bridled it, guided it and fashioned it along lines of his own choosing. He has used its immense strength for his own ulterior purposes. Under capitalism, and under the influence of the rugged Christian American spirit, the U.S.A. developed tremendous muscles. These muscles, which are now becoming weaker, have been used to great advantage by the Jew, to cause this country to do anything they wanted it to do. This has included fighting wars which were used to spread "democracy," "socialism," and "communism 'everywhere, while it combated truly Christian governments in places such as Spain, Viet Nam, and elsewhere. They have used it as a tool to advance their program towards a one-world Zionist controlled government.


Under the financial and political machinations of such International Jews as Paul Warberg, Henry Morgenthau, Bernard Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, Herbert Lehman, Louis Brandeis, Harry Dexter White, Franklin D. Roosevelt and other Jewish schemers, America has engaged in two major wars and several lesser wars which have caused grief and misery for countless millions of people, both at home and abroad.


An international figure who understood and opposed the International Jew-Bolshevik takeover of Russia, was a Dutchman by the name of M. Guedndyke. He was Netherlands Minister to Russia in 1918 and issued this famous statement which the Jews have tried to hide effectively for many years. This statement read:


"Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the rest of the world - it is organized and worked Jews who have no nationality and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things." (House Document #868, 65th Congress - 3rd Session - P.674.)


Some of the strongest and most useful control International Jewry has fastened on the U.S. have been fashioned by the "mental prostitutes" who do the dirty work for the Internationalists. In the words of the Christianized Jew, Dr. Benjamin Freedman, in his book FACTS ARE FACTS! these "sell for money the facilities they have from the shoulders up, just as the female of the species sells for money, her body from the waist down." These men are probably to me at least, more detested than any others in America at this time.


Wasn't it the Apostle Paul who remarked that "the love of money is the root of ALL evil?" (1 Timothy 6:10) and how true it is. Look at every evil which is destroying America, whether it be dope, prostitution, abortion, crime, dirty politics, you name it and at the bottom you will find a big $ sign. Wherever you find the $ sign, you will find the "buzzards of International finance," as they gather to feed on the carcass of the nation they have destroyed. They always want their share of the "gelt."


In the patriotic paper THE CROSS AND THE FLAG, for May 1965, was the following article:


"A startling summary - We are indebted to the Defenders of the American Constitution, headed by General P.A. del'Valle, for an arresting summary concerning financial manipulations which involve the U.S. and the world."


"FACTS: The following "package deal" measures, effected in 1913, have reduced the U.S. to a debt-ridden, confused, universally disliked and distrusted slave state. (International conditions regarding the U.S. are much worse today than when this was written in 1965.) Initiated by the International Bankers, (which means Jews) they were introduced through their front men, such as Edward Mandel House, Paul Warburg, Nelson Aldrich, and Carter Glass.


1.The Federal Reserve Act which was an un-constitutional surrender by Congress of our sovereign power to control our currency. We gave that to the International Jew.

2.16th Amendment: The graduated Income Tax recommended by Karl Marx.

3.17th Amendment: The popular election of Senators, thus making Congress a unicameral legislature instead of a bicameral one as was intended by the founders of the Constitution.

4.Tax Free Foundations: which serve as tax shelters for the Jewish Bankers and are used to finance pro-socialist subversion.

5.Foreign Policy Associations: which control our foreign policy and always lean towards internationalism and socialism.

6.The Anti-Defamation League: A Gestapo type secret service of the Jewish B'nai B'rith, used to attack and silence nationalism, conservatism, and anyone who exposes the International Jews.

7.The National Council of Churches which has been used to subvert Christianity.

8.Universal Military Service through a draft, which supplies the Internationalists with cannon fodder for their wars.

9.National Municipal League: Which subverts governments at local levels.


Since 1913, we have fought two major wars and two "no win wars which have resulted in the formation and strengthening of the Communist Slave State of the USSR and the Israeli dictatorship in Palestine. Only the International money masters have gained from these wars. Unless we gain control of our currency and very soon, we shall lose our freedom forever.


How could we do this? We could buy back the Federal Reserve Corporation, if Congress had the guts to do it. They are stymied in this because of a real "fear of the Jews," which permeates Congress. We could institute law suits in every State to outlaw the Federal Reserve Banks; we could put pressure on our State legislatures to pass laws declaring the Federal Reserve Act null and void. We could return to the Constitutional method of coining our own money, if our leaders only had the courage to face up to the bandits who are destroying us.


Since the end of World War II, our Zionist controlled government has followed the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference. The objectives of this Conference were to:


1.Strip the U.S. of its gold reserve, which had made the dollar the dominant currency in the world - by giving away American gold to other nations in a variety of ways.


2.To build the financial and industrial capacity of other nations at our expense, thus eliminating American productive superiority. (We can see the result of this in our depressed steel and automotive industries.)


3.To take the world markets away from American producers until America would cease to dominate world trade. (This has been done.)


4.To involve and implicate American affairs - economic, political, cultural, educational, social, and even religious with those of other nations until the U.S.A. could no longer have an independent AMERICAN POLICY, EITHER DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN, BUT WOULD BECOME INTERDEPENDENT IN A WORLD-WIDE SOCIALIST - Communist-Zionist run One World Chain!


The Jew has instigated in the average "goyim" the same pursuit for money and material things that one sees when attending a greyhound racetrack. The dog takes off after the elusive rabbit, hoping to catch it. If by some chance he does catch it, he discovers to his horror that it is unappetizing, sterile, unfruitful and meaningless.. .and his master takes it away from him.


The Jew bankers do the same with the world money. They use their money to entice, ensnare, and enslave their "goyim" victims and then make fools out of them.


Here are a few areas which they control:


1.They control the great news agencies of the world, newspapers, radio, TV. They own or control 909 of the major newspapers in the United States with a daily readership of 47-million. These include such papers as the NEW YORK TIMES; THE WASHINGTON POST; THE ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH; THE ATLANTA JOURNAL, AND THE LOS ANGELES TIMES.


They own or control 47 of the major weekly magazines with a readership of over 79-million, such magazines as TV guide with a circulation of over 19-million; controlled by Walter Annenberg. McCalls, circulation over 6.8-million, controlled by Robert Stein.


TIME, readership over 4.3-million, controlled by Harrison Aaron Mitnick.


NEWSWEEK - readership over 2.9-million, controlled by Katherine Meyer Graham and on and on and on, ad nauseam!


In the field of television ABC Network is controlled by Jew Leonard Goldensohn; CBS by Jew William Paley; NBC by Jew Robert Sarnoff, and the Metro-Media TV by Jew Herbert G. Klein.

Add to this, nine of the ten top movie studios are Jew owned, and you have a complete monopoly over what Americans read, hear and see. No wonder they are so successful with their propaganda.


The major Jewish influence in the fields of non-Jewish owned papers is in the field of advertising. There the power of the Jewish controlled National Newspaper Representatives is ominous. They can make or break a newspaper or magazine in a remarkably short period.


This control of the media did not come about by accident, but has been planned from the beginning as a means of controlling and brainwashing our people.


2 It is well known how the Jews control Hollywood and how the movies are used to brainwash our youth. I do not need to waste time discussing this.


3.Jews control fashions and clothing, maneuvering them so as to drain to dryness the family budget and undermine the home's saving plan.


4. Jews control the world's gold. Men like the Rothschild's, Bleichroeder, Mendelssohn, Japeth, Seligman, Lazard, Straus, Morgenthau, Schiff, etc., The Sassoon family controls the world opium trade; the Jew Lord Melchett controls nickel; the Jew Louis Dreyfus controls wheat.


In the EDMONTON ECONOMIC SERVICE BULLETIN of New York, it was shown that the 440 richest American families (non-Jewish) controlled about $25-billion. A handful of International Jews control over $500-billion, with one family, the Rothschild's estimated to control over $300-billion. (This was twenty years ago and the Jewish control has increased vastly since then.)


A few years ago, out of some 1800 executives employed at the United Nations headquarters in New York City, over 1200 were Jews; this has increased since then.


For over 2000 years, the Jewish nation has toiled to destroy the Kingship of Jesus Christ and seal the destruction of the Christian church. When they come into power, so they boast, they will destroy all concepts of Christianity from the earth.


They are urged to do this in their religious book the TALMUD. They have been our enemies ever since the Apostle Paul warned of them in 1 Thessalonians Chapter Two.


The Jew has tricked his way into the control of America. When they dominated the United Nations, using this as a launching pad for their world conquest, they knew that the only way they could conduct a bloodless revolution in America was to get our government to consent to its own destruction. So using Jewish logic, they took advantage of a clause in our Constitution, and have subverted it to United Nations Covenants.


The American Constitution contains the provision that any treaty which is ratified by the U.S. Senate becomes a part of the internal law of the land. Indeed, in effect, it becomes superior to the Constitution itself, so that rights guaranteed to Americans by the Constitution can be taken away from them by properly ratified treaties.


For a treaty to be ratified and become the law of the land, not even a -quorum of voting Senators is necessary. All that is required is that two-thirds of the Senators present in the Senate Chamber, at any given time, vote in its favour. On July 13, 1952, for example, three treaties were ratified with only two Senators present in the Senate.


Thus if the conspirators introduced a U.N. Covenant Treaty on a quiet summer afternoon, when only three members were seated in the Senate, it would require the assenting vote of only two Senators to impose upon the American people some major portion of the Jews unholy revolution. There is little doubt that this procedure would be followed to pass the Genocide Treaty, if its opponents were not alert.


If this particular treaty were to be passed, (and it now has) the Bill of Rights of our American Constitution would be supplanted by the U.N. Covenant of Human Rights. This means that our present unqualified guarantee of free speech, press, and assembly would be, according to the terms of the treaty, "subject to penalties, liabilities, and restrictions."


Another fearful aspect of this treaty would be that judges in our courts would be forced to make decisions in conformity with U.N.-dictated policies. This has already been used as the basis for one court decision, where in the Fujii Case in a California court, a state law was overruled on the grounds that it seemed to conflict with the United Nations Charter.


Thirdly, American citizens would be obliged to obey laws imposed upon them by the U.N. and they could be taken out of the U.S. to be tried in a court of the U.N. 's choosing.


Attempts have been made in Congress to pass U.N. legislation where all American gold resources would be taken over by a central monetary control. We already know how generous the U.S. can be with American taxpayer money. Under the auspices of the U.N. Relief and Rehabilitation Association, U.S. currency plates, plus supplies of Treasury Department ink and paper, have already been handed over to the Soviets, with no control over the amount of American backed money they could print. This project was the brain child of Treasury Department Jews, Harry Dexter White and Harold Glasser. It received the official blessing of the Jewish UNRRA head, Herbert Lehman.


Fourth, American soldiers would be made part of an international military pool and would be obliged to fight under U.N. leadership, against whatever enemy the U.N. were to designate. This was the case in Korea and to a lesser degree in Vietnam, under our SEATO treaty.


In the Korean War (1950-53) Major General Walden Walker, Eighth Army Commander, often complained that the enemy knew his battle plans before he did. This was because we fought this war under the spider flag of the U.N. Every order that went to Gen. Walker was first sent to the Under Secretary of Military and Security Affairs, who at this time was a Russian General. Of course the plans were immediately sent to the Communist commander in North Korea. The only successful operation of that war, the Inchon landing, so brilliantly executed by Gen. McArthur, and for which he was fired, came because he made the move without first notifying the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


If the planned directives of International Zionists were to pass the U.S. Senate, the U.N. would reserve the right, under its "full employment" program to tell American workers what jobs they could work at, the wages they were to receive, and what countries they must work in.


Under the U.N. World Health program, there would be mandatory standardized Government care for everyone suffering from "any morbid condition, whatever its cause, from birth to death." This program of socialized medicine would provide for mass inoculations, the killing of incurables, and a system for "Planned populations," which means birth control in some area, and baby-bonuses in others.


There would also be a U.N. established universal and compulsory system of education designed to safeguard and perpetuate the United Nations control.


If America were to adopt these treaties, and don't think it could never happen, since the Pharisees in our Government would love to see it happen, American citizens would become world citizens and the Jews would have triumphed in a bloodless revolution.


Recently this letter was received by a Patriotic leader in the U.S. dated January 23, 1986.




You people are so paranoid, it is obvious we can no longer permit you to exist. We cannot allow the spread of your filthy, immoral Christian beliefs to the rest of the world. Naturally, you are opposed to World Government. . unless its under your fascist grip of American Imperialism. Who are you to proclaim that the Christian-American way of life is best. It is obvious you have never been exposed to the superiority of communist culture, World government, and subsequently world peace. This cannot come to reality until American Nationalism and Imperialism is smashed.


When nationalism is smashed, I will personally be there to fire-bomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms, and take away your children and send them to Eastern Bloc schools for "reeducation" as future leaders of the newly formed Soviet Socialist Republic of America. We're taking over the world and you're not man enough to stop us. I am prepared to fight you and all other enemies of the State.


Sincerely, your enemy,

SIGNED: Gregory Paul Brookbank, 
Spokane, Washington


These people are not kidding! While our ministers shout "Peace and brotherhood with all" While they hold their joint meetings with the Jewish enemy, the International gangsters smile as they see another milestone passed in their journey towards world control.


Many years ago, Pope Pius XI, in his Encyclical Quadragessimo An-no, said: "It (Communism) is a universal satanic conspiracy, supported by powerful financial interests, skillfully prepared, directed by clever men and efficiently operated. The leaders of this universal conspiracy are the successors of the ancient Pharisees. They promote the idea of a temporary messianic kingdom."

When Calvin Coolidge was President, he was said to have written a letter to his friend, Dr. Billy Sunday, in, which he said: "I can hardly pursue an honest policy in government for Jewish pressure!" (Taken from COMMON SENSE, 12/1/66, page 2).


There has probably been no branch of the American government which has fallen under Jewish control, as much as the U.S. State Department. The DILLING BULLETIN of May-June 1965 wrote:


"Our State Department Emblem - One conversant with the Talmudic creation, the U.N., by the American Jewish Committee lords of earth, must be struck, as our national policy sets up one Communist nation after another, at the sight of the six-pointed star of Pharisaism... reproduced herein from TIME magazine 6/4/65, adorning our State Department emblem!"


It's cabalistic significance can be seen, as reproduced from the Jewish Encyclopaedia of 1905, in THE PLOT AGAINST CHRISTIANITY, by Elizabeth Dillings, Exhibit 282.


It is interesting to note that the State Department has done more to aid the advance of Communism than the Communists themselves, while trying to "hoodwink" patriotic Americans into believing they were stopping the spread of Communism. It was the American State Department which made it possible for Castro to take over Cuba virtually unopposed. It was an American President who gave his stamp of approval to Ben Bella; it was the State Department which destroyed anti-Communist Katanga and Rhodesia; it has subsidized Communist regimes around the world, using our tax dollars while proclaiming loud and long that it was anti-communist. It gave our Panama Canal to a communist dictator; it betrayed China, the Hungarian Freedom fighters, and the Nationalist government in Taiwan. The list of its treason is virtually endless. Our aid to Russia of both technology and food; our back door aid to Castro via the United Nations; our aid to the Communist nations of Africa, backed by our great conservative, President Reagan, and on and on it goes, with no one in government with the guts to go against the Jews who control it. Where will it all end?


Over twenty years ago, there were men who recognized the danger posed by the State Department to American security. An article appearing in COMMON SENSE, 1/1/1964 stated:


"The Character of the State Department - This Department is the giant which keeps growing. From a two roomed apartment, with a secretary and four aids and an operating budget of $6500.00 in 1781, the State Department had become a major operation by 1949 with 6,000 employees in the U.S. and 11,000 in foreign lands. By 1952 it had grown to 42,000 employees, 31,000 in foreign lands. It boasted 1200 buildings in 200 cities, with an annual budget of near $250-million. By 1985, it had grown to an immense giant which employed 25,642 people in the U.S."


In 1985, the American people spent an estimated $18,962,000,000 on International Affairs according to the READER'S DIGEST ALMANAC for 1986.


As early as 1946, it was estimated there were between 2,000 and 4,000 Communists or communist sympathizers working in the State Department. In April 1946, 79 members of the State Department were fired for having Communist affiliations.


In 1947, the State Department was virtually run by the Jew Felix Frankfurter, who although he was a Supreme Court Justice, was the one who gave directions to Secretary of State Dean Acheson. These were often carried by the Jew Benjamin Cohen.


At this time, the State Department was further infiltrated by the Jewish traitors Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and others.


Another Jewish traitor who dealt devastating blows to the U.S. was Walter Rostow. In 1960, Rostow and Jerome Wiesner were sent to Moscow to talk with Khruschev. It seemed unusual for President Kennedy to allow these two Jews to represent him two months before he actually took the oath of office as President. It became apparent that the Marxist Jews who maneuvered Kennedy into the Presidency were already pushing him into allowing them to take over control of the government; they could not even wait until he got into office.


Rostow was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He went into the White House with Kennedy and immediately began to give orders for foreign activity. While General Maxwell Taylor was with Rostow in South Vietnam, Taylor once told him to "shut your big mouth." Two months later, Rostow was promoted to Chairman of the State Department's Policy Planning Council. He produced lengthy documents on foreign policy which so shook Congress, that a number of Senators and Congressmen demanded that he resign; but Rostow, knowing he was backed by the Jew machine defied such Senators as Dirksen of Illinois and refused to allow Senators to even look at his foreign policy plan. He even defied the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Why these "gutless" politicians allowed him to remain in office, is anyone's guess. He was backed in his refusal to cooperate with the Senate, by Secretary of State Dean Rusk, who was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. In a 568 page book he wrote, titled UNITED STATES IN THE WORLD ARENA, Rostow virtually advocated surrender of the U.S. to the Soviet Union.


We could go into many pages of details concerning the CIA. (Central Intelligence Agency) which is the "whipping boy" of the State Department and which is used to keep recalcitrant governments, especially those who are anti-Communist under the control of the One Worlders in Washington.


The major reason Hitler was opposed by International Jewry was because he opposed Communism in Germany and over 90% of the German Jews were reported to have been Communists. When Senator McCarthy found 42 spies operating at Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey and exposed them, he found that 38 were Jews. For exposing them, he was harassed and driven out of office.


The State Department sent General George Marshall to China to force Chiang Kai-Shek into taking communists into his cabinet and when he refused, ordered shiploads of American arms, on their way tQ the Nationalists, to be dumped in the ocean.


In Korea, the State Department pressured President Syngman Rhee, who had been America's friend for years, into leaving Korea. We could go on and on with the friends of America who have been dropped, because they were anti-Communist. Today we are doing the same thing. It is our State Department who is attempting to drive South Africa into the Communist camp, just as they did in the "sell out" of Rhodesia.


We could go into detail concerning the ADA (American's for Democratic Action), which has been radically leftist from its inception and which has been working towards its one major goal of creating a world community under Zionist control. Some of our top men such as Hubert Humphrey, James Patton and Hans Morgenthau have been members of this anti-American organization.


THE TERRIBLE RACE. Wickham Steed, writing in THE HAPSBURG MONARCHY, 1913, said on p.169: "There is a Jewish question, and this terrible race means not only to master one of the grandest warrior nations in the world, but it means, and is certainly striving to enter the lists against the other great race of the North, (the Russians) the only one which had hitherto stood between it and its goal of world power. England and France, if not actually dominated by Jews, are very nearly so, while the Common Market of Europe was another scheme of the International Jews, to help establish the One-World Jewish dictatorship."


To explain the place of the Common Market in these plans for world conquest, I call your attention to an article in the 1965 issue of the LONDON PLAIN SPEAKER:


"The constant talk of a Common Market of European Union, or a "Strasburg Parliment," "the Treaty of Rome," the little known "College of Europe" in Belgium for the training of future administrators, and much else, leaves one with a sense of confusion... "Then again there is vagueness as to what Europe is geographically, and De Gaulle speaks of a Europe up to the Urals. This is rather like "America up to the Mississippi," since the Ural Mountains are in the middle of Russia.


"Furthermore, how is union to be achieved when the continent is divided between the Communists and "democratic capitalism?" Who is to give it cohesion when there are so many histories, cultures, races, and languages, so many political differences?


"Finally, what concrete and clear steps are proposed in order to achieve reality of union? To sign, as, a Treaty of Rome, is not to achieve in fact a European union. The Iron Curtain will not thereby be abolished, or all the other divisive factors.


"But we would be wrong in assuming that these policies, so insistently propagated, are the result of mere confusion and wishful thinking. They are part of a definite plan. And that plan is old and has long been a part of the overall scheme of global conquest. The plan is to complete unification in the West just as soon as the wider plan of the co-ordination of Communism and Capitalism, and their bringing together as the super-democracy of World Government, is ready for execution. Then, suddenly, all the apparent obstacles will fade away and the world will be invited to applaud the generous initiative of the two partners, the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R., to the establishment of true peace. It will be the peace of the global concentration camp of the universal lunatic asylum, in which all will be declared insane who oppose the Godless dispensation of total socialism.


"The question is: Will the ancient Christian nations of Europe tamely submit, will even those under Communism fail to use their opportunities when the changes are introduced, and will the American people allow themselves to be deceived by flattery and promises of power and profit in order to play the role of the second of the two major enslavers of mankind under the tutelage of the forces of subversion?


"A unified Europe, indeed a council of the world, is desirable. But not at the cost of the annihilation of values without which we would all become morons and slaves, any more than the union of people as a nation should be achieved by reducing every individual to the status of an ant. Only the overthrow of the tyranny of Usury-Capitalism and its (Communist-Jewish) progeny can clear the way for the establishment of a Christian peace of brotherhood and love. Power politics will seem completely inappropriate when the world is free again, after the terrible experiences of the past fifty years. Thus our great sacrifices will not be betrayed, but will be justified."


The following is from THE INTERNATIONAL JEW, by Henry Ford, Sr., Vol.1, p.193:


"The Twelfth Protocol contains the entire plan of Concord of the Press, reaching from the present time (the 1920's) and on into the future when the Pharisee World Government will be established.


"Keep in mind the boast that has been for generations that no publication that has handled the Jewish Question in a manner distasteful to the Jewish powers, has ever been allowed to live."




"We shall saddle it and keep tight rein upon it. We shall do the same also with other printed matter. ..pamphlets and books.


"Not one announcement will reach the people save under our supervision. We have attained this at the present time (1898) to the extent that all news is received through several agencies in which it is centralized from all parts of the world.


"We shall overcome our opponents without fail because they will have no organs of the press at their disposal.


FROM P.75 of the INTERNATIONAL JEW: ". . . the Jews were growing more powerful in New York, and were obsessed by the idea that to control journalism in New York meant to control thought in the whole of the country.


"The number of newspapers gradually diminished through combination of publications. Adophy Ochs, a Philadelphia Jew, acquired the NEW YORK TIMES. He soon made it into a great newspaper, but one whose bias is to serve the Jews. It is the quality of the TIMES as a newspaper that makes it so weighty as a Jewish organ.


"In this paper the Jews are persistently lauded, eulogized and defended; no such tenderness is granted to others.


"Then Hearst came into the field - a dangerous agitator because he not only agitates for the wrong things, but because he agitates the wrong class of people. He surrounded himself with a coterie of Jews, pandered to them, worked hand in glove with them, but never told the truth about them; never 'gave them away.'


"The trend towards Jewish control of the press set in strongly, and has continued that way ever since. The old names made great by great editors and American policies, slowly dimmed."


From THE CROSS AND THE FLAG, came this article on Jewish control of the Press: "The diabolical plot to get control of the channels of public information was revealed in a highly confidential letter from Pharisee Moses Montefiore, Member of the British house of Lords, and written to James Rothschild, banker, Frankfurt, Germany, before the turn of this Century, copy of which leaked the crime with these words:


"Until we (Jews) own the newspapers of the whole world, everything we do will be in vain. We must own or influence the newspapers of the entire world to blind and deceive the people . . ."


This dastardly, Pharisaic crime to capture and use newspapers, magazines, and other media of public information to deliberately lie and deceive the people of the U.S. and the world, to put up with high treason and to accept economic and political slavery, was rudely exposed in a speech by John Swinton, former Editor of the NEW YORK TRIBUNE, made before the NEW YORK PRESS ASSOCIATION. Here is what he said:


"There is not an independent newspaper in America. I know it, and you know it. There is not one of you that would dare express an honest opinion. I am paid to keep honest opinions out of the paper I am with. You are paid to do the same thing. Our business is to destroy the truth; to lie outright, to discredit, to vilify. We get our bread by selling our country. We are tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are intellectual prostitutes."


The wide latitude which ancient wisdom and free legal principles is allotted to the range of free discussion, has never been a license to tell lies; not to aid criminal conspirators who seek to use the right to destroy all liberty and free discussion. Every writer that publishes that which he knows to be false and untrue is an infamous traitor and criminal to every principle of law and justice.


When Christ spoke to the Pharisees of His day, He said: "Ye are of your father the devil." (John 8:44). The fact that He spoke the awful truth is abundantly clear to anyone who has ever studied International Judaism.


In few places is this Pharasaic satanism more apparent than in this thing which is known as Mental Health. All who are interested in the safety and freedom of America, need to read and study materials on this subject.


In the Communist textbook on PSYCHOPOLITICS, 1933, page 22: "A good and experienced psychopolitical operator, working under the most favorable circumstances, can, by the use of Psychopolitical techniques, alter the loyalties of an individual so deftly that his own companions will not suspect they have been changed.. the end goal of such a procedure would be the alteration of the loyalties of an entire nation in a short period of time..."


Page 23 - "Any man who cannot be persuaded into Communist rationale is, of course, to be regarded as somewhat less than sane, and it is, therefore completely justified to use the techniques of insanity upon the non-Communist."


Page 24 - "When the loyalty of an individual cannot be swerved, and where the opinion, weight, or effectiveness of the individual stands firmly in the road of Communist goals, it is usually best to occasion a mild neurosis in the person by any available means, and then, having carefully given him a history of mental imbalance, see to it that he disposes of himself by suicide, or by bringing about his demise in such a way as to resemble suicide."


Page 25: "Since in Capitalistic countries an insane person has no rights under law.. .we have an excellent road along which we can travel toward our certain goal and destiny."


Page 26: "In rearranging loyalties we must have command of their values. In the animal the first loyalty is to himself. This is destroyed by demonstrating errors to him, showing him that he does not remember, cannot or does not trust himself. The second loyalty is to his family unit, his parents and brothers and sisters. This is destroyed by making a family unit economically non-dependent, by lessening the value of marriage, by making an easiness of divorce, and by raising the children wherever possible by the State...


"Denying a Capitalist country easy access to courts, bringing about and supporting propaganda to destroy the home, creating juvenile delinquency, forcing upon the state all manners of practices to destroy the child will in the end create the chaos necessary to Communism.


". . . deny the child any right in society. Refuse to let him earn, by forcing him into unwanted dependence upon a grudging parent, by making certain in other channels that the parent is never in other than economic stress, the child can be driven in his teens into revolt. Delinquency will ensue.


"By making readily available drugs of various kinds, by stimulating him with sex literature and advertising to him or her practices as taught at the Sexpol (sex education in the school).. the psychopolitical operator can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness in-to which can be cast the solution which will give the teenager complete freedom everywhere - Communism...


"By these means the patriotism of the youth can be dulled to the point where they are no longer dangerous as soldiers.. If we can effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation, we will have won that country. Therefore there must be continual propaganda to undermine the loyalty of the teenager in particular.


"In case of strong leaders of the youth, a psychopolitical operator can work in many ways to use or discard this leadership. If it is to be used, the character of the boy or girl must be altered carefully into criminal channels and a control by blackmail or other means must be maintained. Where leadership is not susceptible . . . no pains must be spared to direct attention of the authorities to that person and harass him in one way or the other until he comes into the hands of our psychopolitical operator. By reason of his child advisory status, he can destroy the sanity of that person. Particularly brilliant scholars, athletes and youth group leaders must be handled in either of these ways . . ."


"The handling of youth cases by courts should be led further and further away from law and further and further into 'mental problems,' until the entire nation thinks of 'mental problems' instead of criminals."


This horribly, satanic control over the youth of a nation, is brought about through this thing called Mental Health.


If you were to believe the figures given out in the Pharisee controlled Press, you would have to believe that the greatest percentage of Americans are "nuts". The Jewish child psychologist, Paul Brandwein, in the preface to a handbook for teachers, stated: "Every child comes to school insane from the ideas which have been taught by his home and church. It is your task as a teacher, to change these ideas, so that the child can become one of the international children of the future."


Perhaps the Jew psychiatrists are partially correct, for it would seem that Americans are mentally impaired if they cannot see the danger that is posed by the conspirators Mental Health Program. if it was good for us, it would be kept under the cloak of conspiratorial silence.


If you are honest enough to check out who the directors of local mental health programs really are, you will find to your surprise, that a vast majority are Jewish psychologists and psychiatrists. Then check out the names of the "psychiatrists" in your local telephone directory. These practitioners are almost exclusively Jews, many of them so-called European refugees.


There are a few so-called Christians psychiatrists who are given high marks by the press. Watch out when this is so, for you will find that the Jew cleverly uses the phrase: "A Christian psychiatrist of eminence" to give prestige to "mental health."


We could go on with many pages more, but I believe this is enough. I believe it would be worthwhile here to mention briefly, the Jewish control over both major parties. We have not had an American government in Washington since the early 1930's when FDR sold out to the Internationalists.


The strings since that time, no matter whether Democrats or Republicans were in power, have been pulled by International aliens. Example of this control are legion, but let's look at a couple as examples.


In the Presidential election of 1960 and 1964, the platforms of both parties reflected "pure socialism". The candidates were members of the Council on Foreign Relations (one-worlders) or worse.


In 1960, we had a pathetic socialist named John Kennedy running against a CFR opportunist named Richard Nixon, who had been touted to the American people as a great conservative. The Internationalists wanted JFK in, so the election was stolen for Kennedy in Chicago, among other places. This was a key electoral state which the Jews wanted tipped in favour of JFK. Imaginary men, residents of vacant lots, and voters who had long been residents of local cemeteries, all voted for JFK.


Another tip as to Jewish control of this election was the strong support and guidance of Pharisee Abie Ribicoff who went on to become head of the Jew controlled Department of Health, Education and Welfare, after he helped manoeuvre JFK into the White House.


In 1964 we had the choice between a slick Jewish politician named Barry Goldwater, who had been also touted as a conservative and the grand larcenist Lyndon Johnson. The Jewish overlords opted for Lyndon and won this election by using their most effective weapon, the controlled press.


The last real live American we had running for president was Senator Robert Taft of Ohio and he was given the full elimination treatment by the Zionists lobby. Taft would have set the timetable of the conspirators back many years, so he was disposed of by the dirty tactics so customary of the Zionists.


Through slander, by backbiting, by innuendo, by false rumours, by slogans, such as TAFT CAN'T WIN! this grand man was defeated for the Republican nomination. As he was pushed aside, the Jews trotted out their new boy . . . Ikey Eisenhower, who was a complete Pharisee tool, a total fraud and one of the stupidest men who ever acted as Commander of America's armies and later the Presidency. He was the total friend of the Communists Jews in World War II and he continued that into the Presidency.


While 'William Randolph Hearst left a lot to be desired for as an American, he put his finger on the pulse of America when he stated in 1920: "The Democrats go down into the cellar and bring up a rotten potato. The Republicans bring up a rotten apple. There you are folks! Take your pick. They are both CFR men. No person can get elected to that high office (President) without first agreeing to do everything that the powers that be tell him to do."


For those poor disillusioned souls who may think it makes a difference whether you vote Republican or Democrat, please note that Hearst's shocking statement was made 65 years ago. The control of the press and finance by the Internationalists is infinitely greater now than it was then.


In 1964, when JFK was President, it was conservatively estimated that 3% of the population (Jews) controlled the other 97% (non-Jew). This is about the same ratio they had when they took over Russia by a bloody revolution in 1918.1 believe that with so many Americans being alarmed over what is taking place in Washington, we should be told the truth about who is behind the scenes, pulling the ropes. Our present President, again a man who has been touted as a great Christian and a great conservative, Ronald Reagan, is totally, 100% controlled by the Zionist Lobby. "By their fruits shall ye know them." No matter what lovely speeches he makes; no matter how "pro-American" "anti-communist" he may appear. Look at what he does. He pulls the wool over the eyes of many Christians by saying he is against abortion and for the family, while he supports those who are the total enemy of the Christ he claims to serve, and who are the backbone of International Communism.


On the local level, the Jew reveals his presence in many ways, both open and in the shadows. He uses all of the old tricks which have been in his repertoire for centuries - all the gimmicks, such as "brotherhood," the "persecution complex," the "philanthropic trick," etc., The Jew makes himself acceptable on the local level . . . and then with his control of money and his prostituted press, he takes over the nation and the world.


Here are some of the ways the Pharisee operates in the local community:


1. He keeps Jews in positions of trust and influence in both political parties. The top spots are not needed, all they need is men and women in positions to influence the top.

2 He makes himself acceptable by many means. Look at your local activities and see what I mean. Look at how he ingratiates himself with the 'community and the Christian people he is taught to hate.

3.He loves to give "brotherhood" awards to those who are useful to his cause. If you find any gentile who is receiving high Jewish awards, like from the B'nai B'rith and you will find a Gentile prostitute to Judaism. A good example, Dr. Jerry Falwell.

4. He creates the image of the Jew as being the champion of restraint, patriotism, middle-of -the-road pacifism. Yet he heads all the "far left" organizations and is involved in every anti-American activity imaginable. Check the leadership of the "far-left" organizations and see for yourself.

5. He has pushed to get as many "city managers" as possible into the small cities of America, making local elections meaningless.

6. He loves to talk about the Civil Defense Program and does this for three reasons:

(a) To keep Americans in constant fear; 
(b) to promote the "brinkmanship" policies of world Zionism; 
(c) to create a working force that he can twist to his own needs when desired.

Take a hard look at the leaders of your Civil Defence programs across America. You will find the Pharisees, or their "prostituted hacks" in most of these jobs.


They are ever alert into trapping the goyim into doing the dirty work for them. Look at how they use Christian children for the objective of UNICEF Halloween drive. Notice how they are in the forefront of pushing the diabolical Mental Health Program. Notice the number of "kind-hearted" Roman Catholics who work to put over the Catholic Interracial Council - a group which helps in the mongrelisation program of international Jewry.


In every community across the land, the "do-gooders," the "keep up with the Joneses," the "pseudo-intellectuals," the "social climbers," the "hypocrites," the "fairies," the "crooks," the "ward-heelers," the "opportunists," all do the dirty work for the International Jew. How they love this!


One area which has been completely subverted by the Pharisees is in that of books, especially reference books. If you don't believe this, look at a copy of the DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN SLANG. It is one of the slimiest books which has ever been written and that's saying a great deal when you have books of the calibre of the TALMUD in competition. In this modern book on "slang", the Jewish writer Flexner, follows the long established Jewish practice of associating the name of the Virgin Mary with all kinds of filth and female degeneracy and depravity.


Or consider the wonderful world of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Benton has long loaded his encyclopaedias with One World Socialism. If you don't think so, compare a 1986 edition with one written in say 1900. Or look at a series called GREAT BOOKS OF THE WESTERN WORLD which was published in 1965. The advertising for this series say they "run from Homer and the Bible through to William James and Sigmund Freud." If you want to look at a malevolent devil, try the Jewish psychiatrist Sigmund Freud on for size. He's against everything you should stand for as a Christian.


The Editor in Chief of the GREAT BOOK SERIES, was Robert Maynard Hutchins, former president of the RED UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. He was a Zionist puppet for many years. Others on the advisory staff were the Jew Mortimer Adler, the Jew Stringfellow Barr who wrote for many Communist papers, the Jew Joseph Schwab, and extreme left "pinko" Mark Van Doren. Quite a series, it is, and it does the dirty work of International Jewry in brainwashing the minds of our people.


John Dewey, the "father of progressive education," was the darling of the entire liberal Jewish community. He was an atheist and should be classed near the top of the list of those who have done the most to ruin American education and in the brainwashing of millions upon millions of American school children, who are now the voting public of 1986. Dewey did more for the cause of International One-World Judaism, than all the armies the Jews might have controlled.


If you want to see the objective of World Judaism spelled out in letters, just take time to read some UNESCO sponsored publications. These can be received by writing to the national headquarters for B'nai B'rith.


MANPOWER: For a moment, let's look at the countless millions of labourers who work mightily for Jewish objectives, without ever knowing they are even involved. Ask yourself how many American boys died in the Jewish war to "make the world safe for democracy," or the Jewish "war to end all wars?" Both were instigated for Jewish world objectives.


The Jew, while manipulating large manpower groups, does not need to be strong in manpower himself. With his total control of finances and the press, he can use only one or two men in key positions to bring about the desired reaction.


A good example is the incalculable harm done to America by a Jewish "she-wolf" named Anne Rosenburg, when she was appointed as Under Secretary of Defence during World War II. This very anti-Christian person had the white crosses removed from the graves of our men buried in Arlington Cemetery. She assisted in turning Gen. George Marshall into the arch traitor who sold Nationalist China into the hands of Mao Tse Tung's Communists. She was at least partially responsible, along with Dean Rusk, in having one of our most patriotic generals of all time, Douglas McArthur, removed from Command in Korea, when he insisted on winning that war. She did more damage to the prestige of America when she was in office, than any enemy army could have done. When she left her job in Washington, she was welcomed into the Jew movie industry of Hollywood, where she continued to manipulate brainwashed Americans. Somewhere along the line, Anne married the Jew Paul Hoffman, another top government official, a modern Republican, by the way, and one of the top world conspirators.


When the "Jew puppet" Lyndon Johnson became President, he appointed Anne to the Labour Central Investigating Committee, where she came under praise from another Zionist puppet, Hubert H. Humphrey.


Lenin one time said: "When Communism comes to a land it will be brought by non-communist hands!" How true!


Another man who did yeoman work for the Internationalists was an excuse of a President called Harry Truman. He was the one who removed McArthur from his post in Korea at Anna Rosenberg's bidding. The papers of dismissal were written by Rosenberg and other Jew agents and Truman obligingly signed them and fired the best military strategist America has had in modern times.


Another one of Truman's achievements was his manipulation of the "Immigration Laws," so that millions of Jews were allowed into the United States; many of them of communist affiliation. Many of them were part of the "six million" who had died in German concentration camps. Truman also favoured Israel on every occasion.


Then for a moment, let's look at one of the most inept individuals that ever darkened the doors of the White House, the World War II hero, General Dwight D. Eisenhower. (If you will remember, he was awarded three of his five stars overnight, jumping over many much better qualified officers, because he had ingratiated himself with FDR.)


Ike danced to the "Zionist tune" to such an extent that some semi-knowledgeable persons considered him to be a Communist, never realizing that he was dancing to the Jewish tune.


One of the most dastardly criminal acts in American military history, an act that far outshone any treacherous acts we perpetrated against the American Indian, was Ike's OPERATION KEELHAUL, in which millions of anti-Communists were turned over to the Soviets at the end of the war, where they were summarily executed or sent to slave labour camps to die from their treatment there.


Eisenhower, along with the puppet in the White House, FDR were largely responsible for stopping America's armies at the border of Germany, so the Soviet troops could come in and occupy Berlin. Ike hated the Germans, not because they had been his enemy, but because they were opposed to the Communist Jews who wanted to take over all of Europe. Our brave and valiant American soldiers were allowed to win World War II, up to a point, but when they arrived at the German borders, the Pharisees, issued orders through the mouth of the five star general and General George Patton and his armoured forces were stopped from going on to the Polish Border. If this had been allowed, all of Germany would have been free today.


Patton knew that something was drastically wrong in Washington and planned to return home to tell our people about it. Unfortunately he told of his plans, and the "Puppet masters" had him assassinated.


Ike, the "mouthpiece" of the International Jewish traitors, was rewarded after the war with the Presidency of Columbia University and eventually the White House.


To those American who lost loved one's at the Battle of the Bulge, it might be of interest for you to know that the Supreme Commander was dead drunk on the night of the most intense fighting. This according to some of his own associates.


THE JEW AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION: In a Rothschild Journal, Jan .13, 1889, is an interesting directive that was sent from the top Jewish authority in France, to local rabbis, back several hundred years ago. It is appropriate, because it became the basis of Jewish control of the medical profession, It said: ". . . Make your sons doctors and apothecaries that they may take away Christian lives."


Have they done this? Far beyond their fondest expectations! By the end of the 1960's they had full control of the medical profession. It goes without saying there were many good Christian doctors, dentists and druggists, but these were used as a shield for the Jewish takeover of medicine. The majority of these Christian medical men were in chains to the Pharisees, one way or the other.


Not only were they in full control but they furthered their control by filling all the medical schools and centres with Jewish "Medicine men." This was especially true in the field of Mental Health, as we briefly mentioned.


The AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, which was once a proud organization of some of the finest doctors in the world is now thoroughly controlled by a clique of Jewish doctors at the top, in the Central AMA office in Chicago. It was a real coup for the Internationalists, since it was moderately exclusive, moderately self-policing and generally covered the vast majority of doctors in America. All that was necessary was for the Jewish doctors to worm their way into control by using their time-tested methods.


They used the same techniques they have used in other areas such as the Parent Teacher's Association in education. Read the journals of the A.M.A. and you will see the Jewish hand everywhere.


MEDICARE was one of the areas in which the Jewish doctors showed their control. While there was some opposition to Medicare when this socialist scheme was first introduced, it was quickly and efficiently squelched by the Zionist controlled Lyndon Johnson and his "rubber stamp" Congress.


One of the major shocking victories of this conglomerate was in the FLUORIDATION OF WATER. When the Pharisees were instructed by their Grand Sanhedrin to "kill the Christians," this is exactly what was meant. So they have chosen ways which were not obvious and which would not bring discredit to them. One of these has been in the fluoridation of drinking water.

Sodium Fluoride, is a dangerous, cumulative poison, the basic ingredient of rat poison. Any chemist worthy of the name knows this. Any biologist knows that living protoplasm put into fluoridated water will die. Yet hundreds of American cities, have had their clean drinking water contaminated with "sodium fluoride," many times over the expressed disapproval of their people.


It is a huge and terrible story that you need to read about.


Often when I talk about the part the Jew has played in the destruction of Christian America.


someone reminds me of all the good the Jew has done for America, and names such as Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Salk are often mentioned, along with the renegade Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. I have observed that for every ounce of good the Jew has done for America, he has always demanded and received "his pound of flesh."


1. EINSTEIN. A Communist Jew who was run out of Europe because of his Communist political activities. He was an ardent pacifist until the Soviet-German clash; it is generally agreed that he stole his theory of "Relativity" from Max Planck. He was acclaimed by Pravda in 1948, as being one of the top ten best friends the USSR had in America. He urged witnesses before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, not to answer questions regarding their Communist affiliations. He was honorary chairman of the JEWISH BLACK BOOK COMMITTEE; a select list of non-Jews who were marked for liquidation; he made up the formula for the atomic bomb. He was an atheist.


2 OPPENHEIMER: A Jewish left-winger; married to a Communist; his brother was a Communist; according to a Congressional Committee, he deliberately stalled development of the H-bomb so the Soviets could catch up; was suspected of giving classified documents to the Soviets. Was put out to pasture at Princeton University, the egg-head incubator for Communist teachers.


3. SALK: A Jewish protégée of the Red dominated U.S. Public Health Service. He was the chief proponent in the Polio Hysteria Campaign. The USPHS with its hordes of Jewish doctors is the same agency that has pushed for the fluoridation of water. The entire polio vaccination program from its beginning has been a fraud. The initial results of his tests were kept in a secret diary and were never made known. Many of the first batches of the vaccine turned out to be polio producing.


There was a time when America was young and virile - before patriotism had been maligned by the propaganda of the one worlders - it was a matter of pride, dignity and accomplishment to be connected with the military establishment. But as America has been weakened and aged rapidly under the planned attack of our enemies, they have imposed communism on the world, by the use of the very American military men who went into service to protect their country.


Accordingly, our military has been deliberately weakened in many ways. The enemy has caused us to fight "no-win" wars which have killed the cream of our youth and crippled thousands more. They have used the services of the Pharisee puppets such as Secretary of Defence Robert "Strange" McNamara to dissipate our military might.


Today, while our President pontificates about the building up of America's forces, and while we spend countless billions of dollars on American defence. In spite of all the fine sounding phrases we hear from the media, America's Armed Forces, are a hollow-force, not ready for any direct conflict with world Zionist-Communism.


* * * * *

Are We a Democracy or a Republic?


A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. America is supposed to be a Republic, not a democracy, yet in all the thousands of words President Reagan has expounded, I have never heard him call this country anything except a democracy. Over two centuries ago, when our nation was still thirteen colonies, a Professor Alexander Fraser Tyler, writing about the decline and fall of the Athenian Republic over two thousand year before, said:


"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on the majority will always vote for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that Democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy. Always to be followed by a dictatorship." We are in that phase right now in America!


Westbrook Pegler, writing in the New York Journal American of January 25 and 26, 1951, under the title UPHOLD REPUBLIC OF U.S. AGAINST PHONY DEMOCRACY, said: "Did I say 'republic?' By God, yes, I said 'republic!' Long live the glorious republic of the United States of America. Damn Democracy!"


In another article he wrote: "Democracy is a fraudulent term used, often by ignorant persons but no less often by intellectual fakers, to describe an infamous mixture of socialism, miscegenation, graft, confiscation of property and denial of personal rights to individuals whose virtuous principles make them offensive."


The Jewish Pharisees who rejected Jesus Christ - the Cornerstone -in 33 AD - can build their "ideal Jerusalem" only on the total ruins of Christianity. This is why our people need to know that the Christian world is in total war with Judaism, no matter what the Judeo-Christians may say to the contrary. Jesus will either reign over this world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, or it will be the anti-Christ of the Jewish Pharisees. There can be no other course! There is much evidence which points to the fact that Christianity has been brought into a catastrophic decline by this Jewish conspiracy, no matter what the Falwell's and Swaggart's say to the contrary.


We have covered only a few phases of this International Conspiracy in this part of the book. There are many more which we do not have time to cover now.


In Part II, we will let the enemy speak freely for himself and let him tell you in his own words what he intends to do and how he will go about doing it. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT!


Part 2 
Let the Enemy Speak!


"Woe unto you scribes, and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more a child of hell than yourselves, " - Matthew 23:15


One instrument I will use to a great extent in this section of the book, is a document written about the turn of the century, which is considered extremely controversial. This is the nefarious PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION. This is alleged to be the secret minutes of a top-secret meeting of Jewish world leaders about the turn of the century, which laid down their blueprint for world conquest.


The Jewish world community and their apologists in the Christian world, indignantly call this a "forgery." The document was originally deposited in the British Museum, August 10, 1906. There was an attempt made in a Swiss court to declare it a forgery, but this was squashed by the Swiss Court of Criminal Appeals. To date, they have never proved to be fakes.


As I have mentioned in my book THE SATANIC COUNTERFEIT, which is about these PROTOCOLS, if these were forgeries, the forgers would probably have taken great pains to make the Jewish authorship so clear that any anti-Semite purpose would immediately be detected. But the term "Jew" is seldom found in the document and after you have read, further than the normal reader will care to go, since they are very dry and uninteresting, you will come upon the plans for the establishment of the World Autocrat. It is only then, that the lineage of the PROTOCOLS becomes clear.


However, whatever the purpose of this unusual document, there is never any doubt against whom it is aimed. It is not against the aristocrat as such. It is not against Capitalism, as such. It is aimed against one group of people and these are contemptuously called "goyim," which happens to be a Yiddish term "non-Jewish animal."


These PROTOCOLS were translated into English, from Russian, I believe, by a Mr. Victor Marsden. He had been a victim of the Russian Revolution and had lived in Russia for a number of years as a foreign correspondent for the LONDON MORNING POST. When the revolution began, he was singled out by the Communist leaders, since he had been rather outspoken in revealing their Jewish background. He was thrown into prison where he was brutally mistreated. He managed to escape and translated the PROTOCOLS, thus earning the undying hatred of International Jewry.


If they are forgeries, as the Jews claim, they prove their genuineness to a certain extent by the vehemency with which Jews attack them. For a forgery you must have an original, and the more valuable the article, the more careful the forger is to make it like the original.


But the important point is not whether they are a forgery. I will make no attempt to prove this one way or the other, and could care less if they were. The point of the matter is this, "they fit what is going on." And they follow an exact schedule that has been followed by International Jewry since 1900.


This section of the book may appear a bit disjointed, since I have made no attempt to follow any format or plot. It will consist mainly of statements made by Jews, (a few will be from their apologists.) These will be Rabbis, politicians, teachers and world Jewish leaders concerning their plans for world conquest.


As you read these, please remember what Jesus Christ taught concerning these people, when he said to their leaders: "Ye are of your father the devil," (John 8:44) and what the Apostle Paul said of them in I Thessalonians 2:15 - ". . . they please not God, and are contrary to all men."


We will begin this section by looking at some Jewish writers and see what they have to say. Of course, it will only be possible to look at a very few and then only to skim the surface of what they write.


GENTILE REACTIONS TO JEWISH IDEALS by Jacob S. Raisin, philosophical Library, New York, 1953.


P.184 - "It was neither James, the brother of Jesus, nor Peter ...nor Phillip. . .nor the others who knew Jesus in the flesh, who broke away from Jews and Judaism. They and most of their followers were all, like Jesus himself, orthodox Pharisees. They would have been the last to deny the validity of the Torah, or to disregard any of the ceremonials of Judaism." (This statement is discredited by the very teachings of Jesus against the Pharisees; and his disregard for the Pharisaical laws, when His disciples went through the fields on the Sabbath and ate wheat. Mark 2:23-28 - ED.)


Raisin says: "Had it rested with the disciples of Jesus, Christianity would have very likely have remained a Jewish sect."


He goes on to say that the split between Christianity and Judaism was brought about by Saul of Tarsus, a Jewish Pharisee Zealot. This man who became known as Paul, gave preference to the Jew, Raisin says. (Yet it was this same Paul who warned the early Christians regarding "the unruly and vain talkers and DECEIVERS, especially they of the circumcision (Jews)." Titus 1:10. Then he goes on to further warn Christians in vs 14: "Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth." - ED.)


The Editor of this book, Herman Halperin, in the preface states: "Rabbi Raisin set out to show that Judaism in its own nature and enthusiasm, was almost from its beginning a missionary religion ...there has never been a time when some non-Jews did not knock for admission." (Could this be because it is expedient for some gentiles to become Jews?) Recently, Rabbi Harvey Koelner of the Temple Aron Kodesh, Lauderdale Lakes, Florida, wrote a pamphlet titled: SANTA CLAUS, THE EASTER BUNNY AND JESUS, in which he stated:


"If you want to sincerely change your life around for the better, then here is an offer you can't refuse.


"For a limited time only, we are offering sincere Christians the opportunity to become Jewish.


"Here is what you can do. You can read books about your belief (Christian) and explore Judaism and discuss it with your Jewish friends and well educated Rabbis.


"If you decide to convert to Judaism and do not find that your income increases.. that you are able to get a better job.. .are happier and more successful in life, you can always return to the fictitious fairy tales of Christianity."


(Talk about commercialisation of religion and you have it here. There is no doubt in my mind, that a lot of Alkaseltzer type Christians will be taken in by this Jewish hoax and convert to Judaism - ED.)


Also in the Preface, Rabbi Raisin points out the interest which Christian scholars had in establishing the correct text of the Latin Bible with the help of Jews, which was great enough to make them ignore the ban against associating with Jews. (Do you suppose this could have anything to do with the reason there were so many mis-translations in the text, even that of the beloved King James Version? Who would be stupid enough to believe that a Jewish scholar who hates Jesus Christ, would make a translation that would glorify Him as Savior? - ED.)


The inconsistency of Jewish thought can be clearly seen on P.7, where Rabbi Raisin states: "The much maligned utterances of Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai in the Talmud, 'The best of the Christians kill,' could be understood when we understand the fiendish persecutions he had endured at the hands of the Romans. How prejudiced he was against gentiles in general can be seen in his statement that 'pagan proselytes are dearer to God than the Jewish saints.'


On page 18, Rabbi Raisin states: "The spirit of Judaism is revealed in the books which are excluded from the Christian Canon, but have remained popular among the Jews.. they form the link between what is now called the Old and New Testaments... All are pervaded with the spirit of universalism, all teach that to obtain the favour of God one must love his fellow man and stress sanctity of life and hold out hope of salvation to the whole human race."


(The utter falsehood of this statement, could very easily be swallowed "hook, line and sinker" by an unsuspecting Christian who had never read the Talmud. But how can we rationalize Rabbi Raisin's statements concerning Judaism, when the Jewish Talmud teaches that gentiles are "people that are like an ass - slaves who are considered the property of the master (Jews)." [KETHUBOTH, 11 la] That any non-Jew w~o studies the Talmud should be put to death, [SANHEDRIN 59a]. Could this harsh penalty against Gentiles be prescribed because Jews do not want Gentiles to know what their religious book says? - ED.)


Raisin goes into detail about how the slaves of the Jews were treated with respect, yet SOTHAR 26b, indicates that a Jewish master could allow his female slave to have public intercourse with a dog and charge admission for it. Was this what Jesus had in mind when He stated in Matthew 15:6 - ". . . thus have ye made the commandments of God of non-effect by your traditions?"


Raisin says that the Rabbis stressed the virtue of justice and honesty, yet the Talmud abounds in rabbinical dissertations about how a Jew may cheat a "goyim", (see the SANHEDRIN.) In spite of all the smooth words of this highly educated Rabbi, the Christian is nevertheless the "top hate" of Talmudic Judaism, as can be clearly seen by a little study in this religious work. The Christian is subjected to the curses of the 7th and 12th Benedictions [SHEMOUR ESREH] which the orthodox Jew recites three times each weekday and four times on the Sabbath and religious holidays. This is Talmudic brotherhood in operation.


While Raisin states that Judaism teaches that all men will be saved, the Talmud is very specific in its teaching that Christians will spend eternity under a deluge of "boiling excrement." (See SANHEDRIN 43a-45b; 67a; GIOTTIN 57a.)


Raisin quotes from Rabbi Shnerzahman, a Polish sage of the 18th Century, who said: "It is a sin to rob or steal the merest trifle from a Jew or Gentile, an adult or a minor; even when the Gentile maltreated the Jew." Yet the Talmudic teaching is: "Milk the gentiles whenever possible, as long as you don't get caught at it." (BABA MEZIA.)


The Talmudic volume ABODAH ZORAH, concentrates on Jewish treatment of the goyim.


On page 341, Raisin attempts to prove that the Gospel of Mark shows a different Jesus from that of Luke, who according to this Jewish authority "Begrudged the Jews the honor of having produced Jesus." (What honor? When the Talmud refers to our Savior as an "illegitimate bastard." - ED.)


We could fill this book with more of the Rabbi's absurd statements, but this should suffice.


* * * * *


Probably one of the most vitriolic books written in the Twentieth Century, was authored in 1941 by the Jewish writer Theodore Kaufman and published by the Argyle Press, Newark, N.J. It was titled GERMANY MUST PERISH! It shows Jewish hatred for everything German. Page 1 -"Today's war is not a war against Adolf Hitler or against the Nazis. It is a war of peoples against peoples; of civilized peoples envisioned light against uncivilized barbarians who cherish darkness.


"It is a struggle between the German nation and humanity. Hitler is no more to blame for this war than the Kaiser was for the last one. They were merely mirrors reflecting centuries old inbred lust of the German nation for conquest and mass murder. This war is being waged by the German people. It is they who are responsible."


Yet responsible historians point out that both France and England were responsible for many more wars on the European continent than Germany. Professor Quincy Wright in his book A STUDY OF WAR, [1942], offers these statistics: "Evidence from history shows that during the period 1480-1940, of 278 wars involving European states, the participants were: England 28; France 26; Spain 23; Russia 22; Austria 10; Turkey 15; Poland 11 and Sweden and Germany 9 each." (With historical figures such as these, it seems strange indeed that Christian scholars should be taken in by Jewish claims against the German people. - ED.)


KAUFMAN continues: "Since Germany forced total war upon the world. She must be prepared to pay a total penalty. GERMANY MUST PERISH!" 
(He carefully makes no mention of the Jews perpetual war against Christianity, which has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of Christians, who have perished because of Jewish bloodlust - ED.)


Page 13 - "This analogous linking of the people of Germany with savage beasts is no vulgar comparison. I feel no more personal hatred for these people than I might for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose souls can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities them." (His statement could certainly be applied to the Jewish people They have deliberately set out to destroy White Christian civilization in particular and love to brag about it, as you will see in this book. No one has ever proven that Germany set out to exterminate all Jews, as this man demanded happen to all Germans. -ED.)


Page 21 - "Germans are an execrable people. They think and dream of nothing but chicanery. Their great joy consists in finding fault, shrieking and threats. They brandish arms which are like barbed clubs; from their mouths instead of human speech, issue the rumblings of artillery, and the clash of steel." (Again, a perfect description of his own people. How would Mr. Kaufman go about describing the murder of innocent Arab women and children in Palestine? Of course, the Palestinians are always to blame for the atrocities committed - ED.)


Page 23 - "The German has decided that his race has been elected by God to order the modern world. Anyone who resists him is an arrogant usurper who ought to be crushed." (But hold on now, Mr. Kaufman, that is what your Jewish Talmud teaches. It claims that us "non-Jews" are nothing but animals. Isn't it your people who claim the favoured status of the Chosen People of God? Isn't it your leaders who have brainwashed the Christian ministers of our Judeo-Christian churches into believing that we must help you, no matter how evil you may be, or the curse of God will descend on us? That's the theology of the Falwell's, the Swaggart's and the Van Impe's. - ED.)


It is interesting to note, that most of the Germanic philosophers Kaufman quotes as rattling the sabre against other peoples were German Jews, most of them of Communist leanings. Over 100 years ago, one of these, the Jew Ludwig Feurbach stated: "Man will be finally truly free, when he realizes there is no god of man, but man himself." This idea took root in the diseased mind of a young German Jew named Karl Mordecal Marx and became the foundational belief of modern communism. But as always, the clever Pharisees of modern Judaism, cover their nefarious plans for world conquest, by blaming others for the same thing. This is a clever plot which has taken the heat off them and placed it on the shoulders of the simpletons of Christendom.


Let's say that you are engaged in an evil enterprise and someone finds out about it and tries to expose you. You defend yourself by blaming your adversary for the very crime you have committed. That puts the heat on his shoulders, while you continue with your evil ways. This is an ancient Jewish trick.


The German Jewish philosopher Nietzsche accused the German people who had given him a home and great popularity. He said of them: "Wherever Germany spreads she corrupts culture." This is another Jewish trait. But be honest and look at the names behind the efforts to destroy the beauty in art and music; most of them are Jews.


Kaufman said: "Every great crime against culture committed during the last 400 years lies on the German conscience . . .German intellect is bad air, a psychological uncleanness . . . the German soul is small and base." (This came from a German Jew who was noted for his intellectually filthy mouth - ED.)


Page 83 - "Because she made no effort thousands of years ago, to become civilized, as did her neighbours, Germany is an outsider among civilized nations." (This is an obvious outright falsehood. Germany was the first and greatest of the civilized nations in Northern Europe. She was civilized long before Kaufman's heathen ancestors left the steppes of Khazaria.)


Page 92 - "There remains now but to determine the best way in which the ultimate penalty can be levied on the German nation.. .it is to prevent the people of Germany from producing their kind. This modern method is known to science as Eugenic sterilization. It has become a byword of science, as the best means of ridding the human race of its misfits . . ."


(Here we might stop to realize that International Judaism, as early as 1900, had declared war on Germany. Although the Jews had been given preferential treatment there and had become powerful and wealthy, yet they sought its destruction. The question we might ask is "Why?" It was because in order for their International conspiracy to rule the world to become successful, they had to destroy two great Christian nations, on the European continent it was Germany, in the New World it was Canada and the United States. These have been their goals ever since -ED.)


THE JEWISH UTOPIA, by Professor H. Higger, 1932, Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, MD.


He said: "A Jewish utopia starts with the world as the basis of a new social order.. Having laid the foundation of this new, ideal order (communism), the Jewish idealists proceed with the rest of their plan, and complete the super-structure of their utopia."


To show you what this Utopia really is let me quote from an article that appeared in THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, April 4, 1918 -". . . there is much in the fact of bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of bolshevism are consonant (in agreement) with the finest ideals of Judaism." This ties in with what Rabbi Stephen Wise, one of the top Jews in the U.S. said in 1921. When he was asked to give his impression of communism, he said: "Some call it communism; I call it Judaism."


The principles of Communism and those of Judaism are the same. Their goals are totalitarian, one-world dictatorship.


Goldwin Smith, a Jewish professor of Modern History at Oxford University, England, stated in October 1881: "We Jews) regard our race as superior to humanity and look forward not to its union with other races, but to its triumph over them."


Page 29 - "How will this ideal civilization take root?.. the answer is one nation (Israel) will have to establish its life on a utopian foundation, thereby leading the way for the rest of the world to follow. It will be a model state, comprised of righteous individuals..."


(How the nation of the Israeli would fit into this definition is beyond me. They are unable to survive without the benevolent hand of America; they have had for their leaders, known murderers and terrorists; they are the most intolerant nation in the Middle East, they certainly are no utopia. - ED.)


"Israel is the only nation fitted for that purpose," he said. (I wonder if he would change his statement now, after seeing what has happened in Palestine. Now if he had made this statement regarding "true Israel," I would have agreed with him, since this is what the Old Testament prophets taught. But if he meant the bastard state of the Israeli, the illegitimate child of world Zionism, then he is terribly wrong! When "true Israel," takes her rightful place in the world and Israelites learn who they are and their responsibility before God, then and only then will the "lion lay down with the lamb," and men beat their "swords into plough shares."


When this happens,and it will, the prophecy of Isaiah 60 will come to pass, Vs 11 - "Thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day or night; that men may bring thee the forces (wealth) of the gentiles (nations)..." VS 18 - "Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within they borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise." VS 21 - "Thy people also shall be all righteous, they shall inherit the land forever.;." - ED.)


Page 41 "Israel (Jews), the ideal, righteous people will thus become spiritually the masters of the world, and will spread their moral and spiritual influence from one end of the earth to the other." (This is a completely different teaching from that shown in the Talmud, where every Jew will have 2,000 "goyim" slaves - ED.)


These are the thoughts of an orthodox Jew; one who is steeped in the Talmudic teachings of Judaism.


* * * * *


THE JEWISH QUESTION, by Abram Leon, 1950, Pathfinder Press, New York City, N.Y.


Abrams was a Zionist Jew, born in Warsaw, Poland, 1918. He was said to have died in the German Prison camp at Auschwitz in 1944. He was a dedicated Marxist.


Page 66 - "Karl Marx said: 'We will not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but in the real Jew." (From ON THE JEWISH QUESTION, Select Essays by Karl Marx, 1926, p.88.)


"Judaism has survived not in spite of history, but by virtue of history."


(This of course is in direct contradiction to the teachings of fundamental and evangelical Christianity, which insist that the Jews have. survived because they were the "apple of God's eye," and He has protected them - ED.)


Leon says, page 67 - "The struggles between Judaism and Christianity, under their respective religious guises, were in reality social struggles..." (The materialistic idea of Judaism can be found in statements by their leaders. In the Talmud, BABA MEZIA 42a, Rabbi Eleazar said: "The righteous Jews love their money more than they do their bodies." -ED.)


Aristotle, in his POLITICS, Vol 1, page 19 said: "The most hated sort of money making, and with the greatest reason, is usury, which makes a gain out of money itself, and not from the natural use of it. Money was intended to be used in exchange, but not to increase at interest. ..of all modes of making money, usury is the most unnatural."


Page 83 - "In certain cities, principally in Germany and Italy, the Jews became primarily loan makers to the popular masses, the peasants and the artisans. In this role as usurers, exploiting the people, they were often the victims of bloody uprisings." (This was not at all surprising, when you realize that they charged as much as 180% interest - ED.)


Page 112 - "The Jews enjoyed a privileged position in the Roman Empire."


Page 166 - "It was the Jews who first permitted kings to maintain costly armies of mercenaries which began to take the place of the undisciplined hordes of the nobility.. In Spain, it was in large the part of Jewish finance that allowed the king to defeat the Arabs." (Jews from the very early time, used their money for others to make war and they became enormously wealthy doing it, often, as was in the case of the Civil War, World Wars I and II, supporting both sides. In 1918, Count Mensdorf, the Jewish Austrian Ambassador to London said: "Israel won the war (WWI), we made it, thrived on it, profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity."


In 1923, the great Christian industrialist, Henry Ford, Sr., said: "If you want to stop wars, get hold of fifty of the wealthiest Jewish financiers who are interested in making wars for profits. Control them, and you could stop all wars."


From Jewish author, Schipper, JEWISH HISTORY, Vol II, P. 77-81, we learn that in 1085 the interest rates of the Jewish usurers in Prague were from 108% to 180%. All Polish trade was in the hands of the Jews and a huge amount of land in Central Europe had gone into Jewish hands when the debtors were unable to pay the exorbitant interest rates. (This is what is happening in 1986, with our farms and small businesses. Check and see who is buying them up at a few cents on the dollar - ED.)


A soldier, the Frenchman Puybusque, in his LETTERS SUR LA GUERRE IN RUSSIA, (Paris 1818) wrote: "The Jews sell to all the peasants on credit and exact heavy interest. They intervene in all business.


* * * * *


THE JEWISH CONTRIBUTION TO CIVILIZATION, by Cecil Roth, Harper and Bros., New York, 1940.


Jewish arrogance sprouts forth in the Foreword of this book: "To anyone capable of harbouring anti-Semitism - a group prejudice of human beings - this book is probably TOO INTELLIGENT to make an effective appeal. Such vulgar and barbaric race prejudice is not only without rootage in anthropology (study of racial characteristics), without support in the social sciences, and incredible to normal men and women; it is, from the standpoint of morals, one of the debasing of human attitudes." (So according to this Jewish expert, if you don't like Jews for any reason, you are a dumb, immoral individual who should not associate with decent people - ED.)


(But what actually is prejudice? According to the dictionary it is "an unfavourable opinion or feeling formed before and without knowledge, thought, or reason." This is one reason we are studying the Jewish Question, so you will understand why White Christians have an instinctive dislike of the Jews and distrust their motives.)


I have heard Identity people say: "Well, I dislike them because they are Jews and that's enough for me!" But it shouldn't be, because when you do that you are showing "prejudice." If, however, you study the situation and see what Jews and Judaism stand for and what they are attempting to do to you as a Christian, then you have adequate reason for mistrusting them. Let's do it on an intelligent basis.


(Before we dislike and take a stand against anyone, we as Christians MUST have adequate Scriptural reasons, backed by history and contemporary Jewish actions. In this book, I am allowing the Jews to tell you in their own words what they are up to. Then make up your own minds -ED.)


This Jewish book was introduced to the Christian world by th~ renowned Protestant pastor Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, a prominent member of the "left wing" National Council of Churches. He says: "Here is a story told by a Jew without malice, which lays on the Christian conscience a burden of guilt and responsibility." (We shall see -ED.)


In the Preface, xi, we read: "It is impossible to escape the conclusion that the much discussed racial differentiation between Jews and their neighbours, especially in those countries such as Germany.. is largely artificial. The amount of Jewish blood traceable among non-Jews is surprisingly great, even if we go back only one century. Vise versa, few Jews do not have a tincture of non-Jewish blood in their veins. My use of the term 'Jew' denotes a person whose immediate ancestors professed the Jewish religion."


Page 5 - "Through Jesus and Paul, the Hebraic teaching, in a modified form, yet basically identical, passed to Europe and is now cherished by 650-million Christians. In Arabia it is now the creed of 200-million Moslems."


(Let's analyse this basically false statement. It is aimed at confusing an already confused Christian. The Judaism practiced by the Pharisees of Jesus time, and so strongly condemned by Him, was not the religion of the Old Testament Israelites. This can be seen in Jesus' own words, when He confronted the Pharisee leaders in John 5:46, after they had bragged about being followers of Moses. He said: "for had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me."


Judaism as we know it today, was not the religion of the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets, any more than the Judeo-Christianity being practiced in most of our churches today, was the religion of the apostolic church. Judaism does not follow the teachings of Moses, no matter how much the Rabbis try and prove this fact. Judaism follows the teachings of a corrupted book called the Babylonian Talmud, in which the Rabbis seek ways to get around the basic teachings of Moses. This is why Jesus accused the Pharisees of "transgressing the commandments of God with their traditions," Matthew 15:3.


According to modern Jewish religious authorities, the Talmud is the "heart blood of Judaism." Remember this, when you see a Jewish authority try and "tie in" their religion with that of the Old Testament Israelites.


Page 7 - "Out of the same seed which gave birth to the conception of the Chosen People, there developed ultimately in the Hebrew prophets and in the Talmud, the idea of the brotherhood of all peoples." (The Talmud itself gives the lie to this statement as we have seen. To the Christian who has never made an effort to read the Talmud, and very few, even including Christian scholars ever have, Roth's words sound wonderful, but a little prayerful study will show how satanic they are, even when endorsed by a Christian leader - ED.)


Page 9 - "The Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount are paralleled in the Talmud, verse for verse and phrase for phrase.. .The Golden Rule was a paraphrase of the recommendation of Rabbi Hillel, who died when Christ was about nine years old. Hillel taught: 'What is distasteful to thee, do not do to thy neighbour "(The hypocrisy of this statement can be seen easily enough, when one realizes that the Talmud teaches that a "non-Jew" is not considered to be a neighbour to a Jew. -ED)


Page 23 - "The aliens today are not the Jews, the only representative perhaps in the Rhineland of its inhabitants of sixteen centuries ago. The Jews had settled in Western Europe before many of its typical inhabitants had emerged from Asia." this statement would have been true, if he had used the term "Israelite" instead of "Jew." For the Israelites were on their Westward trek, before the time of Christ - ED.)


Page 29 - "As the Middle Ages advanced, the church (Roman Catholic) had begun to set its face sternly against lending money at interest, on the grounds that it was prohibited by the Old Testament (Deut. 23:19)...This prohibition was impractical (from the Jewish standpoint), for in a money-economy, any man may be reduced to monetary necessity, and thus have urgent need of a loan to carry on his business . . . (There is no argument here. There is no Biblical restriction against loaning money, as long as it does not collect "interest," (usury), this is forbidden. Roth indicates that the Jews were forced into what he calls "the most un-honoured" profession, because they were excluded from other methods of gainful employment. Here he gets the "cart before the horse." All Reformation history proves that it was the Jewish use of "usury", sometimes charging as much as 180%, that drove the Jews out of other professions. If you will take the time to study all Jewish expulsions from European countries, you will find that all of them followed Jewish use of crooked business practices and the immorality taught in the Talmud - ED.)


Page 181 - "The theology of Christian theism was built up, after the completion of both the Old and New Testaments, with the help of Jewish thinkers." (This is one of the major reasons Christianity has been degraded into Judeo-Christianity. Today the Jew brags about how he teaches in most church seminaries and how they write or aid in writing, most of the Sunday School literature used in our Christian churches. Jesus once said: "If therefore the light that be in thee be darkness (untruth); how great is that darkness," [Matthew 6:23] - ED.)


Page 270- "It is true that Jewish bankers operated for their own advantage. Yet their services for the economic development of Europe and the world were incontestable: It was not so much that they provided capital, as they made it mobile."

(You will notice that Roth is very careful not to mention that in doing this, International Jewry took political and economic control over every major country in Europe and since the end of World War II, they have done the same with the United States and Canada - ED.)


Page 275 - "It is generally stated that the Letter of Credit was a Jewish invention. This theory is not unlikely." (Towards the close of the 1600's, a Jew named Jacob Henriques was instrumental in establishing the Bank of England. In 1816 a Jew established the Austrian National Bank, and in 1870, Ludwig Bamberger established the German Reichsbank.


Then in 1913, the Jew Paul Warberg, successfully carried through the reorganization of the American Banking System. Together with Senator Aldrich, they consolidated the currency and finances of the United States under the complete control of the Federal Reserve System, a system made up of ten Jew controlled banks, which was in direct conflict with the United States Constitution. Our economy has been on the "downhill grade" ever since - ED.)


Page 283 - "There is no instance of the House of Rothschild ever encouraging or financing a war, but there are several instances of the reverse." (This is about as blatant a lie, as could be uttered. The International Bankers have been at the bottom of every war fought by the United States, beginning with the Civil War. They have gotten rich by selling war materials to both sides, and the only one who has won any of these wars, has been International Zionism - ED.)


Page 321 - "The persons responsible for the translation of Marx's theories into the amalgam which is associated with the term Bolshevism, were mainly Russians. In 1918, the Lenin government issued a manifesto violently attacking the Jewish workers for their anti-Bolshevik attitudes." (If this statement is true, then why did such famous AMERICAN Jews as Rabbi Stephen Wise of New York say: "Some call it communism; I call it Judaism." Why did the JEWISH CHRONICLE of April 4, 1919 openly boast: "...there is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism are consonant (In agreement) with the ideals of Judaism..." No, Mr. Roth, you may be trying to "Pull the wool over the eyes" of stupid goyim cattle, but we are not all going to be fooled.


There is no question that the Jew has given much to Western civilization, while under the cloak of their philanthropy they have worked for the destruction of our White Christian civilization. We are indebted to them for the "bomb,"; for the immorality of a Sigmund Freud which has taken over in the field of psychiatry and psychology; in the "jungle beat" of modern music, which has destroyed the beauty in music; in the fields of modern art; in the immorality of the movies and TV, in prostitution, drugs, liquor, abortion and many, many other destructive practices. Yes, the Christian world has much to hold the Jews responsible for and much of it is destructive - ED.)


* * * * *

YOU GENTILES by Maurice Samuels:


Page 9 - "If I have long pondered this question of Jew and gentile it is because I suspected from the first dawning of Jewish self-consciousness, that Jew and gentile are two worlds, that between you gentiles and us Jews there lies an unbridgeable gulf."

Page 10 - "Wherever the Jew is found he is a problem, a source of unhappiness to himself and those around him."


Page 12 - "We Jews stand apart from you gentiles."


Page 23 - "I do not believe the primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconcilable. You and we may come to an understanding, never a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact."


(There are some unthinking Christians who make the stupid statement that the only difference between Jews and Christians is that Christians believe that the Messiah (Jesus) has already come, while the Jews are still looking for Him. The Jews know this is a false belief! - ED.)


Page 30 - "It is absurd to assert that the sole difference between you and us is that you believe the Messiah is already come; or that you believe (even in theory) in the doctrine of forgiveness, while we believe in retaliation . . . The difference between us is abysmal: it is not disagreement about a historic fact or about a commandment which neither of us observes . . .The primal difference is . . . Life is one thing to you and another to us."


Page 34 - "In your system of life we are essentially without honour In our system of life, you are essentially without 'morality.' In our system you appear Godless." (I'd suggest you read the Talmud and see what Jewish morality is all about - ED.)


Page 55 - "You have just slain over 100,000 men.. yet when it is over do you run to your churches, terrified lest the murder you have committed might have been avoided? . . . You hate war? Nonsense! You enjoy it!"


(Now this seems like a mighty hypocritical remark for a Jew to make, when he knows that these wars have all been the work of the International Jewish bankers, who have gotten fat off the blood of slain Christians. How can anyone, Jew or Gentile alike, look at the Jewish atrocities in Lebanon and make a statement such as this? - ED.)


Page 72 - "A Jew is a Jew in everything, not merely in prayers and in synagogue . . . A Jew who does not follow rules and regulations of the synagogue, who even denies all dogma, is not a non-Jew; he is a bad Jew.. Our Jewishness is not a creed - it is ourselves, out totality."


Page 74 - "It might be said of ourselves. 'We and God grew up together.'


Page 75 - "In the heart of any pious Jew, God is a Jew. Is your God an Englishman or an American?"


Page 88 - "Freedom at large was not and is not a Jewish ideal. Service, love, consecration, these are ideals with us. Freedom means nothing to us..." (Do you really wonder why so many Jews are Communists with this kind of an ideology? - ED.)


P.96 - "No single attribute or virtue shows our mutual enmity more clearly than that of loyalty. Among all attributes contributing to your morality, loyalty is one of the most vehemently cherished . . . To a Jew, naked loyalty is an incomprehensible, bewildering thing."


P. 103 - "In our Jewish life loyalty is unknown. There is no equivalent of it among our attributes. We understand love, but we do not understand loyalty." (Maybe this is why so many Jews who have pledged their allegiance to the United States and who have taken an oath of loyalty to this country, have betrayed America to the enemy - ED.)


P.108 - "You gentiles are disciplined; we Jews are not . . . We lack social grace . . . In college, in the streets, in clubs, in the army, we betray ourselves."


(I can say this statement is true from personal observation, both in the army and in the colleges of America. During the Vietnam War years, I was working the college circuit as a lecturer. I was verbally assaulted many times, and was physically assaulted once. Every time, the leaders were young Jews from wealthy families. These young people did not know the meaning of common courtesy and the young Jewesses were especially filthy in their talk. Read novels by Jewish writers and you will see that many of them cannot tell a story without using many "four letter" words. They are the rudest people in the world. No wonder the Apostle Paul said of them (I Thess. 2:15) "...they please not God and are CONTRARY to all men." - ED.)


P. 119 - "In our religious ideology the selfish salvation of the individual soul is a very minor theme." (Jesus said: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.")


P.129 - "We are a disturbing influence in your life not through our fault. First: We are not in your midst by our own will, but through your action." (Any intelligent person can see the falsehood of this statement. For decades, there has been intense pressure brought to bear on the American government to allow Jews to migrate to the U.S. The Khazar Jews (Ashkenazi) have come by the millions as the immigration bars have been lowered through Jewish lobby action. They did not go to Palestine, but to the U.S. This is their Promised Land - ED.)


"We do not attack you deliberately. We are unwelcome to you because of what we are.. Our attack on you is only incidental to the expression of our way of life." (Again, this is an observable lie. The Jewish leadership in America; the Talmud; the Anti-Defamation League and many other Jewish sources has been engaged in a deliberate campaign to destroy White Christian civilization - the evidence is all about you, if you are willing to open your eyes and look for it - ED.)


P. 130 - "From the dawn of civilization you (gentiles) have lied about us.. .you accuse us of precipitating wars; and you accuse us today of fermenting a world-wide conspiracy to seize the government of the world." (Check the facts! See who it was that benefited from World Wars I and II. It was not the Christian nations which fought them. See who made the profit. Then listen as International Jewry brags: "We are at the bottom of nearly all your wars: not just the Russian but of every major revolution in your history... We did it solely with the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas and propaganda." (From the Jewish writer, Marcus Eli Ravage, writing in CENTURY MAGAZINE, Jan. 1928 - ED).


P. 137 - "Repudiation of the Jewish religion or even of Jewish racial affiliations does not alter the Jew." (Does this explain perhaps why they are never to be trusted? - ED.)


(translated into English about 1898 and deposited in the British Museum, August 10, 1906.)


This fascinating book, which claims to be the minutes of a top secret Jewish meeting held in 1898 to discuss plans for world takeover, is one of the most controversial that has ever been printed. When it first came on the market, about 1906, world Jewry began an intense effort to have it declared a forgery. An original court test in a Swiss Court found in the Zionists favour, but this was overturned by a Swiss Court of Criminal Appeals.


In spite of this, world Jewry and their Christian stooges, claim that this document was written by a Czarist for the expressed purpose of embarrassing world Jewry. I will not attempt to counter this claim in any way. However, I would ask you as an intelligent person to do two things. First read them (I will only cover a few of the more important ones in this book); second, ask yourself this question: Are the things predicted over 90 years ago taking place in the world today?" This is the criteria of whether this book is true or not. Christians will find it shocking. The word Jew is seldom used, but the implications are quite clear as to whom tile conspirators are. If it does not refer to World Zionism, why has World Zionism spent millions of dollars to suppress it?


The plan discussed in the PROTOCOLS is not against the Capitalist, or the aristocrat, as such. It is aimed at a people the Jews call "Gentiles," and especially at those who are known as Christian. The term "goy" or "goyim" is applied to them. In the Talmud, the "goy" is rated on the same level as "cattle."


In order to successfully combat an enemy bent on our destruction, we must understand how he thinks and what he thinks. You must be able to recognize him as an enemy and know something about the methods he uses. The methods described in the PROTOCOLS, are the methods of World Jewry, no matter how many denials are spouted by Christian leaders. Jesus knew more about the evil capability of these people than any other. He knew their record for evil because it was one of the major themes of the Old Testament. Jesus said to their leaders, about 33 A.D. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites.. .Ye say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them of the blood of the prophets. Wherefore, ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets; fill ye up the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell. Wherefore behold I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes, and some of them ye shall kill and crucify, and some of them ye shall scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city. THAT UPON YOU MAY COME ALL THE RIGHTEOUS BLOOD SHED UPON THE EARTH . . ." (Matt. 23:29-35 - Emphasis mine.)


PROTOCOL II - "It is indispensable for our purposes that wars, as far as possible will be fought on the economic ground, where nations will not fail to perceive in the assistance we give, the strength of our predominance, and this state of things will put both sides at our mercy."


Very few Americans realize that slavery in America was a Jewish institution and that 90% of the slave traders were Northern Jews. Few Americans know that the International Jewish Bankers kept the Civil War alive, two years longer than was necessary and that they funded both the North and the South.


There are a few Americans who know that World War I was fought at the instigation of International Zionism, who reaped all the rewards, besides becoming enormously rich off the proceeds of the war by supplying both sides. The same was true of WWII, where the war factories of Hitler were owned and funded by International Jewry.


With this as "hindsight", let's use a little investigation and go back to 1868, when a prominent European Jewish Rabbi named Reichorn, speak-- -mg at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Ihuda, 75 years before the Great Wars, said: "Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and this is good for the Jews. WARS ARE THE JEWS HARVESTS! The Jews grow fat on Christian wars! Nearly 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth through wars, and the end is not yet!"


Going deeper into this protocol, you can learn how world rulers condition the "goyim cattle" to accept what the "master strategists" do, without realizing how they are being used.


PROTOCOL III - "The Constitutional scales of these days will shortly break down, for we have established them with a certain lack of accurate balance in order that they may oscillate incessantly until they wear through the pivot on which they turn. The goyim are under the impression that they have welded them sufficiently strong and they have all along expected them to remain in equilibrium."


How many times have you heard someone say: "All we need to do is return to following the Constitution; then everything will be alright." But whenever some of the few brave souls in Congress makes a move in that direction, all hell breaks loose. Why? This Protocol goes on to say: "But the pivots - (the kings and presidents) - are hemmed in by their representatives, who play the fool, distraught by their own uncontrolled and irresponsible power. We have made a gulf between the far-seeing Sovereign Power and the blind face of the people, so that both have lost their meaning, for like a blind man with his stick, they are powerless apart."


Yet when someone tries to pass on a warning to Americans, especially Christians, about the evil designs of International Judaism, they immediately being to scream "Chosen People," and hide behind their favorite Bible verse: "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee," never realizing that this promise was not made to a Jew.


But the Jewish leaders know, so let another Jew tell you in his own words. This is the noted author Dr. Oscar Levy, writing in the Preface to his book THE WORLD SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, he says: ". . . we Jews have been nothing else but its (the worlds) seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners. We who promised to lead the world into heaven, have only succeeded in leading you into a new hell . . . It is our (Jewish) immorality which has prohibited us from all real progress and even worse, which stands in the way of all future and natural reconstruction in this ruined world of ours. I look at this world and I shudder at its ghastliness: I shudder even more as I know the spiritual authors of this ghastliness."


He goes on to say: "We Jews, we the destroyers will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you can do will ever meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own."


Samuel Roth, a Jew we have discussed earlier, says on P.190 of his book JEWS MUST LIVE: "One thing is quite certain: a Jew is never baptized for the purpose of becoming a Christian; his purpose is to become a gentile. Yet obviously you cannot make a gentile out of a Jew by baptizing him, any more than you would make an Aryan of a Negro by painting him with ochre."


But back to the PROTOCOLS.


The average American has become so blinded to the truth through the Jewish propaganda that has been put out through the government, the media, and the church, that they cannot, or will not look at the truth.


These men, traitors all to the American concept, work for the welfare of International Zionism, rather than of the American State. They are known as "dual loyalists," with their first loyalty to the State of the Israeli. The International Jews have so insinuated themselves into our government by way of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Tri-Lateral Commission, that we have an alien government ruling our country.


This same Protocol goes on to say: "In order to incite seekers after power to misuse of power, we have set all forces in opposition one to another. . . of the States, we have made gladiatorial arenas, where a host of confused issues contend . . . a little more and disorders and bankruptcies will be universal." Pick up most any daily newspaper and it is filled with accounts of crooked dealing by some politician. Then note how politicians will spend $2 or $3-million to get elected to a job that pays maybe $80,000 per year and ask yourself. WHY?


PROTOCOL IV - "Since society might be governed under the disposition of God on earth, it is indispensable for us to undermine All faith, to tear out of the minds of the goyim the very principle of the Godhead, and the Spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs."


For an explanation of this, let us go to page 19 of the Communist textbook on Psycho-politics. It says: "There are those who in less enlightened times, gave man to believe that goals should be personally sought and held, and that, indeed, man's entire impulse towards higher things stemmed from freedom. We must remember that the same people who embraced this philosophy also continued in man the myth of spiritual existence."


Germany, after World War I had ended, a curious document was discovered in a Communist cell in Dusseldorf, Germany. It was titled RULES FOR BRINGING ABOUT A REVOLUTION. Rule 2 said: "Get the youth away from God, get them interested in sex and liquor, destroy their ruggedness." This has been accomplished to a great extent under the Jewish guidance of American education. This is why American education for a number of years, has been the bitter foe of true Christianity. Again, going to PSYCHO-POLITICS, Page 43: "As it seems in foreign nations that the church is the most ennobling influence, each and every branch and activity of each and every church MUST one way or the other, be discredited. Religion MUST become unfashionable by demonstrating broadly, through psycho-political indoctrination, that the soul of man is non-existent and that man is an animal." If you can not see how this has been done in modern education, it is because you have deliberately closed your mind to what is being taught in our modern schools.


You see, my Christian friend, what most of us have never been told, is that the worst enemies of God, masquerading as His Chosen People, have "palmed themselves off on us," when in reality they are our bitter enemies.


PROTOCOL V - "We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community." This has been going on since the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal, which was a Jewish Brainchild. The record is too clear, if you want too look at it, to waste time in argument. The Federal Government in the past fifty years, always under alien control, no matter whether Republicans or Democrats were in the driver's seat, has become a Frankensteinian monster, which has gradually taken away


PROTOCOL V - "We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community." This has been going on since the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his New Deal, which was a Jewish Brainchild. The record is too clear, if you want too look at it, to waste time in argument. The Federal Government in the past fifty years, always under alien control, no matter whether Republicans or Democrats were in the driver's seat, has become a Frankensteinian monster, which has gradually taken away the power of the State and given it to the Federal Government, often in direct contradiction to the Constitution. There is no better example than in the 13th Amendment, which has given the power to coin money into the hands of the Internationalist gangsters.


PROTOCOLS VI - "We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal riches, upon which the large fortunes of the goyim will depend to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of the States on the day of the political smash." You can see how this has taken place when it has been to the benefit of the conspirators. This same Protocol says: "It is essential for us at whatever cost to deprive them (goyim) of their land. This object will be best attained by increasing the burdens upon landed property - in loading the land with debts." Look at the bankruptcy rate among our farmers and small businessmen; then see who is picking up this property at a few cents on the dollar. As always, the Jewish vultures are there to get fat on the carcass of their gentile victims. They caused the problem in the first place, to drive our people into bankruptcy, now they are feeding off us. Still our Government, sends $3 or $4-billion in aid to the "bastard State of the Israeli," while our farmers and small businessmen go "down the tube." Don't you think it's time to call a halt to this treason?


PROTOCOL VII - "The intensification of armaments and the increase of police forces - are essential for the completion of our plans." Take a few minutes and see what has been spent on American armaments since the end of WWII. Ask yourself what this could have done if it had gone for the betterment of mankind? Then see who got most of this money? The very ones who are trying to destroy us.


PROTOCOL VIII - It is amazing to me, to see how these Protocols, fake or not, written over 90 years ago, fit into the structure of American society in 1986. This Protocol says: "In order to annihilate the instructions of the goyim before its time, we have touched them with craft and have taken hold of the ends of the springs which move their mechanisms. These springs lay in a strict, but just sense of order; we have replaced them with the chaotic license of liberalism. We got our hands into the administration of the law; into the conduct of elections; into the press; into the liberty of the person, but principally into education and training, as being the cornerstones of free existence."


Anglo-Saxon people have always been noted for their sense of order and justice. But the sense of this justice has been dampened, and in many places destroyed, by the Jewish influence in law. look at the preponderance of Jewish judges and lawyers; look at the control exerted on the U.S. Justice Department by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League. You can scarcely read an article in the newspapers, which deals with the "Right Wing Movement," where there is not some quotation from a "guru" of the ADL.


We know elections are controlled by Jewish money and influence. There have been politicians who have stood up against them and they have been "run out of office" by Jewish pressure, often coming through the brainwashed members of the Christian church. We have seen brilliant and courageous Senators like Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, as he stood firm against Zionists pressures. Then suddenly one day, it became too intense, and he too joined the Zionist club." What a pity! "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land: but I found none," (Ezekiel 22:30.)


Fifty-five years ago, on February 11, 1931, Meyer Lansky (real name Suchoijinsky) a Jew, created "Murder, Inc.," with the help of his Jewish associates such as "Bugsy" Siegal, Arnold Rothstein, Aaron Israel, "Ice Pick" Willie Alderman, "Tic Toe" Tannenbaum, and "Tootsie" Feinstein. Now Lansky heads the multi-billion dollar narcotics, gambling and prostitution rackets game. Occasionally when a Grand Jury gets a bit too nosy, Lansky will hide out in Israeli for a few months until the heat dies down. Why is it that the Federal Government makes so little headway in stopping the drug traffic? Oh, I know about the drug hauls they make time to time, but how often have you heard of someone really high up, who has been brought to justice? It just don't happen, because the Feds are afraid of the power of the International Jews who control America's crime.


It might be well to stop here for a few words and do some "sermonizing." "We either trust God above all - or we succumb to the 'fear of man.' " This fear of man is idolatry. God Himself gives us the counter-weapons in the battle of "pulling down the strongholds of the enemy." 2 Corinthians 10:3, 4, tells us that: "Though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh; for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (Physical), but mighty through God, for the pulling down of strongholds." Until such a time as we learn this lesson, all our attempts at physical warfare will go for nothing and will end in ignominious defeat and disaster.


PROTOCOL X - Is the famous "one man, one vote" preachment of the liberals. They got it from the Zionists, it says: ". . . we must have everybody vote without distinction of classes and qualifications, in order to establish an absolute majority . . . in this way, we will destroy the goyim." This is why we see Jewish legislators, in the forefront of liberalized immigration laws. In the early 1900's, when hordes of liberal Khazar Jews flocked into this country from Russia in particular, they voted for the liberal Democratic ticket. In this way, socialist ideas, which they promulgated, were foisted off on the unsuspecting American people.


Remember now, I am only giving you parts of each Protocol. There are many others. (For a more in-depth discussion of the PROTOCOLS, see my book THE SATANIC COUNTERFEIT.)


PROTOCOL XII - "What is the part played by the Press today? It serves to excite and inflame passions which are needed for our purpose it is often vapid (uninteresting); unjust; mendacious (given to lying); and the majority of the public have not the slightest idea what ends the Press really serves. We shall saddle it and bridle it with a tight curb; we shall do the same with the productions of the printing press... I beg you to note that among those making attacks upon us, will be organs established by us, but they will attack exclusive points which we have predetermined to alter. Not one single announcement will reach the public without our control."


It is difficult for most Americans, especially Christian Americans to understand the depth of this Jewish control over our news. Today, they own or control 909 of the major newspapers of the nation with a daily readership of some 47-million; they own or control 47 of the major weekly magazines with a weekly readership of over 79-million; they own all of the major TV networks, and nine out of ten major Hollywood studios.


Their use of the news to excite and incite, can easily be seen in the present handling of the South African situation. The passions of Americans has been raised to "fever pitch" by about as phony a campaign of humanitarianism as is possible. Now they are doing the same thing regarding the recent Presidential election in the Philippines. Most Americans believe Marcos stole the election; I believe it too. They would like to strip him of power, never considering that his opponent has stated that if she is elected she would "kick the Americans out of the Philippines." This lady leans towards Communism and it is very possible that since the tyrant Marcos has gone - a worse tyrant will come in. This has been standard operating procedure wherever this has happened, brought on, for the most part by the Jew controlled press.


PROTOCOL XIII - "The need for daily food forces the goyim to keep silent and be our humble servants."


This is true and is one of the reasons the Jews want to control the food production in this country. When they get that, and their huge consolidated farms, they will have the stupid Christians where they want them. Then it will be: "Either accept our mark and do things our way, or you cannot buy or sell in the market place," (Rev. 13:16-18).


PROTOCOL XIV - "When we come into our kingdom, it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours of the one God, with whom our destiny is bound by our position as His Chosen People, and through whom our destiny is bound the destinies of the world. If this gives birth to atheists we see today (and the Jews admit -that as many as 7S~o of their people are atheists), it will not, being a transitional stage, interfere with our views." This is why Judaism is completely anti-Christian, no matter what your pastor may say to the contrary. They are the anti-Christs spoken about in I John 2 and as Christians we must have nothing to do with them, and certainly not aid them in any way. (2 John 10, 11).


PROTOCOL XV - "...we shall make it our task to see that against us, such things as plots shall no longer exist. With this purpose we shall slay without mercy all those who take arms in hand to oppose our coming into our kingdom. Every kind of new institution of anything like a secret society (Masonic, perhaps) will also be punished with death; those of them which are now in existence, are known to us and have served us, we shall disband and send into exile to continents far removed from Europe.. .in this way we shall roceed with the goy merchants who know.


Here is a statement that should send a cold chill down the back of every preacher and politician who has cooperated with the Zionists. It has happened before, in Russia. The people who helped the Bolsheviks into power, were the first ones purged by the new State.


Now I don't want any of you to develop a paranoia about this. But if you are a Christian, you are already on their elimination list. No doubt some of us will be persecuted and die at Jewish hands. Jesus certainly indicated this in Matthew 24:9, when He told his followers: "They shall (the Jews) deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." Then in Luke 21:12 - "But before all these (wars, earthquakes, famines,) they shall lay hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues (here He definitely defines the persecutors), and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake." Not one hint of a "Rapture" in either of these passages. But persecution of Christians, by the one's their pastor tell them are the Chosen of God. How utterly pathetic and suicidal.


PROTOCOL XVI - "In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except our own, we will first emasculate the stage of collectivism - the universities - we will introduce into their educational -system all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order. But when we are in power, we shall remove every kind of disturbing subject from the course of education and we shall make our youth obedient children of authority . .


PROTOCOL XVII - "We have long past taken care to discredit the priesthood of the goyim and thereby ruin their mission on earth which in these might be a great hindrance to us.


There is little need to comment here, since anyone with intelligence can see how the nations' clergy has been used by the enemy. In their textbook PSYCHO-POLITICS, page 52 - "Just as in Russia we had to work to destroy, after many years of arduous work, the church, so we must destroy all faiths in nations marked for conquest.


"When nationalism is finally smashed, 1 will personally be there to fire-bomb your church, burn your Bibles, confiscate your firearms and take away your children and send them to Eastern Bloc schools for reeducation as future leaders of the newly formed Soviet Socialist Republic of Amerika. We are taking over the world and you Americans are too gutless to stop us. I am prepared to fight you and any other enemies of the State."


"You must recruit every agency of the nation marked for slaughter into a foaming hatred of Christianity. You must suborn district attorneys and judges into an intense belief that Christian practice is vicious, had, insanity-causing, publicly hated and intolerable.


"We have battled in America since the turn of the century to bring to nothing any and all Christian influence and we are succeeding. While we today Seem to be kind to Christians remember that we have yet to influence the Christian world to our ends. When that is done, you will see an end to them everywhere..


"You must work until religion is synonymous with insanity. You must work until officials of city, county and state governments will not think twice before they pounce upon religious groups as public enemies.


This is what your little Jewish friends have planned for you, "brainwashed Christian." Are you going to cooperate in your own destruction? They are counting on it!


"A tax increasing the percentage ratio of capital will give a much larger revenue than the present individual or property tax. Economic crisis has been produced by us for the goyim no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation."


Here is where the "brute power" of International Jewry can be seen.- They make and break nations with their money manoeuvring. It was meant to be that way. This was their plan.


PROTOCOL XXII - "In our hands is the greatest power of our day - gold. Surely there is no need to seek further proof that our rule is predestined of God. Surely we shall not fail with such wealth to prove that all the evil, which for so many centuries we have had to commit, has served as the end of ends, the true cause of bringing everything into order." Here we see the Jewish idea: "The end justifies the means."


The Talmudists have yet to realize that as Paul said in Romans 1:22 - "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." They have forgotten that the "Wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written (Job 5:13) 'He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.' " (Read James 5:3, for the final judgment upon these evil men.)


This is only a tiny look at the PROTOCOLS, but I believe you can see the danger they pose for Christian America and how, fake or not, these principals are being used against us.


* * * * *

by Samuel Roth


JEWS MUST LIVE! by Samuel Roth. For our final look into what Jewry says about itself, I have chosen to review a most unusual book, written by a very brave Jew, who became disgusted with the crookedness of his own people. In the introduction of this book he says: speaking about his childhood days in Poland: "We Jews lived in those days in what Jews mockingly called 'Olem Hator'; (the world of illusion), as distinguished from the 'olem Hazai' (the real world.) We looked upon ourselves as free Jews . . . For assurance were we not an active and mighty factor in the upbuilding of America. For reassurance, were not the deserts of Arabia blossoming under our patient labors? Everything said against us was so much evil slander inspired by envy, disappointment and an unreasoning hatred - Jew-hatred! Jew hatred differed for every other hatred in the world because it was altogether inspired by lies. About that, there could be no possible question.

"In this spirit I wrote and published two books, EUROPE in 1919 and NOW AND FOREVER in 1925. EUROPE was a sort of uncouth epic in which I attacked Europe for all the outrages she had practiced against the Jews during the Great War (WWI). In NOW AND FOREVER, I fired a surgical knife into the anatomy of the God of Israel. I noticed the earthiness and un loveliness of Jewish women and pricked the bubble that Jesus was a man of peace . . . I suggested that I would live to see Jews roasted alive on Fifth Avenue."


A neighbour named Mrs. Harlan asked him to explain what was happening in Germany. "Blind hatred," he said. "Conducted by 85-million people?" she asked. "Do you actually believe that a whole nation would stand aside and witness what Hitler was doing to the Jews without protest, unless there were some real abuses on the part of the Jews to justify what was happening?"


As he began to think of an answer for this shocking question, this Jew said: "It dawned on me suddenly, blindingly that all of the evils for a long time have been perpetuated by Jews . . . The scroll of my life spread itself out before me, and reading it in the glare of a new, savage light, it became a terrible testimony against my people."


He remembered how he, a Jew, have been cheated by other Jews. He remembered how Jewish journalists had libelled his name and sent him to prison because they didn't like what he wrote. They did this, not to a hated goyim, but to one of their own race. He said: "I had never stretched out my hand to help a Jew or a Jewess without having had it bitten. I had never entrusted a Jew with a secret which he did not instantly sell cheap to my enemies . . . With subtle scheming and heartless seizure, which is the whole of the Jews fearful leverage in trade, they drove me from law office to law office, from court to court, until I found myself in a court of bankruptcy. It became so that I could not see a Jew approaching me, without my heart rising up to mutter: 'There goes another Jew robber, stalking his prey.'


With this kind of a background, he wrote his book exposing Judaism for what it really is. It behoves those of you "brainwashed Christians" who believe the Jews are God's Chosen People, and who read this book, to listen to him.


Page 17 - "I do not doubt we (Jews) have earned in good measure the hatred nations entertain towards us.


"The first cause of Jew hatred goes back to the nature of Jewish leadership, a black veil on the conscience of our race. The second goes back to the nature of our people itself, and is an evil no less foul . . ." (Could this be what Jesus meant when He spoke to the leader's of this people in John 8:44 and said: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it." These words were not spoken by some Nazi "anti-Semite," but by the Son of God - ED.)


Page 18 - "Our major vice of old is parasitism. We are a people of vultures, living on the labour and good nature of the rest of the world.. .we would never have done so much damage had it not been for our genius for evil leadership . . . the shame comes not of our being bankers . . . It comes rather of the stupendous hypocrisy and cruelty imposed on us by our fatal leadership."


Page 22 - "The organ is diseased. This disease is a sort of moral gonorrhoea known as Judaism, which, alas, seems to be incurable. If you have any doubts, look at any Jew ridden country in Europe. If you need to be further convinced, take a look at what is happening in the United States." (Listen carefully, you "brainwashed Christian Sheeple" - this is an open confession by your enemy. Will you believe him or the sly words of your "brainwashed preacher?" - ED).


Page 27 - "The Jew has everything carefully arranged. God belongs in the Synagogue. He, the Jew, belongs in the market place. God has only one business. It is to look after the prosperity of the Jew. The Jew walks briskly into his Synagogue three times each day, at set hours, to remind God of this important business." (While he is at it, he also curses Jesus Christ and all Christians three times daily and four times on the Sabbath and religious holidays. Now if you feel this Jew is being too hard on his fellow men, take some time and read in the TALMUD. It is not necessary for any Christian to wallow in Jew induced darkness such as is found in our Judeo-Christian churches. In the 1905 Edition of the JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA, it is clearly written for anyone to see, that the Pharisees took over Judaism and removed all "obnoxious verbiage" concerning God, such as attributes which gave Him intelligence and control over the world. The Biblical powers of God were ascribed to lesser spirits of "angelic powers". This of course is pure heathenism. The Jewish Doctors of Theology removed from God, the qualities of intelligence, love and control. All forms of demonology were adopted while they were in Babylon and were incorporated into the Synagogue worship which we now call Judaism.)


The TETRAGRAMMATON (Y-H-W-H, the letters of Yahweh's name - since the Hebrew language has no vowels), was reserved for whistling up spirits and it became a sin for any unauthorized person to pronounce the name of God. This is why most Jewish writers use the letters G-D, when speaking of GOD. The four-lettered name of God could only be legally uttered by the Priests of the temple.


The Jewish BA'AL SHEM (Master of the Name) is the sorcerer who uses the Name of God to make the demons obey him.


The Babylonian-Zionist-One-World Government of this age was described by the Prophet Isaiah in chapter 14 when this Luciferin being, like the Jews of this age, say: "We will be like the Most High." The future of this Jewish-Communist alliance is clearly foretold in Revelation 17 - ED.)


Page 28 - "Superiority is not exactly the word to describe what the Jews felt over their neighbours . . . It was their possessions . . . what the goy had was only temporary. Were the Jews not God's Chosen People? Did not God say that all the good things in the world were to belong to His favorites? It was the Jews business to remember this when he dealt with the goyim. It was practically a moral obligation on the part of every conscientious Jew to cheat and fool the goyim whenever and wherever possible. The impression made on me as a child was that the world had been created by God for the habitation and prosperity of Jews. The rest of creation - horses, cows, nettles, oak trees, dung, and goyim - were placed here, for our, the Jews convenience or inconvenience, depending on God's good humour at the time."


Page 29 - "We despised the goy and hated his religion. The goy, according to stories crooned into the heart of Jewish children, wantonly worship an unsightly creature called the 'yoisel' - and a dozen other names too foul to mention. The 'yoisle' had once been a human being and a Jew, But one day he went out of his mind, and in that pitiable state announced that he was the Lord God Himself. With the help of a page of Holy Writ, blasphemously torn out of the Torah, and placed under his sweating arm, he was able to fly over the heads of the multitudes in Jerusalem. So impressed were the Jews, that even the pious ones flocked to him. But Rabbi Shammi, angered at this foul impudence and fearful of a religious crisis on earth, tore two leaves out of Holy Writ, and with these under his arms was able to soar above the 'Yoisel' and urinate on him. This caused him to fall to the ground amid the jeers and taunts of true believers." (This unbelievable Jewish fairy tale, according to Samuel Roth, was taught to the children in his home town of Nustcha, Austrian Poland - ED.)


Page 45 - Here Roth explains that Jewish children are not sent to Jewish schools to learn the Hebrew religion, as most Christians are led to believe, but to cultivate a sharp awareness that they are a Jew and that as a racial Jew they are waging an ancient war against their goyim neighbours. The young Jew is taught before everything else, that his foremost allegiance must be to the Jewish people. (Would to God our White Aryan people felt the same way - ED). He may be a good American. He may pose as a good Chinaman. But no obligation he contracts with a non-Jew is valid if it violates the interest of his obligation to his people. The first thing a young Jew learns is that he is a Jew. The second, is that this makes him different from other people, and the third is that as a member of a 'nation of priests', it is his business to make himself a high place in the world, some position from which he can compel the world to pay him tribute." (No explanation necessary - ED.)


Page 47 - "The attitude of a Jew towards his profession is like that of a gangster towards a new racket. The real end is the amount of money it is likely to yield to him in exchange for the smallest investment of labour and enthusiasm."


Page 54 - "It is an old Jewish habit to assume that the Jew has culturally enriched every country he has favoured with his presence." (According to Judeo-Christian writers such as Baptist Evangelist Jack Van Impe, in his book ISRAEL'S FINAL HOLOCAUST, there are others who believe the same thing - ED.) "This lofty assumption comes instinctively to a people whose interest goes out to all things the pursuit of which involves the expenditure of a minimum of energy . . . I cannot find anything of value that they (Jews) themselves have created in their 250 years of residence in America." (He goes on to show how many of the things attributed to Jews have been stolen from the Gentiles - ED.)


Page 63 - "It is my honest belief that nothing the Jew does in America is essential to its welfare. On the contrary, a great deal of what the American Jew has done has been subversive to America's best interests . . . the Jew in America is forever engaged in the fascinating pursuit of creating everything he needs out of nothing."


Page 68 - "America is full of businesses bearing old Christian names, but which are really owned by Jews. Most have been acquired by creating something out of nothing. A gentile enters business every minute, with two Jews waiting to take it away from him."


Page 75 - "We see the Jew in business as promoter, moneylender, salesman par excellence, the author and chief instigator of a system of credit by which a nation-wide usury rises with a million hands to choke the honour and freedom of movement of a million hard working Americans."


Page 81, speaking about Judaism: "Every synagogue we Jews build in a Christian country is a finger of scorn we point at our hosts; a sore finger we stick into their eyes, like the leering of a senile old woman who does all sorts of foul mischief before you, and feels safe in the knowledge that you will not lay hands on her for fear of contamination."


Page 82 - "No religion in the world has offered a spectacle as contradictory, as malicious, as full of the spirit of unreasonableness, as the Jewish recital of the prayer 'Kol Nidre' during YOM KIPPUR.


"In reciting it the Jews solemnly swears before his God that no matter what business he may undertake to promote with his neighbour, be it material or moral, he wants his god to understand in advance that there is one implicit condition. The execution of this business must be favourable to him, or he will consider it to be null and void." (Jewish religious authorities say that if a Jew attends only one religious service a year, it will be YOM KIPPUR. Does this mean then that a Jewish judge, lawyer, doctor, or legislator, or a Jewish businessman, who takes an oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States, may break this oath with impunity, if in his thinking it is harmful to him? ABSOLUTELY! - ED.)


Page 89 - On the Jewish ideas on forgiveness, Roth writes: "A Jew comes before his God in the Synagogue and says: 'Forgive me for I have stolen!' Does God reply: 'You are forgiven if you make restitution?' Absolutely not! He forgives the thief unconditionally. The Jew is then safe for the rest of the year and continues to steal from the goyim."


Page 112 - On Jewish doctors: "In America and England ...Jews contrived to make of medicine a means of increasing their own wealth, without making any return to the science of the profession. Jews do become shrewd practitioners and occasionally very able surgeons. But they do not approach their calling in the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath. They make out of the human body a contrivance to make money very much as Jewish lawyers manipulate the affairs of their neighbours for their own financial aggrandizement."


P.115 - "He appraises the sick who come to his office not for the use he can be in healing their illness, but for the source of income he can make off them over a long time."


P 117 - "They (Jewish physicians) have five interesting ways of extending their income beyond the office fee:"


1 - If he suspects his patient of having money, he will insist on calling in another specialist, another Jew who has agreed to share with him whatever they can wheedle out of the patient.

2 - He either has a drug store of his own or has interest in one; he recommends that his patients buy their medicines there.

3 - No matter what the ailment there must be X-rays and tests. These are done by other Jews who give him a percentage of their fees.

4 - Then often there are new treatments - heat lamps possibly, which cost only a few cents to run, but will cost the patient a healthy bill.

5 - The Jewish doctor loves to prey on the young girl who finds herself pregnant and wonders what to do. 90% of the abortion clinics in America are run by Jewish doctors.


P.120 - "If the Jews are ever expelled from America it will be on account of the evil practice of Jewish doctors and lawyers." (Maybe you have a better understanding now, why a day in the hospital may cost you a $1,000 - ED.)


Page 142 - These miscellaneous words on the Jewish role in the world of entertainment: "75% of every dollar made each year in the entertainment world goes into the pockets of Jewry.


"For the Jew the theatre means only two things: an easy way to make money and the woman-market.


(At this point, a Jewish Rabbi might lecture us on the Jew's concept of the sanctity of womanhood and the home. This is true! But he will be very careful not to tell you that the Jew believes in the sanctity of Jewish women only; all the others can be treated as a piece of meat. READ THE TALMUD AND SEE - ED.)


"Many houses of prostitution get their recruits from the theatrical agent who, nineteen times out of twenty will be a Jew.


"Some of the sweetest and most beautiful women in the world come to Hollywood. Many of them are Christians. They come to act not whore. But the Jewish agents make whores out of them."


So there you have the "low down" my friends, straight from the lips of a Jew who was disgusted with the actions of his own people and was brave enough to "blow the whistle on their nefarious activities." Don't get angry with me. I am merely passing them on to you." (See Ezekiel 33:6).

In the remainder of this book, I will use miscellaneous remarks and thoughts from many sources. Including the man who inspired this book. In the Boston Record, August 28, 1965, the following article appeared:


"Vatican City (UPI) - The new Father General of the Jesuits charged before the Ecumenical Council yesterday that a 'new Godless society holds almost complete sway over such fields as finance, mass communications and international organizations.' The speech by 67-year old Father Pedro Arrupe, who was chosen by Pope Paul VI to lead the Catholic Church's fight against atheism, caused consternation among American prelates, who thought the charges were extreme."


"This new Godless society," the Basque priest said, "operates in an extremely efficient manner, at least in its higher levels of leadership. It makes use of every possible means at its disposal, be they scientific, technical, social or economic."


"It follows a perfectly mapped out strategy. It holds almost complete sway in international organizations, in financial circles, in the field of mass communications; press, cinema, radio and television."


The BOSTON RECORD article continues: "Father Arrupe's speech during debate on a document on the Church's role in the modern world and his charges of what amounted to an international atheistic conspiracy, came as a surprise and caused a great deal of consternation in Ecumenical Council circles..."


The International Jews themselves have declared repeatedly that this situation described by this priest as a "new godless society" is the direct result of their relentless efforts to obliterate Christianity - and society founded on Christian principles. This new "godless society" has risen because of efforts of the Zionists to smash Christianity and Christian social principles.


The Jew Pharisee who rejects Jesus Christ - the cornerstone - can only build his "New Jerusalem" on the total rejection of Christ and Christianity and on the ruins of Christianity. Jesus Christ must reign supreme over this, His world, or the Anti-Christ of the Jews will take control. It must be one or the other. Both cannot reign!


Here are some quotes taken from a secret meeting of the B'nai B'rith in Paris:


"As long as there remains among the gentiles any moral conception of social order, and until all faith, patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over this world cannot come.


"We have already fulfilled part of our work, but we cannot yet claim that all our work is done. We still have a long way to go until we can overthrow our main opponent, the Roman Catholic Church." (Those of you who see the Roman Church as the source of the Christian peril, better listen to these words direct from the enemies mouth.)


"We are striving to discover the best way of shaking the Church to her very foundations. We have spread the spirit of revolt and false liberalism among the nations of the Gentiles so as to persuade them away from their faith and even make them ashamed of professing the precepts of their religion and of obeying the Commandments of their Church. We have brought many of them to boast of being atheists, and more than that, to glory in being descendants of the ape! We have given them new theories, impossible of realization, such as Communism, anarchism, and Socialism, which are now serving our purposes. The stupid Gentiles have received them with the greatest enthusiasm, without realizing that these theories are ours and that they constitute our most powerful force." (UNQ.)


We Gentiles, in our stupidity, have proven easier dupes than they expected. While we would expect men to have better intelligence and common sense, we have been no better than a herd of sheep. The International Jew says: "Let them graze our fields until they become fat enough to be immolated to our future King of the World.


"So far we have succeeded in overthrowing most of the thrones of Europe. England is dependent on our finance, is under our heel and in her Protestantism is our hope for the destruction of the Catholic Church. Spain and Mexico are totally in our hands. And many other countries, including the USA have already fallen into our hands."


The Jewish Pharisee M. J. Oglin, writing in THE MORNING FREHEIT (Jewish New York Daily, Jan 10, 1937) wrote: "The Jewish religion is hostile to Christianity in general, and to the Catholic Church in particular."


Rabbi Reichorn, in his discourse from Prague, 1896, said: "It is said that numbers of our brothers in Judah have been converted and baptized Christians . . . What does it matter? The baptizes ones are very useful to us they can become our auxiliaries to march to new horizons, which are still unknown to us; for these converted ones still belong to us; and despite the baptism of their bodies, their spirit and their soul remains always faithful to Judah. In a century's time it won't be the children of Judah who will desire to become Christians, but rather the Christians who will flock to our faith. But then Judah will repulse them with scorn.


"The Christian church being one of our most dangerous enemies, we must work perseveringly to weaken its influence. We must graft, as much as possible, on the intelligence of those who profess the Christian religion, ideas of free thought, of doubt, of schism, provoking religious disputes, so naturally fruitful of divisions into sects of Christianity. Naturally, we must commence by discrediting the ministers of this religion. Let us declare open war on them; suggest suspicions as to their devotion, of their private lie. And, by ridicule and jests, we shall get the better of the consideration attaching to the state and to the cloth.


"The Church's natural enemy is the light, which comes from instruction and is the inevitable result of a multiplication of schools. Let us set ourselves to gain influence over young pupils. The idea of progress carries with it the equality of all religions; which, in its turn, leads to the suggestion in the school course of lessons in Christianity. The Jews by subtlety will obtain without difficulty chairs and positions as professors in Christian schools. By these means, religious education will be left to the family circle, and, as in most families, there is no time to look after this branch of instruction, the religious spirit will weaken little by little and will then completely disappear.


"Each war, each revolution, each political or religious shock which has come to pass in the Christian World, brings nearer the moment when we shall attain the goal towards which we are pressing.


"If you realize that the faith of your fathers is your only patriotism - If you recognize, that, notwithstanding the nationalities you have embraced, you always remain and everywhere form one and only one nation.


"If you believe that Jewry only is the one and only religious and political truth.


"If you are convinced of this, you, Israelites of the Universe - consent!"


In the LES ARCHIVES ISRAELITES, Number 25, Paris 1861, these words from the Jewish Pharisee Adolphe Cremieux were recorded:


"The net which Israel is throwing over the globe of the earth is widening and daily spreading, and the momentous prophecies of our holy books are at last to be realized.


"The time is near when Jerusalem will become the house of prayer for all nations and people, and the banner of Jewish mono-deity will be unfurled and hoisted on the most distant shores. Let us avail ourselves of all circumstances.


"Our might is immense - learn to adopt this might for our cause."




NAHUM SOKOLOW, Zionist leader, in the book ZIONISM IN THE BIBLE, pages 7-8 says: "It is strange and madly comic to see some Jews, partisans of monotheism, pretend to be Germans, Hungarians, etc., It matters little that Jews claim to be a religion or a nation; the Jewish religion cannot be separated from the Jewish nationalism."


AGAIN FROM ARCHIVES ISRAELITES, Paris, 1864: "Israel is a nationality. The child born to Jewish parents is a Jew. We do not receive our quality of Israelites by circumcision, but we have our children circumcised because we are Israelites. We acquire Jewish character by birth, we cannot lose it or get rid of it. The Israelite who renounces his religion, who even undergoes baptism, does not cease to be an Israelite. Ml Jewish duties are still incumbent upon him."


The Jew, Bernard Lazare in "L'ANTISEMITISM, page 350 stated "The Jew is not satisfied de-Christianising, he Judaises, he destroys Catholic or Protestant faith; he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world, of morals and of life upon those whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task, the annihilation of the religion of Christ."


Probably one of the greatest weapons the Pharisees have used to destroy Christianity is this demon called Communism. In countries where communism is the accepted form of government, religious practice is either forbidden, or so closely regulated as to be forbidden. Here the Judaizers use Communism as the bulldozer to smash Christianity. In this attack, the "power behind the persecution" is seldom seen as being Jewish, but it is always there doing and directing its "dirty work."


But since Communism, in all it viciousness, cannot stamp out "true Christianity," but only strengthens it, the Zionists have many other methods in a multi-phased attack against Christianity.


It is very seldom that the Pharasaic Jew ever attacks his target directly. To do so would render him suspect, or cause him to "show his hand." This is particularly true of his attack against Christianity. They work indefatigably to destroy Christianity, but they seldom attack directly on a Jew vs Christian basis.


One of the most highly effective tools of Judaism might be called the TRIO TECHNIQUE. It is contained in the powerful phrase CATHOLIC-PROTESTANT-JEW, as applied to matters religious, educational and otherwise in the Jew controlled press and propaganda apparatus.


A long time ago, the Zionist realized they could not counteract true CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD, and that true Christian fraternity could not be attacked in an open, head-on manner, since they would create too many enemies by openly denying that America was a Christian nation. (Notice that this has changed in recent years, now they are so bold that they come out with direct attacks against this truth - ED.)


So the Jews preach their own BROTHERHOOD THEORY.


Let me remind you, that as we discuss the Pharisee brand of BROTHERHOOD, that the Jewish idea of brotherhood comes from one of the most evil books of all time, the BABYLONIAN TALMUD. So what the Judaisers teach is TALMUDIC BROTHERHOOD. Listen to what the TALMUD SAYS:


"Every goy who studies the TALMUD and every Jew who helps him in it, ought to die." (SANHEDRIN, 59a; ABODHA ZORA, 8; SZAGIGA, 13.)


"To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly," (LIBBRE DAVID, 37).


"A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat," (NADRINE, 20; SCHUDCHAN ARUCH, CHOSEN HAMISZPAT, 348.)


"The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts," (BABA MEDA, 11, 6).


With these Talmudic teachings permeating their thinking, the Zionists go about their business of sharing brotherhood with Christians.


Listen to Georgi Dimitrov, Comintern leader in Russia in 1939, as published in THE YENAN WAY, by Eudocio Ravises, pp 256 (Scribner's, N.Y. 1951).


"Let our friends do our work. We must always remember that one sympathizer is generally worth more than a dozen militant communists. A university professor who, without being a party member, lends himself to the interest of the Soviet Union, is worth more than a 100 men with party cards. A writer of reputation, or a retired general, are worth more than five hundred poor devils who don't know any better than to get themselves beaten up by the police. The writer, who without being a party member defends the Soviet Union, the union leader who is outside our ranks but defends international Soviet policy, is worth more than a thousand party workers. Our friends must confuse the adversary for us, carry out our main directives, mobilize in favor of our campaign people who do not think as we do, and whom we could never reach. Such men will sell their souls to the devil - and we buy the souls


The NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS, loves to parrot the phrase: "Children are born without prejudice - you can help them stay that way!" Children are also born without teeth, the ability to speak, write, walk, or read, without control over their bodily functions, without a moral sense, and are utterly defenceless and completely dependent upon adults for their very existence. Is infantilism to be preferred to maturity? The NCCJ not only wants to turn back the clock by forcing adults to retrogress in their attitudes to the infantile level; rather, they would rather work with the child divorced from parental control - so as to suspend and then block out his perception of his unique difference from all other children."


The Zionist founder, Theodor Hertzl, in his book THE JEWISH STATE, wrote: "Universal brotherhood is not even a beautiful dream. Antagonism is essential to man's greatest efforts."


So rather than attack the Church openly, the International Jews attempt to weaken it by chipping away at its beliefs, breaking away some integral part of the Church; weakening its vital structural elements, hacking away at venerated customs, alienating men on a liberal-conservative basis, on an "old" vs the "new" basis. They are constantly at work trying to fragmentize Christianity.


Anyone who has been around a church for very long knows that most of them have financial problems; possibly debt ridden buildings. The Jews, because they have the money, not only have the great bulk of Christian properties and projects in hock to them, but they also have a silent, albeit very powerful voice in policies having to do with their financial bondings. They use this to bring pressure on Christian leaders.


A few years ago, I was speaking with the pastor of one of the largest fundamental churches in America. We were discussing Zionism and its danger to Christianity. He admitted that he knew about this. "Then why," I asked, "Don't you warn your church people about it?" To which he replied: "The Jew bankers hold a $1 .7-million dollar bond on this church building, and if I antagonized them they would foreclose on me and I'd lose everything." FOR FEAR OF THE JEWS! HOW INFINITELY SAD!!!


Everywhere we look, we see the destructive hand of International Judaism. It has destroyed the beauty in Christian art; it has changed the beautiful music of a past generation for the syncopation of the jungle beast with its beastiality and sexuality. Of course the goal is the same. Valid, genuine art and music must be destroyed as a prerequisite to world conquest.


A few years ago, when the Civil Rights mania was begun, Clergymen fell into the Zionist baited trap, "hook, line and sinker." They joined the wide assortment of boobs, fools, do-gooders, fakes, hypocrites, and subversives to promote Civil Right causes. Very few bothered to question the motives behind Civil Rights, to see if there was anything "wrong" with these "rights."


Yet if they would have taken an honest look, they would have seen the danger. God created every man and woman different because He wanted to give to each, not only "free will", but the unique characteristics that stamp us as INDIVIDUALS. These were to be living units peculiar to Himself, as a person created in the image and likeness of God, made up of body and soul, distinct and unique - worthy of the sacrifice which Christ made on the Cross for him. (Unfortunately, there are those in the ranks of Identity that teach that the coloured races do not fulfil these requirements, that they have no souls and are inferior beings. I cannot find where the Scriptures teach this.) While we know that Jesus' primary mission was not to all men, but to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel," (Matthew 15:24)we know that He came so that ALL MEN might have life. (John 3:16, 17; 1 Timothy 2:4, and others.) To teach that only ARYANS of the Israel race can be saved is a terrible distortion of the Word of God, for it was Israel's primary mission to bring the message of God's salvation to ALL men.


God created each race different from the others; they are endowed with different mental and physical characteristics which make them unique individuals. But the wicked "seed of Satan," under the inspiration of their father, know that if these races are kept separate, as God planned, it will thwart their plans for a One-World under the anti-Christ.


In the Zionist planned One-World Government only the Jew will be the superior exalted being. He is to be superior in all respects over his goyim subjects. His ruler will be the Anti-Christ, his God, Lucifer, his father (John 8:44).


Because of this thinking and teaching, all of the goyim subjects of the One-World government must be blended into an amorphous mass of mongrelised humanity with no distinguishing marks to identify race, colour or creed. Of utmost importance, is that none of the goyim subjects of Jesus Christ. ever be identified as the "true Israel" of God


This is the underlying reason that the Jews promoted Civil Rights. It was for the purpose of producing a faceless, mongrelised, racial hodgepodge which can be effectively and permanently be merged as the slave underlings of the International Jewish masters. These will serve their Jewish masters without demurring - thinking that they are serving God, when they will have the "mark of the beast", and be serving their worst enemy.


The AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE, which bas been mentioned before, is one of the most satanic of the enemies' organizations, which serve the Pharisees through religion. It's capacity to do evil to the cause of Christ and humanity is almost limitless.


The UNITED NATIONS, sometimes aptly referred to as the CANNIBAL DEBATING SOCIETY, was drawn up, propagandised, and promoted by the AJC and its assorted power network agencies. The various documents, book reports, and publications of the organization attest to this.


A look at the Semi-secret annual budget report of this organization bears abundant testimony to the Satanic activities - a testimony which is in the words of the Jewish authorities themselves. For those who wish to read what the enemy have to say, these documents may be obtained from the CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, Union, New Jersey.


There are few more revealing documents than these, which expose to daylight such a diabolical plot. The hideous Talmudic blueprint of the Plot to Destroy Christianity is clearly shown, as this organization of intricately organized personnel and finely interwoven organizational network, works relentlessly and inexorably for the total destruction of White Christian civilization. Behind them looms the limitless resources of money, manpower and organization, available to International Judaism.


In reading these reports, one must be wary and alert, remembering that you are reading the words of devilish masters of semantics, who set forth their sinister purposes in grandiose phraseology. They couch their plans and plots in the most up-to-date language of the far-left classrooms of modern sociology, psychology and psychiatry. The language of these reports is nauseating in its super-sweet, hypocritical solicitude for the benighted Christians. It reminds one of the Devil as he quotes Scriptures to our Lord. But as you strip away the "double-talk", you will find things which reveal the limitless hatred of the Jew for Christianity and their satanic determination to wipe it from the face of the earth.


Christ, our Master, expressed this thought about these same people in Matt. 23:13 - "Woe unto you scribes, and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in . . . Woe unto you . . . for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte (convert), and when he is made, ye make him two fold more a CHILD OF HELL than yourselves." Vs 28 - "Even so, ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity . . ." Vs 32 - Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers (poisonous snakes), how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"


For those of you who may belong to a church affiliated with the National Council of Churches, or who might have been a member at one time and are wondering what happened to your church, listen to the words of the Father of the Reformation, Martin Luther, after he had worked with the Jews for many years and learned what they were up to: This is taken from his book THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES, which has been expunged from most Lutheran school libraries: ". . . my dear Christian, next to the Devil you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement enemy than a real Jew (Pharisee) who earnestly desired to be a Jew. It all agrees with the judgment of Christ that they are poisonous, bitter, vindictive and malicious SERPENTS, ASSASSINS, and CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL who kill and inflict injuries by stealth because they cannot do it openly."


There are many Christians today, especially among the clergy, who say that the words of Jesus Christ and Luther are not applicable today and that the "Nice Jews" have changed in their attitude toward Christians. For these "brainwashed" Christians, I offer the words of the Jew Joseph Dunner, found on page 10 of THE REPUBLIC OF ISRAELI, October, 1950. "To Christians of all denominations Jesus is the symbol of all that is pure, sacred and lovely. To Jews from the fourth century on, Jesus became the symbol of anti-Semitism, of libel, of cruelty, and of violent death."


I am not foolish enough to say that all Jews and all Rabbis are alike in their vindictiveness towards Christians, or in their unswerving loyalty towards the destruction of Christians.


But Rabbis in particular, by the very nature of their work, are inexorably anti-Christian (no matter how many Inter-Jew-Christian meetings they may attend). I further hold that the great majority of the Jewish leaders, by their words and actions, prove that they are ill-disposed towards Christians and that they are even now employing the time tested Talmudic methods which were specifically designed to undermine and annihilate Christianity.


In order to do this, many Rabbis have become active in civic, political, and religious affairs in the communities in which they live.. They rub elbows with the Christian clergy and collaborate with them and the lay leaders of the church. These Jews are usually very suave, urbane, highly intellectual fellows who exude the very image of the Pharisees. They will represent themselves as educated, brotherhood, hale-fellow-well met types, who will combine decorum and savoir-faire with their conviviality.


They will feign friendship, cooperation, altruism, philanthropy and fellowship.. while at the same time, undercover, they work for the disintegration of the church. They are for the dismantling of the United States and its Constitutional Government and for grinding Christianity into the dust. It's part of their Jewish heritage. There is no way they can be a Jew and get away from it!


But these Rabbis are not the main danger. Our major danger comes from those pastors of the Christian churches and their Christian followers, who have been "brainwashed" or "bribed" into becoming the "prostitutes" of Judaism. The Pharisee is smart enough to get the Christians to do his "dirty work" for him. How he must chuckle with glee, when he sees what fools so many goyim are.


Some Christians may say: "But the Jews have no Pharasaic cult among them in 1986." This is where you are dead wrong. According to the UNIVERSAL JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA, page 29 - "The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees ...and the study of it (the TALMUD) is essential for any real understanding of Pharisaism."


Christian, when you help the Jew, you abet Christ's worst enemy. Listen to our Lord as He speaks in Matt. 10:32, 33 - "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father which is in heaven. BUT whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."


A few years ago, a full page of pictures and text entitled THE JEWISH BACKGROUND OF JESUS, appeared in the NEW YORK JOURNAL AMERICAN. A similar article with horribly blasphemous pictures of Christ and the Apostles appeared in the May 24, 1965 issue of THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE. It was entitled THE NEW IMAGE OF JESUS.

"Jesus was represented as a simpish toothpick-legged sap, standing on a rug while the idiotic looking Apostles stand by."


The NEW YORK JOURNAL made this announcement: CAPTIONS WRITTEN WITH THE THEOLOGICAL ASSISTANCE OF RABBI MARC TANNENBAUM, DIRECTOR OF INTER-RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS OF THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE. (This is the same Rabbi Tannenbaum who forced Jerry Falwell to apologize because he had called America a Christian country - ED.)


This article starts out by attributing the new Catholic textbook for elementary schools to two nuns. In the Journal ad, the upper corners of the page are ornamented by pictures of two sweet-faced Sisters. The paragraph following reads: "This truly revolutionary textbook series -which may reach 10-million Catholic pupils in the next 10 years, emphasizes. ..that the Jews were God's Chosen People and that Christ Himself was a Jew and worshiped in the Temple."


In the next paragraph reproduced, Sisters Johnaice and Elizabeth have received valuable aid from Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum.


"Beside the simpleton representation of Jesus Christ, there is a black-faced gook with a white beard holding up a black infant, two idiotic-looking women are gazing up at him. Another picture shows four long-nosed dreary characters with tiny hooks for feet, entitled 'Pious Jews' under a six-pointed Star of David.'


Devout Christians have long felt that the Holy Bible constituted a rock - an unshakable foundation upon which to base their religious beliefs and convictions. They felt the Bible was true and irrefutable because it contained the words of Almighty God who was incapable of falsehood or distortion - and of God-inspired writers such as the four evangelists.


So knowing this, the Jews have attacked, not the Bible believers who might become enraged at a direct attack, but the Bible itself. The perpetual revolutionists revolutionized (they called it "modernized") the Bible. By so doing, they have shaken the convictions and confidence of many Christians and are preparing to destroy the belief of the youth, with these perverted versions.


While the "simplified" versions of the Bible, are supposed to make it more literally understood by the masses, what they actually do is destroy or downgrade the Bible, by glaring commissions, destruction of literary style and by reducing the intellectual challenge of the Book. They have done the same thing to the Bible, as they have done to the history and literature books.


These highly tested techniques have been used by the "Pharasaic revisionists," and "modernizers," to destroy the beauty and the factuality of the Bible. Under the techniques of the Jewish translators the Bible is reduced to the level of a novel, or a fairy story for not-too-bright readers. If you doubt this, compare the simplified Epistles and Gospels with the beauty of the King James or Douai Versions of the Bible. It is possible, you will have difficulty recognizing the Word of God you once heard, read and loved.


It is a matter of observation, that the International Jew controls the world's press and all Jews, whether they know it or not, play at least some part in the Master Plan for the Jewish One-World government. Their natural traits, their grasping nature, their anti-Christ religion, make all of them enemies of Christianity. This is why the Apostle Paul said of them in I Thess. 2:15 - "They please not God and are CONTRARY TO ALL MEN."


The International Jew is not a citizen of any country, but is an interloper, a parasite, a stranger in any country in which he lives. The Jew has only one belief on which to "hang his hat," and that is his unshaken belief that he is the "apple of God's eye," and that all other people are inferior to him.


In Jeremiah 24:9, a prophesy is made concerning the "evil Jews" who came back from Babylon with the new TALMUDIC religion of Judaism. "I (God) will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach, and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them."


The "little Jews" whom the pharisees call "lesser brethren," are doing what they are called to do because they owe allegiance to no country;-they have no personal God, and no redeeming Messiah and because they want to go along with those they believe will be winners in this conflict between "good" and "evil," the internationalists. They do not realize that the Pharisee is willing to sacrifice them, as he has in the past, in order for his plans to succeed.


One of the most explosive documents to come out of World War II and known to be in existence by but a few researchers, is a day-to-day, hour by hour chronicle of the last hours of Adolf Hitler, before he took his own life in that Berlin bunker.


Apparently there was only one hand written very bulky copy that made it to safety. One section reports a conversation that Hitler had with General Hans Kreb two days before his death. This is a verbatim report of this conversation: Hitler is talking to Krebs about the tragedy of the war and the steps he took to avoid it, he said:


"I tell you Krebs, the Jews are much worse than anyone will believe. Who would have believed that Baruch (Bernard Baruch, the Jew advisor to FDR - ED) would sacrifice the Jews of Europe to the ambitions of the race? After I made contact with Baruch in the latter part of 1938, he sent this message to me:


"I have not the slightest interest in the fate of a few million Jews now in Europe. Our ambitions greatly transcend Europe, are you . . . the greatest anti-Semite of the age . . . So dull as to be unaware of this? We win have war because we need war to install Stalin in Europe and secure Palestine. Even if you were to abdicate tomorrow it would have no effect on our ultimate Destiny of the Chosen People. Germany must be eliminated because with the fall of Germany, will crumble the entire West and the West is no longer of any use to us. Please do not bother to contact me again in a childish attempt to stir my compassion for the Jews of Europe. Their fate will secure our victory; they will fall in a good cause and our final victory will be the more complete. SO DO WITH THEM WHAT YOU WILL. To you I say that the blood of the Prophets runs in my veins and I predict your utter destruction and all that you stand for." SIGNED: BERNARD MANNES BARUCH.


During our most recent war in Vietnam, there were two factions in America. The "Let's get out!" and the "Let's win the war!" factions. They were both way off course because they were directed towards the Jew caused war, rather than the Jews who had started it. Some of you may remember, with justifiable rage, that broadcast over the nation's radio networks on the morning of November 16, 1965: "The American State Department acknowledged today that North Viet Nam sued for peace over a year ago - but our State Department (Jew controlled for many years - ED) did not trust their intentions."


How strange that the Jews in the State Department would not want peace when they started the war! It was a story that was killed immediately.


So the Internationalist Jews work in our government from without and within. Look at the matter of military supplies. After the end of WW II, we saw the treasonous activity of General George Catlett Marshall, as he disarmed the Nationalist Chinese with one stroke of his pen, and then bragged about it. They sent the Nationalists one calibre of weapon and a different calibre of ammunition; the same trick the State Department played later on the Cuban patriots at the Bay of Pigs. We saw the spectacle of millions of dollars worth of new trucks and jeeps being dumped into the Pacific, rather than being sent to our allies.


We have seen the bungling and mismanagement of military supplies in recent years, to where the services pay $700 for a $7.00 screwdriver. During the Korean War, a friend of mine, who was an air force procurement officer was sent to Hong Kong to see if he could find a small electronic part for the gun sight on our F-86 fighter planes. They were in short supply. He came back with a large number of these, which were purchased for less than $1.00 each. The current price from the manufacturer in the U.S. was scores of times higher.


In the opening days of the Korean War, I was observer to the treachery of our State Department in the days preceding the war. Ten days before the war began, all anti-tank ammunition was taken out of the front lines of the South Koreans on order of the American Ambassador William F. Muccio. His statement to a Senate investigation committee later was that he was afraid that Sigmun Rhee would attack the North.


On the second day after the war began, after Mr. Muccio had left for Japan, I along with Major Paul Hedstrom of Bismarck, N.D. was sent to check out the State Department building in Seoul. (All Americans with the exception of 13 Advisors were out of the country at this time.) In a locked filing cabinet in the Ambassadors office, we found reports from the Military mission, for the preceding eighteen months, which gave very little information about the enemy activities in North Korea. It was later found that eight of the high ranking officials in the State Department team, were in sexual liaison with the wife of the Number Two military man in North Korea. This woman was a beautiful model who had milked the State Department for over a million dollars, which was taken in American Military Police vehicles to the town of Kaesong, on the 38th Parallel, where the girl's mother lived and then were taken into North Korea. When these men were charged with this crime, there was so much dirt discovered in the State Department activities that everything was swept under the carpet and nothing hit the newspapers. Muccio was sent to Iceland as Ambassador and the eight State Dept. Officials were all promoted.


I had sent four very incriminating documents to Senator William Knowland of California. He took them to the Foreign Affairs Committee and was promptly laughed out of the committee. He told me that when he insisted something be done about it, it was the beginning of his political downfall.


In spite of all the wonderful advertisements you see on television, trying to entice our young people into the Armed Forces, the image of the American military outside the United States stands at its lowest ebb ever. At home, the seasoned non-commissioned officers, who are the "backbone" of the services, are resigning by the droves, as are some of the finest of our company grade officers.


The American is hated in Germany, because the people who live in fear every day of the Jews, know that it was America who "sold this Christian country" into the clutches of International Judaism. Then near the close of the war, it was American troops, under orders from that Jew puppet Ike Eisenhower, who returned thousands of anti-communist patriots to bitter deaths or lives of slavery behind the Iron Curtain, in the infamous OPERATIONS KEELHAUL, that even Congress has been afraid to tackle. We are hated in Cuba, for we are responsible for Cuba going Communist. We are hated in Central America, in the Congo, in fact almost every place where we have gone. Because of the "bankrupt" Jewish tainted Foreign Policy of our State Department, we have seen America go from a high point of "statesmanship," to a low degree of "chickenship" in less than fifty years. Now it is standard operating procedure to see YANKEE GO HOME! signs everywhere and our embassies are defaced and bombed, and we ain't seen nothin' yet!


During World War II, under the leadership of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, our government became riddled with Jews. People like Felix Frankfurter, Alger Hiss, Bernard Baruch, split the Army and Navy into antagonized camps.


There was the Jew Maj. Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who was put in charge of the Office of Foreign Military Assistance, responsible for the delivery of arms voted by Congress to friendly nations. In that capacity, Lemnitzer refused to send arms to South Korea before the war, even though Congress had appropriated them. In a dispatch from the Los Angeles Examiner, July 11, 1950 - "Shocking testimony that the State Department had defied Congress and blocked adequate aid to Korea remained under triple seal and lock in the Senate safe today, despite congressional and public demands for exposure. The testimony left members of the Senate appropriations Committee horrified and angry. A number wanted to take the entire case to the Senate floor. Others held that the testimony was too damaging.. They wanted the records destroyed." (Now what in the world is wrong with our Congress, when they don't even have guts enough to demand an accounting for TREASON?)


Why was this testimony so damaging? Who were the traitors that were being protected? NEWSWEEK for July 10, 1950 gave us part of the answer: "Senator Ferguson demanded to know how much of the $10,230,000 provided for Korea in the MAP authorizations of July 1949 and the appropriation of the following October had been spent and how much material had been delivered. Looking as though he'd rather be facing a. Russian tank with a can opener, Lemnitzer answered that only a small amount of signal equipment had actually been sent. How much? Ferguson insisted. "Well, not more than a few hundred dollars worth," Lemnitzer said. Ferguson insisted and Lemnitzer finally admitted that the sum was about $200.


Ferguson was shocked and Republican Senator William F. Knowland of California said he knew that the Korean Republic has asked time and time again for planes. He pointed out that his own military mission had recommended giving them some. "Isn't it true," he said, "that not a single fighter plane has been given to Korea?"


"Yes," Lemnitzer admitted.


It is not being revealed in the press that this war material was sent by Lemnitzer's office to fortify Iran against a Soviet attack and thus preserve for us the oil of the Middle East. (Internationalist owned of course).


"It was Ephraim Zinoyi Liberman, who was appointed Chief of the Far Eastern Division of the Commerce Department, who blocked shipment of military equipment meant for the Chinese Nationalists. Lieberman, a Jew and a friend of the Dean Acheson pro-Soviet clique, arrived in the U.S. in 1932 and was denied citizenship until 1941, because of his communist affiliations."


There was the rapid rise of the Jew, Lieut. Gen. Mark Clark, the son of a gentile army officer and the Jewess Rebecca Ezekiels. Despite a questionable military record in Italy, he was appointed in September 1949, to command all of the Army Field Forces. He admitted hundreds of Marxist indoctrinated Jews into the American Occupation Zone in Austria an operation planned by the Zionist High Command, which must have been concurred in by the Soviet Union, as most of these Jews came from Soviet controlled areas. These people were not running from any danger, but were virtual proteges of the American government. Hundreds upon thousands of Christian men, women and children who were fleeing for their lives from the Soviet monster, were stopped at the American flag and turned back to death or slave labor camps. This will be an everlasting shame to AMERICA!


How could we ever put our trust in Mark Clark after his conniving and condoning this mass crime against Christians, is a question I cannot answer. In the Air Force, another Jew named Curtis Le May, was placed in command of our entire Strategic Air Arm, the most powerful striking force in the world at that time. Is it unreasonable for Americans to be uneasy when men with alien blood occupy such important positions? In case of a revolution, who would they help, the Christians or the Communists? You make up your own mind from their actions.


Another Jew in a position of high command was General Lucius Clay. I quote from Eustice Mullin's THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONSPIRACY, page 143 - "Herbert Lehman (one of the top Jewish devil's) now a Senator, spent hundreds of millions of American money in Central Europe during the Second World War, as head of United National Relief and Rehabilitation Agency. This money was spent to ensure that 'reactionary' governments would not come back into power and that Central Europe would remain under the control of the Communist Party.


"Current Biography notes that Herbert Lehman was elected Governor of New York with the active support of the Communist Party. The chief corporate representative of his family banking house, Lehman Brothers is GENERAL LUCIUS CLAY.


"One of Eisenhower's closest advisors, General Clay was identified as the man who selected George Humphrey as Eisenhower's Secretary of the Treasury."


Here is another article from THE NATIONAL CHRONICLE, July 15, 1965 - "Gen. Lucius D. Clay, who Barry Goldwater said is a 'prime mover' was Goldwater's chief consultant on international problems in 1964. Clay is associated with No.1 financier, Jew Sidney Weinberg. To keep control in Weinberg's hands, Clay is now the new GOP finance chairman, a partner in Jew financiers Lehman Bros., and a prominent CFR member . . . No doubt Clay will be assisted by other CFR members who control Goldwater's FSA - such as Admiral Lewis Strauss, former Jew head of Atomic Energy Commission, and who was partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., (the International Jew bankers who financed the Russian Revolution), liquidating 50-million Christians in the process."


When the United States has military leaders such as Clay, Le May, Lemnitzer, Taylor and Clark - why is there any need for enemies? (Remember these Jews most probably go to the synagogue on the Day of Atonement and pray the KOL NIDRE prayer, which allows them to break their oath of allegiance to the United States, any time it is expedient to International Jewry.) CHRISTIAN FOR GOD'S SAKE, WAKE UP!!!


With America's military leaders constantly betraying the American fighting man over the past forty years, the question could be asked. Have we had patriotic leaders in our Armed Forces? The answer is a resounding "yes." There was General Douglas Mac Arthur, who made the mistake of trying to win a war in Korea which the Internationalists did not want us to win. If he had been allowed to fight that war as he desired, it would have been over in a short time. Instead he was fired by that Jew puppet, President Harry Truman at the urging of the Jewess Anna Rosenberg, Under Secretary of Defence, and David Dean Rusk.


Or consider Old "Blood and Guts" Patton who was one of our most brilliant field generals in Europe during World War II. He distinguished himself and his command in spite of everything the Jew puppet Eisenhower could do to stop him. He knew something was very, very wrong in Washington and that some force was using the American military for its own purpose. He made the mistake of publicly stating that he was going to "blow the whistle" on these traitors when he got home and two weeks later he was dead under very mysterious circumstances. We could talk about others such as Representative Lawrence Mac Donald of Georgia, who was shot down on Korean Flight 007, after declaring that he was going to "lower the boom" on some traitors in the House of Representatives; or Secretary of the Navy, James Forrestal, who refused to bow down to Jewish power and was a mysterious suicide? and there are others, possibly even President John Kennedy, who was evidently getting ready to "kick over the traces," when he was assassinated.


The Jew uses his controlled press to ridicule, smear, belittle, and silence anyone who stands in their way of total control. That's why "wimps" like Jerry Falwell and Jimmy Swaggart are scared to death of them. They will do practically anything to keep on good terms with these Christ haters.


Since the end of World War II, Korea and Vietnam, we have seen this same treasonous poison as it has infiltrated the American government at every level, under the insidious control of these aliens. We have seen the Communist takeover of Cuba, ninety miles from our door, and we did nothing to stop it. We have seen the takeover of the Panama Canal by a tinhorn Communist dictator; we see the present attempt by our Congress to give American land to the Soviet Union, in the Wrangell Island area, which contains billions of barrels of oil. We have seen the sell-out of the Chinese Nationalists on Taiwan and the climbing in bed with the Chinese Communists. Yet during all This time of moral, spiritual military and economic debacle, the Christian people of America, who were at one time her "backbone", have set in their comfortable air-conditioned spiritual foxholes, folding their holy hands in prayer, while the nation came into the clutches of the worst tyranny that ever faced humanity. "Not to worry," they are told, "If you are saved, that's all that matters, for Jesus will come back for you before it gets that bad." If our forefathers had acted like we do today, you and I would have all been heathens and Christianity would have gone down the drain 1500 years ago.


Little by little, but as sure as taxes and death, we are being hemmed in and our country is being devoured by sneaking termites from within. The true names of these traitors are the United Nations, Wall Street, Khazar Jews and their stooges such as LBJ, Hubert Humphrey, Ford, Carter, Nixon and Reagan. If many of our Congressmen had acted a hundred years ago, as they do today, they would have been tried, convicted of treason and executed. Today, they are the nation's leaders.


Today, under the usual Jew-Pharisee subterfuge techniques, the controlled Press has begun the softening up process towards disarmament of the nation, as well as the individual. Already the Concentration Camps have been built in the United States to hold those who go against governmental policy - that is to say Zionist policy. Today the National Guard forces of America are being groomed for war against their own people, for confiscation of food, firearms and the incarcerations of those individuals deemed security risks by civil, State and military authorities. In other words, we are hurtling towards the One-World Dictatorship of International Zionism. Yet our complacent Christian "sheeple" continue to fold their holy hands in prayer, sure that the Lord will take care of everything, but darned sure that they will not get their hands dirty.


A man in order to be free, must have the unrestricted right to own and use personal weapons in the home and person, of a marauder - whether that marauder be an enemy soldier of an invading army, or an agent of an internal political conspiracy, or a common criminal. This is a Natural Law that supercedes all others.


Frederic Bastiat, the renowned International Lawyer, wrote in his book THE LAW: "Each of us has the natural right - from God - to defend his person, his liberty, and his property. These are the three basic requirements of life; the preservation of any one of them, is completely dependent on the preservation' of the other two." Civilized law has recognized this right for thousands of years.


If a man loses his right to free, lawful use of personal firearms, he loses his identity as a free agent of a civilized country and he becomes totally dependent upon centralized police protection. This of course is the purpose of the Internationalists. They want to do away with our Armed Forces, and have us protected by a United Nations peace force, which would be under their "beck and call."


The beatniks, the pacifists, the atheists, the brainwashed hordes of Christendom, and of course the One-Worlders say we are moving towards a One-World government and that this is the only way for the world to survive in this day of the "super bomb." That anyone who clings to the old notion of "individualism" and "nationalism," is mentally ill.


But healthy Americans - Christian Americans - who persist in regarding themselves as individuals made in the image of Almighty Cod, know that there is a higher purpose in this life than mere physical existence - they know the terrible fallacy in the ''It's better to be Red, than dead" syndrome. They know there are eternal and absolute principles of right and wrong and certain values in human life which are worth dying for. I would like to be one of these! So help me God!


It is to be noted, though it will be vehemently denied by Jews, that there have been relatively few Jewish dead on the battlefields in which America has been engaged. I noted this over and over again during WW II, Korea and Vietnam, how Jewish boys would be transferred from the Infantry and Combat Engineers, into some relatively safe place like the Quartermaster Corps, where they became immediately, experts on the Black Market. These transfers were almost always made by Jewish doctors who looked out for their own.


In the military cemeteries, the graves of Christians are often decorated with crosses. But among the tens of thousands of white crosses, the graves marked by the Star of David, are a great rarity. The ratio is something like 3,000 to 1. But is it any wonder, when by the end of WW II, the person in charge of allocating manpower was the Jewess Anne Rosenberg?


If the Zionist conspirators get a war started in the Middle East against the Arabs, you can be sure of one thing, it will be the Smith's, the Callahan's, the Cappeli's who will die on the battlefield, while the Epstein's, the Goldberg's, and the Rosenbaum's will have plush jobs where they can get rich off the war. "Business as usual."


* * * * *

We did not fight for Atheist Red Russia and Red China 
And enslavement of the captive nations we betrayed. 
We did not suffer, fight and die to clear the way 
For Forced Integration, rape, pillage and anarchy in our own U.S.A.

We did not gladly die in agony while sweet youth still adorned 
Our brows to accept "We shall Overcome," Red anarchist chant 
Of Godless Integration, news media, radio, TV, Marxist Isms, 
For One-World atheist United Nations dictatorship and slavery!



And torn; decayed; or arms and legs broken and limp; 
Our eyeless sockets burned with poison gas and shrapnel;

WE ARE DEAD, BUT WE CANNOT REST, for by political deceit 

* * * * *



Sleepers, awake! The bell has long since rung. 
Your slumber is your death! The foe has sprung 
Out of the sacred battlements that rang 
With freedom. Now the deadly fang

Is bared to strike. Awake! Our cherished land 
Is wrapped in evil chains they slyly forged 
On hidden anvils while you slept, they gutted 
Their pockets with your wealth, and sucked your blood

And bound you with a snare called "brotherhood." 
America! The free! The undismayed! 
Where are your laughing sons? Betrayed! Betrayed! 
Bleeding and torn upon an alien hill,

Bleak with despair, remote from home. To fill 
An empty bargain with a scheming "friend" 
Who knows the senseless slaughter will not end 
Until your youth is spent, your strength undone, 
Your hand made captive - and no victory won!

Awake, my country! Listen to your dead! 
They cry, and reach hands agonized and red 
With martyr's blood, to snatch you from your fate 
Of slaves! They cry, Awake! The hour is late!

And yet you sleep.. .you sleep. .O foolish men, 
Too blind, too careless, who will fly again 
The flag you lose? Who will set you free? 
Who will rebuild your broken liberty?

The bell is silent now . . . The guns are loud. 
There is no answer from the sleeping crowd. 
The masked deceivers smile and spin their net, 
Teaching their captives to forget,

The ancient ways of freedom and deny, 
Their flag, their country, and supinely lie, 
Under the shelter of an alien rope, 
Secure . . . unquestioning . . . and stripped of hope!

O land of light! O refuge of the brave! 
Who crossed the mighty ocean here to save, 
Their treasured freedom, how your star has dimmed! 
How cheap has grown the liberty that hymned

Your name across the world! How dark the sky 
Where once your proud old glory once did fly 
Unchallenged and unmatched, with eagle keen 
Guarding her folds! How sad the darkened scene


- . . . AS FREEDOM DIES!...



When the Apostle Paul wrote: "The love of money is the root of ALL evil," (1 Timothy 6:10) he knew whereof he spoke. For every evil that is threatening America, has behind it the sign of the almighty dollar, and wherever the dollar sign is seen, there the vultures of finance come together to live off the carcass of their victims.


Unthinking "boobs", and this includes a host of those who call themselves Christian clergy, have come to look on Jewish gold as one of the most important things of life. They forgot the First Commandment of God and "had strange gods before him," the strange gods of the "Pharisees," called "money."


Occasionally some wise man would detect the hand of the International Jew upon the levers of the economy. Congressman McFadden advised his fellow Congressmen: "There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this government is run by the International Bankers." He paid with his life for fighting them.


Lloyd George of Britain, in his Memoirs wrote: "They (the international bankers) swept statesmen, politicians, jurists, and journalists all to one side and issued their order with an imperiousness of absolute monarchs who knew that there was no appeal from their ruthless decrees."


But the Pharisee, in his Satanic wisdom, knew that the worship of money was a transitory thing - especially on the day when the worshipers wake up to the fact that money is nothing when compared to the lasting things of life.


They knew that all things on this earth must change with the passage of time. Only those things which pertain to God, to the Spirit, and to eternal verities are immutable. So they caused things to revolve in the direction they choose. He can turn everything but the human soul.


So in order to subjugate the goyim over the years they have striven to bring about a mental, governmental, moral and spiritual revolution to condition their victims to give up their country, their freedom, their duty to God and docilely accept the yoke of Internationals.


The Jew leader James P. Warburg expressed this in 1957, when he stated on the floor of the U.S. Senate: "We shall have world government whether we like it or not. The only question is whether world government will be achieved by conquest or consent!"


So as the thinking man and woman looks about them, they can see the revolutionary tools and devices which have been devised to condition the unsuspecting Christian victim for their existence in the One World of the Zionists.


As an example, we see sin, sex, and violence increasing on the movie screen and on home television. We see crimes among our youth on a skyrocketing spiral. We see the newsstands of the Jewish filth peddlers reaching unbelievable depths of sordidness, that only a mind steeped in the filth of the TALMUD could possibly dream up.


We find our youth willing to perform any act, no matter how revolting, as long as they can "get away with it." But never, never, never, do we hear our spiritual shepherds tell their parishioners that all these things are promoted by the Jews so as to bring about a mental, moral, and spiritual revolution, and thus make it easy to topple America into a government under the Anti-Christ. Then too, many Christians simply don't care, because they have been taught that they will be gone during this period, raptured up to some big party in the skies.


One of the most important of the Internationalist organizations developed to bring this about was the ILLUMINATI. I would not recommend a deep study into this organization since their methods are so hideous one risks becoming mentally ill of the fumes. The following description by the Rev. Oren Potio should suffice:


"The date of the founding of the American Republic was doubly important because on that date, May 1st 1776, an Organization was conceived by a Jew - a Pharasaic Jew named Adam Weishaupt who was also a renegade Jesuit priest. It was Weishaupt who constructed the actual machinery of revolution against which we are fighting today.


"In 1185, a secret order functioned under the name of 'Confrerie de la Paix,' or 'the Brotherhood of Peace.'


"It was one of the earliest attempts at a godless Communism. In 1712, more than 500 years later, was born Jean Jacques Rousseau, a French Jew. Boil down his entire creed and one salient mandate remains, 'Destroy civilization; whatever is, is wrong!'


"The ILLUMINATI, under the renegade Jew Weishaupt, became in time an openly destructive satanic society, with everything in its doctrines and rituals the exact opposite of Christianity. Enticing its victims into the first degree ritual by the most beautiful and altruistic of fraternal ideals and noble aspirations, it gradually wove about them a net of murderous Satanism. In secret rites, at length it bound them to the organization with chains of steel."




1. Hatred of God and all forms of religion except Judaism.

2. Destruction of private property and inheritance.

3. Absolute social and racial equality and the promotion of class hatred.

4. Destruction of all forms of monarchial or democratic governments, including civil liberties such as freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly and trial by jury.

5. Destruction of all nationalities, love of country, patriotism and allegiance to civil or political rulers.

6. Abolition of marriage and the practice of free love.


These were the same articles advanced in Russian-Jewish Communism. The Jews Karl Marx and Frederich Engels, in their writings on Socialism, incorporated the Illuminati program bodily. In actuality, Communism is nothing else than the Satanism of Weishaupt's Satanism.


The International Jews found in ILLUMINISM, the perfect weapon for their world takeover and the German Jews embraced ILLUMINISM by the droves. They helped finance Weishaupt, until his organization became a danger to the throne, whereupon, figuratively speaking, the Khazar Jews, the Ashkanazim, took over ILLUMINISM, "lock, stock and barrel." The results were a nightmare in Europe for the next 100 years.


The ILLUMINATI Jews organized, conducted and later suppressed the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. When their hidden purposes had been accomplished, they had removed certain royal personages who stood in the way of their ultimate control of Europe. Here we could stop and spend many pages speaking about the phenomenal rise of the House of Rothschild or the "Red Shield" in Germany.


From the time when the old Jew Amschel Mayer began to cultivate the friendship of William the Landgrave in Germany; down through George III and his need for money and mercenaries to fight the Colonists in the Revolution, Amshel Mayer was in touch with the American situation through the Jew Haym Solomon of Philadelphia, who made it possible for Robert Morris to finance the Colonials and thus place them under obligations to the International Jews.


Haym Solomon who has been eulogized by Jew and gentile alike for his financial services to the colonies, worked secretly with Mayer, so that once again we find Jews financing and getting rich off both sides in a war.


When the smoke of battle had cleared away, our Founding Fathers, such men as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin brought out,,bf the chaos a Republic, which is poison to World Jewry. It is easy to control a government which operates on the principles of a Democracy; hence the steady assault on our Constitution. But unfortunately, a sleeping America, Christian Americans in particular, has allowed those' with evil designs to toss aside our government as guaranteed in the Constitution and has embraced the phobia of Democracy. In doing this, we' opened wide the gates for the ILLUMINATI internationalists to promote their campaign to destroy the Republic.


When the French Revolution had accomplished its purpose for the ILLUMINATI, the conspirators found a young conscienceless Corsican called Napoleon Bonaparte, who had no compunction about shooting down his own people, and elevated him to his position as emperor. Everywhere he has been acclaimed as a great military genius. Nowhere, except in the secret history of the world, is it known what Jewish gold preceded him everywhere, making his military pathways easy. But when Napoleon broke with the Jews and gave evidence of cooperating with the Pope, the skids were mysteriously placed under him and he met his end at Waterloo. Here he was about to win the battle, but reinforcements were mysteriously delayed and his star set, while a Jew in England, Nathan Mayer, made a killing on the stock market with the secret knowledge he had of Napoleon's impending defeat.


Those who have the will and courage to fight the Internationalist fight a mighty lonesome and disheartening fight. If they stick to their guns, they are rejected by both liberals and conservatives, even when they tell the awful truth concerning the death of America at the hands of the Pharisees.


So we arrive at the stage when we find that the struggle is the same old one all over again. It is not a struggle between Democrats and Republicans, as the controlled media would have us believe - it is not a struggle between the "giveaway" boys in Washington and the "free enterprise" advocates; it is not a "knock down, drag out fight" between Liberals and Conservatives, between the "haves" and the "have nots." It is the ages old fight between Christ and His forces, as they are aligned against the forces of hell and the anti-Christ. Unfortunately, all too often, the dupes of Christendom, fight on the side of the enemy.


WHO SAYS SOCIALISM IS NOT JEWISH? In her magnificent book, THE PLOT AGAINST CHRISTIANITY, the marvellous Christian patriot Elizabeth Dilling says on pages 128-129 - "The next time some Christian dupe tells you: 'But these Iron Curtain bosses are not Jews! Socialism is not Jewish,' pull out for him the pamphlet JEW AND NON-JEW which was put out by the JEWISH REFORM UNION OF AMERICAN JEWISH CONGREGATIONS and by the CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS. You will find in this pamphlet the pattern to be followed for the socialization of America, page 30: "Socialism was originated by the Jews, and today Jews play a leading role in its spread and interpretation!"


Or show the Christian unbeliever the JEW OWNED NEW YORK TIMES (9/13/36) which has an article by the CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS, in which they "demanded socialization of basic industries, challenged America's social system, and called for a 'thoroughly socialized democracy' - communism-socialism, the cowbarn state, for humans to run."


For many ages, the Pharisee, consummate liar, son of the "father of lies," (John 8:44) has been trying to prove that the Jews are a RACE. Of all the multitude of lies which he tells, this is the greatest. The Jews are not a race! But rather a half-breed closely knit Pharasaic cult perpetuated from before the time of Christ and dedicated to the establishment cf a One-World Order under the anti-Christ. But the fact that he is not a race himself, does not deter the Jew from using race as one of the most important levers in his building of the One World Order.


Because of language differences, differences in physical characteristics, in customs, mores, etc., races tend to create antagonisms and fierce competition. Distances and variety of habitat serve to accentuate these antagonisms.


The International Jew who follows the Anti-Christ and scoffs at Christian love, knows that his One World will never come about if the races try and understand each other and respect each other as separate but different entities. So he proceeds to finance, to encourage, to sponsor, and to promote those things which alienate the races. He creates race hatred and fans them into searing flames. On the one hand he promotes racial wars, so that as the races fight each other they both become weak . . . ready to be moulded into the faceless racial "hodge podge" he wants for his own purpose. On the other hand, he preaches racial "brotherhood" which is his spurious device for mongrelisation of all races, preparatory to their citizenship in his One World Government.


In his book THE ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER, Major Robert Williams, states on page 48 - "If the Zionist Plan were one to help unbreed all the races, to improve their intellect and physical beauty in each generation the whole world could enter it with the utmost pride and fullest cooperation. Unfortunately however, it is quite the opposite plan; it is a plan to subjugate or eliminate all but the 'Master Race.'"


"Observe the contradictory positions in which the propaganda machine has put the Anglo-Saxon, or Negro, or Japanese, who loves his own race and wants it to survive and do well: this racial loyalist is logically bound to be a friend or ally of every other race - anxious for it, too, to survive and prosper. Yet the Zionists, who want to destroy all but their own, have managed to put the onus of scare names on the man who loves the separate races. He is a bigot, a race hater, a white supremest, a white chauvinist, an 'Anti-Semite' and so on."


Williams continues: "The war is against us, but the Jewish strategists, apparently consider themselves to be a Racial Unit and have always been too smart to use the word RACE except in writing strictly for their own kind; Mr. Higger for instance speaks of his people as a 'race.'


"Their appeal, analysed, is exactly a RACIAL appeal, but - outnumbered a hundred to one by peoples of other races - they would be foolish to launch out openly on race war. Rather they condemn as bigotry any thought of race while paradoxically quickening the RACE or TRIBAL PRIDE of their own people by constant talk of race bigotry and 'anti-Semitism' among people who oppose their program."


If you will take time to look around, you will see just how clever this strategy is. They have made the Whites, in particular, ashamed to stand up for the survival of their race, for fear that they will be called the scare name of "bigots."


But this same propaganda makes the Jews feel they are being attacked RACIALLY and this quickens their racial pride.


The International Jew has entered three major areas of racial struggle.


A Jewish leader named Higgers wrote a most revealing book entitled THE JEWISH UTOPIA. This book is a blueprint of the Zionist plan for world conquest. In discussing Higger's writings in the field of racial manipulation, Major Williams says, page 49 -"Mr. Higger's dream of world peace and the constant propaganda for peace by the Zionists are not to be taken seriously in view of his revelations of the plan for deliberately bringing about a mighty Armageddon - a war to make the world destroy itself.


"Peace probably is the dream of all races and tribes. But a study of racial history in Europe indicates that there would have been few wars, probably no major wars, but for the organizing of the Jewish peace propagandists to make the non-Jews grind themselves to bits. The supposition is permissible that the Jewish strategists want peace - after they subjugate all opposition and potential opposition.


"The question is - whose peace or whose wars are we to enjoy? Is man to be free to follow his conscience and worship his own God - or must he accept the conscience and God of the Zionists?"




"The Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be masters over the whole earth.. This is the historic destiny of the Jews." - Harry Watch A PROGRAM FOR THE JEWS AND AN ANSWER TO ALL ANTI-SEMITES (New York Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939, pages 99, 100.)


"All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without scruples."


"An Orthodox Jew is not bound to observe the principles of morality toward other people of other tribes (races). He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself, or to Jews in general." From the CHOSZEN HAMISZPAT, 348).


If you have studied the Old Testament, you know something of the historical feuds between the Jews and the Arabs, but we are interested here, only in the current scene.


The State of Israel was wrenched with callousness and terror from the Arabs. The world stood dumbly by, especially the Christian world, while the Zionists with limitless international resources, exiled, murdered and tortured countless Arabs in order to make room for their Jew-Pharisee-Zionist nation. They believe that Jerusalem will be the world capitol of their satanic Anti-Christ government.


Very few voices were raised in protest from the Christian world, at their piratical venture. Instead, most of the fundamental and evangelical Christian world applauded the barbarians. Most protests were stifled by use of the two popular propaganda tools of the Jews, press control and financial control.


It doesn't take a brilliant mind to note the Pharisee-poisoned propaganda with which Americans have been "brain-soaked" as regards Israel. Note if you will the glowing adjectives which are used to describe the Israeli and the scurrilous words which describe the Arabs. When an Arab retaliates for some wrong done to his family by the Israeli he is a "terrorist," but when a Jew goes into Arab territory and rapes, murders, and destroys, he is always on a legitimate mission of retaliation.


David Ben-Gurion, a former Israeli Premier said: "We would not have taken on this Arab War merely for the purpose of enjoying this tiny state of Israel.


"There have been only two great peoples: the ancient Greeks and the Jews. Maybe when the present process is finished we too will degenerate, but I see no signs of this degeneracy.

"We had a message to give to the world but the message was cut off in the middle. In time, there will be millions of us - becoming stronger and stronger - and we will complete the message." (Quotes from TIME MAGAZINE, 8/16/45page 25).

Professor Higger said: "The rebuilding of the city (Jerusalem) is part of the plan of the ideal country Zion. Jerusalem will be the capitol of Zion."

The hapless Arabs who happen to be unlucky enough to be in the way, are to be killed, dispersed and forgotten, just as have millions of other hapless victims of the Jewish greed for power and riches.






Confrontation between the White and Oriental races was kept at a minimum until the International Jew arrived on the scene. As long as China and Japan kept their gates closed to foreigners, they were relatively safe from the greed of the Internationalists. They had their wars between each other, but as long as they remained out of the clutches of the Jewish leeches, they were relatively safe.


But as soon as the Jews began to arrive in the Orient, and they were among the first who came when the gates of the Orient were opened, they began to exploit the natural differences and the political grievances which existed between peoples. As they became more powerful, and as the Open Door policy expanded, the International Jew, the perpetual arch-revolutionist and enemy of all mankind, sneaked in and began his dirty work.


The Jews are noted for their long, range planning and their advance planning can be seen in the Communist exploitation of the Orient. Long before the doors of China were fully opened, the British bankers, under control of the Jew Bank of England, began to prepare China for the "kill." They deliberately bilked China of the fruits of their labour, pushing many of them into economic chaos, starvation, and virtual slavery. They kept the majority of the Chinese people impoverished, downtrodden and economically subjugated. They were not allowed to go to school, for educated, intellectual people like the Chinese could become most annoying to the World Pharisee. So they prepared the Orient for the final "coup de grace."


When the day came that the International Jew was ready to use the Orient for his purposes, the barriers came down and American influence, under their Jewish master, came to China and Japan. Assisting in the demise of a free China were such Pharisee "prostitutes" as Owen Lattimore, Dean Rusk, and Secretary of State General George Marshall.


China fell to Jewish-Communism and the International Jew had at his disposal a huge nation, to use as he saw fit.


In PROTOCOL #7, of THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, we read these prophetic words: "In a word, to sum up our system of keeping governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to them by terrorist attempts, if we allow the possibility of a general uprising against us, we shall respond with the guns of America or China or Japan."


As China fell into Zionist hands, over 60-million Chinese were ruthlessly murdered.


When China finally succumbed, the traitors within our government, positioned the American 7th Fleet off Formosa, so that Chiang Kal Shek, a Chinese Christian patriot, could not launch an attack against the communists.


In Japan, the hand of the International Jew is still quite visible. At the beginning of World War II, Japan had a strong and stable government under the leadership of Emperor Hirohito, so she was manoeuvred by the internationalists into the attack on Pearl Harbour, while the traitors within the American Government, kept our Armed Forces from learning of the attack until it was too late.


The documented book, THE FINAL SECRET OF PEARL HARBOUR, by Rear Admiral Theobald, gives the entire picture of this betrayal.


As the war in the Pacific dragged on, both America and Japan were weakened and drained of their national wealth, just as the conspirators had planned.

Then the atom bomb, a Jewish invention was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Jew controlled press never bothered to tell the American people that this was unnecessary, since Japan had sued for surrender~s before the bombs ere dropped.


Isn't this the meaning of PROTOCOL II - "The goyim are a flock of sheep and we are their wolves: you know what happens when the wolves get hold of a flock of sheep."


It is interesting to note that President Truman did not give an official order for the bomb to be dropped. He left this to others and the final decision was made by the Jew J. Robert Oppenheimer, a chief in the Los Alamos Laboratory, who was "hell bent on using the bomb on Japan."


It is also interesting to note that the two cities selected for destruction in Japan were not military complexes, but were primary Christian areas in Japan.


I could go on, showing this same insidious force for world control, at work in India, Tibet, Pakistan, Vietnam and Cambodia.


As this Century ends, we find the International Jewish, anti-Christ revolutionary, with his money, his press and his satanic designs for the One World government under the Anti-Christ. At an emergency Council. meeting of the European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 11, 1952, Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich said:


"To convince you of the certainty of our leadership let me point out how we have turned all the inventions of the white man into weapons against him. His printing presses and radios are mouthpieces of our desires, and his heavy industry manufactures the instruments which we send out to arm Asia and Africa against him.


"Our interests in Washington are greatly expanding the Point Four Programs for the developing of industries in backward areas of the world so that when the industrial plants and cities of Europe are destroyed by atomic warfare the Whites can offer no resistance against the larger masses of the Dark races who will maintain an unchallenged technical superiority.


"And so, with the vision of world victory before you - go back to your own countries and intensify your good work until that appointed day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the light of the world."



The Struggle of  White Verses Black


WILLIAMS, in ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER, page 51 -"The master Pharisee strategists know what they are doing to us.


They know that never in history have white and dark people mixed socially, that they did not interbreed - and never has such interbreeding reached advanced stages that it did not result in chaos and general degeneracy with utter moral abandon, and crime rampant."


HIGGER, THE JEWISH UTOPIA - "In the ideal year Israel will be peacefully united and no enmity of any kind will exist among them. Similarly, the leaders of Israel will be peacefully united in their responsible task of directing the fate of the historic people. Israel will consequently become the instrument of peace among the nations of the world."


REVUE DE PARIS, 6/1/28, page 574, A letter from the Jew Baruch Levi to Karl Marx:

"The Jewish people, considered as a whole, will itself be the Messiah. its sovereignty over the world will be reached by the unification (integration) of other human races, the elimination of frontiers and monarchies, which are the ramparts of particularism and by means of the institution of a world republic which will grant everywhere civil right TO THE JEWS."


There have been many claims made that FREEMASONRY comes from a Jewish origin. Since I do not have time to get into a long discussion of this at this time, I will give some quotations from well known Jewish and Masonic leaders. You make your own determination!


Benjamin Disraeli, Jewish Prime Minister of England in his book THE LIFE OF LORD GEORGE BENTWICK: "At the head of ALL those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are found."


LA VERITE ISRAELITE, A Jewish paper, 1986, page 74: "The spirit of European Freemasonry is the spirit of Judaism in its most fundamental beliefs; it is its ideals, its language, it is mostly its organization. The hope which enlightens and supports European Freemasonry is the hope which enlightens and supports Israel. Its crowning will be centre and symbol."


LATOMIA, 1928, Dr. Randolph Klein: "Our rite is Jewish from beginning to end; the public should conclude from this that we have actual connections with Jewry."


Rabbi Isaac Wise, in THE ISRAELITE OF AMERICA, "Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."


Bernard Lazare in L'ANTI-SEMITISM: "It is certain that there were Jews around the cradle of European Freemasonry; certain rites prove that they were cabalistic Jews."


TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Vol.2, page 156: "The Coat of Arms used by the Grand Lodge of England is entirely composed of Jewish symbols."


AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF EUROPEAN FREEMASONRY, Philadelphia 1906: "Each Lodge is and must be a symbol of the Jewish temple; each Master in the Chair, a representative of the Jewish king; and every Mason a personification of the Jewish workman."


MANUAL OF EUROPEAN FREEMASONRY, by Richard Carlisle: "The Grand Lodge Masonry of the present day is wholly Jewish."


THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, Oct.28, 1927, Vol.91, No. 18: "Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?"


JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA, 1903, Vol. 5, page 503: "The technical language, symbolism and rites of European Freemasonry are full of Jewish ideas and terms.. .in the Scottish Rite, the dates on official documents are given according to the year and months of the Jewish calendar, and use is made of the Hebraic alphabet."


THE FREEMASON, quoting words of Albert Pike who was simultaneously Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington; Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston; Sovereign Pontiff of Universal European Freemasonry: "That which we must say to the crowd is - We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, Sovereign Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd and 30th degrees. The Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high Doctrine.


"If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay, (the God of the Christians) whose deeds prove his cruelty, perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarism and revulsion for science, would Adonay and his priests, calumniate (make false and malicious statements about) him? Yes, LUCIFER IS GOD, and unfortunately, Adonay is also God.. .the intelligent disciples of Zoroaster, as well as, after them, the Gnostics, the Manicheans, and the Templars have admitted, as the only logical metaphysical conception, the system of the two divine principles fighting eternally, and one cannot believe the one inferior in power to the other (this is gnostic dualism). Thus, the true and sure philosophical religion IS THE BELIEF IN LUCIFER, the equal with Adonay."


The Sovereign Pontiff of Freemasonry says: "Lucifer is God!" But most Freemasons say: "Christ is God!" Can the lines of the revolutionary struggle between Christ and the Anti-Christ be drawn more dearly? How true were the words of Jesus, when He said to the Pharisees, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye shall do," (John 8:44).


The PROTOCOLS, XI, 47, states: "For what purpose then have we intended this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the goy without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain a roundabout way which is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this way which has served as the basis for our organization of secret Masonry which is not known to, and aims which are not even so much as suspected by, these goy cattle attracted by us into the 'show' army of Masonic Lodges in order to throw dust in the eyes of their fellows.


"God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of dispersion, and in this which appears in all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world.


"There now remains not much more for us to build up upon this foundation we have laid."


PROTOCOL II, 7 says: "The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labour of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy, and strong. We are interested in just the opposite . . . in diminution, the killing out of the goyim."


The place played by the International Jew in the subjugation of the Black people of Africa, has been one of satanic fury from the very begin-fling. It was the Jewish merchants of New England who brought the first Blacks to America and sold them as slaves to the Southern plantation owners. Yet it is a fact, which honest historians MUST recognize, that most of the Blacks who came to America as slaves, were far better off on the plantations of the South, than they would have been under Black control in Africa. (The same is true today, in every Black country which has come out from under foreign Colonialism.)


In 1860, a fratricidal (between brother and sister), war was begun in the United States over the issue of slavery. Our history books say it was waged because of the "insoluble economic problems - because no country could exist half-slave and half-free." But when the war finally came to an end, after five bitter years, the International Jew had accomplished his purpose. Abraham Lincoln, one of our greatest Presidents, who had warned against Pharisee money control and who had attempted to issue honest Constitutional money, lay dead of a bullet fired by a Jewish assassin, John Wilkes Booth, a Marxist Jew!


As this nation tottered and floundered after the war, the first Civil Rights acts took place in Louisiana. It was railroaded through the Legislature by the so-called "carpetbaggers;" the year was 1868.


Even though the Louisiana Civil Rights legislation ended in miserable failure, it was one of the first major steps taken by the Jews in order to control the South. There were many other highlights to follow.


By the time the 14th Amendment was railroaded through Congress in 1868, the South was in chaos. The 14th Amendment added to this chaos and brought incalculable damage to the United States. It helped change America from a Republic, to a Democracy, to a Socialist State. Look at the names behind the liberal legislation and you will find names such as Javits, Gruening, Ribicoff and a host of Pharisee stooges, sitting on what once was the most august legislative body in the world.


The Jews were behind the founding of the National Association of Colored People, more popularly known as the NAACP. Or as one wag rightly said: "The National Association for the Agitation of Coloured 'People." The NAACP was begun by a Jew named Spingarn. It had a slow start, because the Americans of 1905 were still a rugged, free thinking people who had not yet been brainwashed by Jewish propaganda in the media and in their churches. From 1905 to 1965, two Spingarns, father and son, Joel and Arthur, headed this supposed by Black organization. The Vice President was another Jew, Rabbi Solomon In 1965 still another Jew. Kevie Kanlan took over this organization.


The purpose of this organization was "pure and simple," it was a Jew trick to incite the Blacks against the Whites. It had very little to do with helping Black people. One of it's brightest lights was a Marxist Negro, masquerading as a Baptist preacher, named Martin Luther King, Jr., He fooled the Whites to the point where we now have a National Holiday to honour this anti-Christ, anti-American. How have the mighty fallen!


In 1952, as reported by Major Williams in his book ULTIMATE WORLD ORDER, Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, addressing the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest (1/12/52) stated: "Our control commission, in the interests of 'peace' and 'wiping out racial tensions,' forbid whites to marry with whites. The white women must cohabit with members of the dark races - and white men with Black women.


"Thus the White race will disappear, for mixing the dark with the white means the end of the white man . . . our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory."


But all is not lost, for there are a few clear thinking Black leaders who know the truth and have warned their people about it. There was Archbishop C. C. Addison, representing the African Universal Church, who said: "The devil is the father of integration. God is the Father of segregation, and the devil is the father of integration.


"We informed Blacks are not interested in class rooms with other people, but rather class rooms in our own schools . . . INTEGRATION IS INJUSTICE TO SELF.


"You who seek to get away from Segregation tell God - your Creator - that you desire no part of Christianity, for Christianity is Segregation." "Come out from among them and be ye separate," (2 Cor. 6:17).


"Integration will move you into Starvation Street in the City of Poverty. For 300 years you have cried out against the crime of injustice and you are no nearer being heard than when you first raised your voice - because you have cried to Godless men - instead of to your Creator, Almighty God.


"Ask yourself this question. Did the AMERICAN WHITE MAN earn his freedom from the British Empire by begging for a seat beside a Britisher? Did he earn it through socialization? Did he earn it through so-called Civil Rights Legislation, enacted by the British Parliament? Did it come through some sort of 'Fair Employment Practice?'


"None of these brought the White Man freedom; and none of them can bring it for the American Negro.


"The White Race can better help the Black by telling him the truth -not by flattering him into believing that he is a good as any White man -without first proving the racial, national, constructive mettle of which he is made. Help him to learn and understand that self-progress (under the guidance of Almighty God) brings its own reward. Stop exploiting the American Black. Stop feeding him the bread of deceit and guile. TELL HIM THE TRUTH."


This is what the International Jews does not want to happen!!!


Random Questions


These quotations come from the pages of a blasphemous book titled THE BIBLE IN THE HANDS OF ITS CREATORS, by the Jewish writer Moses Guibbory. It could very honestly be called THE BIBLE IN REVERSE. It is a complete negation of God's story of creation, His plan of redemption, and His determination to sanctify the human soul.


The Guibbory book was first published in Jerusalem, but its contents were so vile, that it disappeared from the book stores and now sells as a collector's item for $500.00 or more. It was copyrighted in 1943.


Page 234 - "The New Testament is in its foundation a complete lie."


Page 239 - "Jesus was feeble and without influence. He was too weak to even punish the Jews who refuse to accept him."


Page 241 - "It was hundreds of years before the cursed movement of Christianity began to spread."


Page 313 - "He blundered in his attempt to become king. Consequently nothing else remained for him but to command his disciples to cause him to ride upon an ass which he himself had prepared the night before without his disciples knowledge in order that they might think that the ass had been prepared by God. If Christians will not care to accept this opinion, they will have to say that Jesus commanded his disciples to steal the ass for he did not tell them to first secure the owners permission.


Page 372 - "If Jesus had not died as he did, then the whole matter would have taken on another aspect entirely. He would never have been accepted as a lord, as a god, even by his own disciples. Who can guarantee that the believers in Jesus would not have killed him themselves, had he attempted to draw back from the crucifixion? He told his disciples this story of his death. He had to die, while the King-son of Kings will live forever."


Page 395 - "Jesus never appeared as a fighter. He did not even deliver the little group of Jews that lived in the Land of Israel in his days. For he was cunning, contemptibly so, and perverted and feeble to such an extent that he could not even deliver himself from crucifixion or from any other death, because he was a fraud and a man of deceit. His lust was to be king, his lust to be a god had so greatly overtaken him that he neglected the elementary moral duty, the public, the human duty -which can by no means be trifled with - to bring help, if not to the whole world, if not to the remnant of Jews . . . behold, at least to his own believers. He consciously led them astray."


Page 452 - "There remained nothing for Jesus to do but to follow in he footsteps of John the Baptist in the footsteps of a false prophet, and to throw himself to his cursed fate - death, that is, the crucifixion, and therefore there remained nothing for Jesus but to say that his kingdom was not of this world."


Page 510 - "Christianity prospered greatly promised prizes also to every committer of wrong-doing in every act of jealousy and wickedness, to every worthless person, to every man of insolence, if they would only believe, if they would only accept him. Jesus the son of a spirit, the lord of devils, as their god, as a forgiving god and not forsake him; if they would only believe that Jesus was crucified, suffered and took upon himself the punishment for all these, respecting each and every sin of all his believers as well, which might be committed by them in every generation to follow.. But this will never be! They have stumbled in their vanities."


Page 760 - "I doubt whether the Christians will want to say that the harlot who washed the feet of Jesus with oil - 'the gift of prostitution and the price of a dog', or which was bought with the money of her harlotry or stolen as a price of her harlotry from the one who refused to pay for the use of her body - and later wiped them with her hair.


"Jesus is not the Angel Gabriel, David the Prince. Therefore there remained nothing else for him to do but to rebuke his disciples concerning their attempt to withhold from him such a minor pleasure. For 'better is a living dog, than a dead lion'; it is better to be anointed on the feet by a harlot, and of her oil - the price of her fornication - than not to be anointed at all."


Page 928 - ". . . Behold, it follows that Jesus is the serpent, the Satan, known from the Law of Moses by the names 'Serpent' and 'Azaazel'. From which we understand (in Isaiah) that the 'Azazel', the serpent, the Satan Jesus, carried the sins and transgressions of the whole house of Israel long before he appeared to be crucified..."


Page 930 - "Is it then possible that the Satan should be called by the name Messiah, servant of Jehovah? Of course he could! Did not the Satan, as a son of God, come to present himself before Jehovah among the other sons of God?" (Job 1:6).


Page 955 - "Consequently, Jesus is the false prophet. For Jesus was forced to give a purloined sign.. .and this only to those who believed in him, his disciples, and in his own name. For he never said, 'Thus saith Jehovah', as Moses and all the prophets of the Bible did in instances where they spoke in the name of God, Jesus desired to inherit the place of Moses."


Page 956 - "But from the fact that not in a single passage of the Christian document, where the utterances of Jesus are recorded, can we find the slightest hint of the word Jehovah in such form as: 'Thus saith Jehovah', but quite the contrary, we find only that Jesus, in his own name, and after him also the disciples of Jesus, in their names annulled everything that Moses had said in the name of Jehovah."


Page 1129 - "Therefore there remained nothing else for Jesus to do but to reap what he had sown, and from the height of the cross to cry out in despair 'My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?' in order to receive the dominion over the nether-world and death, the gates of Abaddon, so as to cause all his believers to inherit them."


Page 1170 - I did not exaggerate in the least, when I said that the founders and creators of the Christian movement were absolute ignoramuses and charlatans.


Page 1500 - ". . . we are compelled to arrive at the very obvious conclusion that the father of Jesus was, in origin, a Roman, though according to the words of Jesus and his disciples in the document of Christianity, Jesus was born without a father."


Page 1503 - "Jesus changed the original names of his Hebrew disciples for foreign names, for Greco-Roman ones.. Instead of 'Simon' there appeared a 'Peter' and instead of a Jew at first, a Greco-Roman, later just another human being, and in the course of time some sort of mixed breed without any source or root."


Page 1509 - "We learn, that of his father, thus also the origin of his mother was not in Israel seed, but in the seed of the Chaldeans, namely, that just as his father, thus also the mother of Jesus was not a daughter of Israel but a daughter of Chaldeans, a daughter of Babylon."


Page 1511 - ". . . he introduced himself as a bastard."


Page 1515 - "Jesus was and indeed had to be, slain not at the hands of the Jews, as it is convenient for our enemies to interpret the matter of the crucifixion of their god, but expressly at the hands of someone of his own sources, at the hands of gentiles."


Page 1518 - ". . . it is also possible to understand the matter of the disappearance from the tomb wherein he was buried . . . it is possible to learn from them that Jesus was not even stolen . . . simply cast outside to become dung upon the face of the ground as a carcass trodden under foot."


Page - "All the efforts of Jesus, and after his death those of his disciples, lead only to the goal of misleading the Jews from Jehovah, their god . . . in order that they should serve in his place the cursed idol of Christianity.


"This is the reason the documents of the Christians never mention the words 'Jehovah saith unto' . . . with which all the books of the Bible are blessed. For Jesus knew very well that he was Satan, as he himself inferred when by this name 'Satan' he called the man in his confidence whom he himself placed on his throne as his successor."


Page 1542 - ". . . we have already concluded concerning the origin of Jesus of Nazareth: they clearly show us that he was not of Israel seed, but specifically of the seed of Amalek, of that very seed against whom Jehovah has been waging war from antiquity unto this day."


Page 1877 - Here the author reveals that he was born in Russia and came to Israel for the mission of publishing this volume of hate against the name of Jesus Christ. (Need anything more need be said?)


Page 1883 - "We will exile them (Christians) from off their land, so that they too may experience the taste which the Jews have been experiencing for two thousand years. 'And I will scatter them among the nations and in distant lands they will remember us.'


After reading these scurrilous words against Christ and Christianity, can you imagine the howls of anguish which would come from Jewish sources, if a similar book against the Jews were ever published? Such a person would immediately be marked by the Anti-Defamation League and other instruments of Jewish tyranny as a "bigot" and would probably be liquidated.


From what we have seen so far, and we have only scratched the surface of Jewish hatred for Christ and Christianity, it is indeed strange that the decrees of the Popes over many centuries, warning against the Jews, should be largely unknown among the Catholic clergy today; while the warnings of such men as Martin Luther, have for the most part been expunged from the libraries available to Lutheran pastors.


A deeper study of Judaism would bring us to the conclusion that it is largely "Gnosticism", which is a system of theology and philosophy that far antedates Christianity. Magic was an important part of the doctrines, largely of Jewish thinkers. They were kept secret and were not openly discussed. A considerable part of Jewish Gnosticism is still in existence but in modified form. Gnosticism is neither pure religion or pure philosophy, but a combination of both and is regarded as legitimate by Judaism. (See the Jewish encyclopaedia, pages 681-682; 283-655.)


Tied in very closely with this Gnosticism in the use of black magic, sometimes referred to as the "Cabala." In this, the adherents believe that God created the universe by means of letters of the alphabet combined in certain ways. If one were able to learn this combination, he could easily become the Master of the Universe. Amulets made of the skin of a foetus on which magic words were written were worn. A favorite sign of the Cabalists is the Star of David with a short prayer written on it. The Testament of Solomon brings to light a whole system of angels and demons and how evil spirits may be exorcized. They believe in the black magic art of healing and teach that Jesus learned magic in Egypt, and that these tricks were His miracles. (See Jewish encyclopaedia, Page 171.)


When Judaism is brought down to its simplest element, you will find that the ultimate object of its hatred is Christ and Christianity. The target of this intense hatred, is not just gentiles, the non-Jew who the Talmud says are "like an ass.. slaves who are considered the property of the Master," (Jewish Encyclopaedia, Page 621), but Christians. The language of the Talmud is literally exhausted, finding loathsome names for Christ and Christianity.


In the Jewish Encyclopaedia (page 170) we find that "Christian churches are likened to tents of Baal prostitution with old women outside, young ones inside, get customers drunk and disrobe and worship the idol."


These hated Christians are planted in Hell for eternity under a deluge of "boiling excrement." The Talmud describes four horrible deaths for Jesus, one is that He was to be lowered into dung up to His armpits, while a hard cloth was placed within a soft one and wound around His neck in opposite directions so as to strangle Him to death. (See the Talmud, SANHEDRIN, MISHNAH, pages 349 and 356; YEBAMOTH, page 6B' SANHEDRIN, pages 106a and 106b.)


The bloody, the sadistic, and the obscene are the darlings of the Talmudic "synagogue of Satan" mentality, an appetite which is never satiated. To deal in unnatural filth and sexual matters is the core of Talmudic scholarship.


You may ask. Why is a discussion of this filth and perversion necessary today? Why even bring it up? Why all this arguing about camels, asses, lions, the number of pubic hairs, etc. The point is, this filth is still being practiced today in Judaism, it has merely been brought "up to date." The ancient rules merely show how the Jewish mentality operates, the usual "big deal about nothing."


Some Christians will say, "But the Talmud is being phased out of modern Judaism?" Would God that it were so, but it is not. The colleges for the study of the Talmud are increasing, especially in America, where the Jews finance two great colleges, the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati and the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York City. In both these schools, the chief topic of study is the Talmud and its post-talmudic literature. A network of schools has been founded in America, coast to coast, for the purpose of teaching young Jews the writings of the Talmud.


The Talmud, exists today, my "brainwashed" Christian friend, and not a word has been changed since it was first written. There have been no "modernized versions as in the case of the Holy Bible. Compare the premise of the Talmud with that of the Bible. Now we have God as a female, or even a "non-person." Christian clergymen in the Council of Churches, blithely change the Bible, with the help of Jewish scholars, of course, to suit the whims of their "brainwashed congregations." When will White Christians wake up to the manipulation of our race at the hands of the Jews? WHEN IT IS TOO LATE?


* * * * *


What has been the purpose of these pages of charges and countercharges? Why have we gone to the mouth of Judaism for our answer? It is because the Christian world is today facing destruction at the hands of these anti-Christs. My purpose in writing this book was not to stir up hatred of the "little Jew," the one you and I usually rub shoulders with; the one who runs the local clothing store or the corner delicatessen. It is to show you the conspiracy that is underway to destroy everything you say you love and which in many instance, your church is supporting. What purpose is served by burying your head in the sand? What purpose of Christ and humanity is served when your pastor deliberately shuts out all facts and refuses to listen to the truth, as he leads you down the pathway to destruction? Don't be fooled, my Christian friend. You are not going to be "RAPTURED" out of this mess that your apathy caused in the first place. The warning of Galatians 6:7 is applicable to you and you will not be able to escape by some magic formula such as a RAPTURE. "Be not deceived, God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." You will not escape the results of your apathy. I tell you this on the authority of the Word of God.


When a well-known European Jew says: "The meaning of history in the last century is that today 300 Jewish financiers - all masters of lodges - rule the world:" OR "Three hundred men each of whom knows all the rules, govern the fate of the European Continent . . . These Jews have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of any state which they find unreasonable." You better believe it!


Now is not the time for "sunshine patriots." For whether you want to believe and accept it or not, the Christian world is engaged in a battle to the death against the forces of the anti-Christ. We will either "stand on our feet like men, or die on our knees as slaves." We may die on our; feet, oh yes, but we will die as free men. In the words of Patrick Henry: "I know now what course others may take, but as for me, GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH!"


Now I believe before we drop this subject, we should discuss briefly, the major arm of the Talmudic conspiracy in the United States. The Jewish lodge of B'nai B'rith (the Sons of the Covenant). It is a super Masonic Lodge into which no goyim, masonic or otherwise can ever hope to enter. Its activities are much more open now, than at any time in th~ir history. It was founded in 1843 as a purely American institution, although Ludwig Lewisohn, one of its leading members said in 1937: "The B'nai B'rith represents Jewry throughout the world."


These lodges sponsor forums and other active discussion groups, on problems of the day and cultural matters.


However, the dirty work of the B'nai B'rith is carried out in their' super-secret workings, which are hidden from goyim eyes for a specific' purpose.


You can understand the dangers posed by this powerful group however, when you look at its "enforcement arm," the ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE, popularly called the ADL. It was created in 1913, that same year when other Jewish disasters such as the Federal Reserve System was foisted off on an unsuspecting Gentile public.


Its heavily staffed national headquarters in Chicago knits together branches in every major United States city and they spend hundreds of millions of dollars yearly, working as a Jewish Gestapo within the confines of supposedly "free America." They terrorize the "little Jew" by constantly bringing up the bogeyman of the "Holocaust," and page after page of their literature shows pictures of lynchings, (although I know of no American Jew who has ever been lynched), and of course of the hated Nazi swastika. The implication is that most of the German people in America are transplanted Nazis. (They still hate all Germans with an unholy hatred.)


The ADL is a Jewish Gestapo, a prodigiously strong, intensely evil and limitlessly financed Gestapo. Today, whenever any "Right Wing" group is attacked in the Press, almost without fail, somewhere in the article will be a statement by some head man in the ADL, pronouncing the group dangerous to the health of Americans.


The activities of this vast network of Jewish spies is varied and they are ever alert to anything which might upset the plans of the International Jews. In a confidential letter sent out to editors of newspapers, a few years ago, they called on these thousands of Americans to persuade them, or hint to them, that it would be better if they did not publish anything that would displease the League. They were not even to report the contents of speakers who were on the ADL blacklist.


The editor of one of America's great dailies is reported to have said that ADL representatives called on him and requested that the newspaper should never mention certain men in a favorable light. The editor, recognized that they could withhold enough advertising to destroy and bankrupt him and that then they would smear him and force him out of the city. On numerous occasions the ADL has demanded that the Federal Communications Commission investigate and ban certain radio commentators whom they accused of being "anti-Semitic." On one occasion, a nationally known commentator was hounded off the air, because he was accused of being a transmission belt for "nationalistic propaganda." (You see, if you are loyal to America; if you are a patriot, you are automatically branded as being anti-Semitic.) In short, if you are for America, then you MUST be against the Pharasaic One-World Government. Amen!


The ADL is the investigative and prosecution arm of the B'nai B'rith. It seeks to silence all critics of Judaism. Anyone who raises their voice or pen against the international goals of the B'nai B'rith, are branded by the agents of the ADL as "anti-Semitic."


It has complete dossiers on every patriot in America. When I was lecturing in British Columbia in 1984, under the sponsorship of the CANADIAN LEAGUE OF RIGHTS, I was hounded from night to night by agents of the ADL. They had a record on me three inches thick, going back to privileged information in my service record from thirty years ago.


They carry on programs of constant vilification and defamation against any person or organization with whom they disagree and have become so powerful in recent years, that for all intents and purposes, they are now an official arm of the United States Justice Department.


They supply script material and guidance to the Nation's press, radio and television networks and furnish educational aids to thousands of schools throughout the United States. They furnish speakers, handbills, cartoons and other propaganda material to clubs, schools, veteran organizations, churches, newspapers and magazines.


They propagandize incessantly for the United Nations, Israel and One World Government. They seek to by-pass the First Amendment of the United States and abridge the freedom of speech and press for anyone who disagrees with them. They have become so powerful in Canada, that they have passed laws which make it a crime to criticize a Jew.

* * * * *

Financial control of every major nation on earth is now in the hands of a sprawling, interlocking, Jewish family which spans continents and national lines. The control branch of this family operates under the name of ROTHSCHILD.


It is interesting to note that men who finance Washington{such as Lehman, Seligman and Guggenheimer) are related by blood and marriage to those who finance Moscow (Schiff, Rothschild, Loeb), to those oriental branches such as the Sassons, and the Latin branches such as the Montefiores.


In Louisiana for instance, the Sterns are related to the Nawgasses of London, who are related to the Lehmans of New York, who are kin to the Strauses, Altschuls, Guggenheimers, Buttenweiser, and Loebs.


The Loebs are related to the Schiffs of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., who are related to the Warburgs of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., who are related to the Rothschilds who own or finance most of the big companies in the world. The Schiffs (of Moscow and New York fame) are also relatives of the Adlers, Oppenheimers, Westheimers, Ginzburgs, Geigers, Glogaus, Mannhemins, Hanaus, and the Zunzes in various parts of the world.


The Adlers are related to the Wormess and the Rothschilds who are related to more Rothschilds since they like to marry cousins, but are also related to the Montefiores, Goldschmidts, Grammons, Wagrams and the Sassoons of India.


We could go on and on. No wonder they are powerful. (The above information comes from the THE COUNCILOR, 3/15/63.)


* * * * *


There have been many anti-Communist organizations which have appeared on the American scene since the end of World War II. How do they fit? Men like Nicky Khruschev, the Russian alcoholic with his third Jewish wife - the Kremlin, which we are told is the center of communist intrigue, although any knowledgeable person knows this centre is in New York City - Fidel Castro, the Cuban madman, who was brought into power by the Jews in control of our State Department and of course, there were a variety of enemies that were presented to the gullible, brainwashed, uninformed American public, to keep their mind off the relentless march of the Zionists towards world control.


The Pharisee control of the press has made it easy for him to set up "straw men" enemies and many of the "anti-communist" organizations have been interesting to behold.


There are many true patriots and anti-Communist fighters in the United States, but mingled with these is a host of fools, boobs, do-gooders and dupes, who believe everything the Pharisee propaganda media gives them in the press, radio and television, Many of these have really no idea of what communism is all about. By their stupidity, they have played into the hands of their worst enemies. This has been especially true of the Christian church.


The worst of all these groups were the ones organized by pharisee agents, posing as conservatives, or who infiltrated organizations already in operation, destroying many.


PROTOCOL XII, 3 states: "Among those making attacks on us will also be organs established by us - but they will attack exclusively points that we have pre-determined to alter."


Probably one of the most effective Jewish organized anti-Communist organizations is the CHRISTIAN ANTI-COMMUNIST CRUSADE, headed by an Australian Jew named Fred Schwartz, M.D. He claims that he gave up a lucrative medical practice in order to devote himself to the fight against Communism. He constantly plays the theme of "money, money and more money," which he milks from unsuspecting Christians in large quantities.


But a careful observer can see the Zionist control behind this organization. For instance, in Volume V, Number 6 of the Schwartz bulletin is a headline U.S. NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION! This of course is one of the most important propaganda tools used by international Jewry.


On another occasion Schwartz stated that "the true pathology of communism remains a mystery to most people." How true, when "most people don't know that it was created by Jews."


Schwartz brags about his record being completely free from the slightest tint of "anti-Semitism." He says: "On scores of occasions I have publicly denounced attempts to associate Communism and the Jews. As a Christian I have acknowledged the great debt all Christian owe to their Jewish heritage. Every Christian MUST love the Jews. Our Lord was a Jew. (The greatest blasphemy of all.) Since my father was born into a Jewish family, I have special gratitude to the Jews."


Isn't it interesting to note that Schwartz, the "Christian Jew," furthers the Communist-Jewish line, that "Anti-Semitism is evil and criminal, and that Christians owe a debt to the Jews." History teaches us, quite clearly, that without Judaism, there would have been no Communism. Let me remind you once again of the statement of Rabbi Steven Wise in 1923: "Some call it Communism; I call it Judaism!"


How long will it take for Christians to realize there is no such freak as a "Christian Jew." You can't be both a Christian and a Jew; you are either for Christ or against Him; a "man cannot serve two masters." I could give you many other examples of how this man has supported the Jewish program of world control. The Bible which Fred Schwartz claims to believe clearly states: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers..." (2 Cor. 6:14).


* * * * *


Probably one of the slickest of all anti-Communist organizations is the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY. I really hate to say what I am going to say about this organization, since I was a dedicated member for over ten years and was on their AMERICAN OPINION SPEAKER'S BUREAU during that time. They had me fooled for a time and when I began to realize what was happening, I didn't last very long with them, as the top echelon in Belmont put the heat on me to keep my mouth shut.


I have no argument with the Society for their education program and I learned much from their material. I have never bad mouthed them, although I thought I got a "dirty deal" from the top echelon. But it's necessary that the truth be made known and the Birch Society has siphoned off countless hours of hard work, and millions of dollars in patriotic money, without ever hitting at those who stand at the base of world communism. There were a few people in the Birch Society who knew that the International Jew was behind Communism and that they were the real enemy, but they were intimidated into keeping quiet about it.


But when you see the Jewish influence in the top echelon of the Society, in the "organizing Council of the JBS" and the Jewish money that is poured into the Society, you understand that possibly, here again, is an organization that was set up by International Judaism as a neutralizing force for patriotic Americans.


The experience of many Birchers was similar to mine. I first ran into trouble when during a Question and Answer period, following my lecture, the question was asked: "What do you think of American support for Israel?" My answer was: "I think the time has come when right thinking Christian Americans need to take a close look at our open check policy of aid to those who hate Christianity." I was called on the carpet for this remark by Robert Welch himself and was told that under no circumstances was I ever to mention Jews in connection with Communism. I refused to lie to my people, when I knew the truth, and shortly afterwards I was out.


Another member said: "In May, the coordinator for Western Washington visited our city and we visited for about two hours. During that time I made it quite clear how I felt about the Satanic conspiracy and who was behind it. Needless to say, the last of June I received my skid sheet, without any explanation as to why I was removed. However, through the grapevine, I found out that since I was Anti-Semitic, I was out!"


Here is another. "The January JBS Bulletin was the straw that broke the camels back. If Welch would just keep his mouth shut about the Jews, not saying anything pro or con, I think I could have stayed, but he insists on welcoming them in, going out of his way to do so..."


Here is another: "As a Christian I am forbidden by my Lord to be joined in any way to those who do not believe in Him . . . Do you know any self-proclaimed Jews who proclaim Jesus Christ is come in the flesh? For that matter the head of the Society (Welch - JBS) professes only what most people term humanism or naturalism, both of which are paraphrases of most Asiatic beliefs in deity, including so-called Judaism . . . If the Birch Society is not openly, avowedly, energetically pro-Christian, it will fail utterly in what it says its aims are. It cannot be pro-Christian and pro-Jewish at the same time."


Mr. Welch, in his book THE NEUTRALIZERS, tried to show that Castro was not Jewish. But it is interesting to note, that the JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY, THE JEWISH SENTINEL on Jan. 5, 1959 wrote: "The rural forces comprising the cadre of the Castro army . . .were bearded like Biblical prophets and looked much like the Haganah of pre-independence Israel. There were Sephardic Jews from Santiago who proudly wore the Mezzuzah . . . Max Lesnick, whose father is Jewish, is leader of the Castro youth group."


When one of America's greatest columnists, Westbrook Pegler wrote a feature article for the AMERICAN OPINION MAGAZINE, of the JBS he made reference to Jewish intrigue and dropped innuendos that offended the Jews . . . Of course Pegler knew that it was the Jews who had him kicked out of a great newspaper syndicate. But Robert Welch, head of the J.B.S. wrote a letter of apology to the ADL; the letter was run in the ADL Bulletin, and Pegler was finished as an American Opinion writer and largely as an American columnist.


Some smart operators have seen the rapid decline of the American Republic as a means to "make a buck" fighting Communism. Like rats leaving a sinking ship, they have lived off the fear of the American people. They are like the Jerry Falwell's, the Jimmy Swaggart's and the Pat Robertson's who have seen a way to make a fabulous amount of money off Christians, by supporting the Israeli.


Unfortunately, there are many other organizations which are being used to take America down the path to national destruction, all cleverly being used by the internationalists and often funded by them from behind the scenes.


* * * * *


I have painted a terrible picture of the calamity that is facing America. Some will ask: "What chance do we have in the face of these odds." Others will say: "They are too strong; there is nothing we can do now; it's too late!" I refuse to believe this.


To these, I refer back to past history. To a man named Hannibal. They said to him: "Hannibal, you can't get your war elephants through the mountain passes into Italy in the middle of the winter," but he did it anyway. They said to George Washington at Valley Forge: "George, there is no possible way that you can take your little 'rag tag' army of farmers and clerks, many of who are not even armed, and cross the river in the middle of the winter and fight the finest professional army in the world." But George got off his knees, where he had been praying in the snow at Valley Forge to lead his little army to a magnificent victory at Trenton.


Then I remember that terrible winter of 1951 in Korea, when the U.S. Marines were cut off at a place called the Chosen Reservoir. They were surrounded by the Chinese Reds, outnumbered 30 to one, the temperature was thirty below and they had little or no hope of getting out alive. But General "Chesty" Puller called his men together and told them: "Men, we have the enemy where we want them now, we can shoot in any direction." And they fought their way out, bringing their dead and wounded. This is the kind of spirit that has made America great; this is the kind of spirit that has kept America great, and this is the kind of spirit, that with the help of Almighty God, will bring America back to the place where God wants her to be.


But to do this, White Christian Americans will have to learn who they are and who the enemy is. Once they know they are the Chosen People of the Old Testament, and the International Jew is their enemy, they will be able to look at their responsibility before God. That of obeying His Law. Once they get this through their "thick" heads, they can then start doing things God's way, instead of trying so hard to "do their own thing." Then and only then will we reach the place where God wants us to be.


In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we find the formula for the survival of Christian America. Very few Christians want to follow it. It says very clearly: "If my people, which are called by my name (this could not possibly mean the Jews), will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAVEN, AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND." (Emphasis mine.)


But first before we pray, we better get into a right relationship with the King. Many Christians seem to feel that they can reach God any time they want to. They believe they can live like the devil six days of the week, then become AlkaSeltzer Christians who go to church on Sunday and "fizz for an hour," and that's all that is required of them. (No wonder we have lost our power.) But the Bible clearly tells us that God does not even listen to the prayers of these people. Turn with me to Isaiah 59:1, 2 - "The arm of the Lord is not shortened that He cannot save; (He has not lost His strength) neither is His ear heavy that He cannot hear. (He has not lost His hearing) But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you THAT HE WILL NOT HEAR." (Emphasis mine.)


There are some of our Identity preachers who tell their people that all that is necessary to get into the Kingdom is to be white and of the Israel race. This is a lie out of the pits of hell! This is why Jesus told Nicodemus, a good Israelite, in John 3:3, "Nicodemus, if you want to even see the kingdom of God, 'Ye MUST BE BORN AGAIN!' " How we hate that expression! But it is a good Biblical expression and one we better heed.


You can be an Israelite and never make it into the kingdom. There is a personal relationship you must have with the King. First you must come to Him with a contrite heart and ask His forgiveness for His laws which you have often knowingly broken. When you receive this forgiveness, and the Bible tells us that He will forgive (I John 1:9), then we need to pledge our "fealty" (Loyalty) to Him. "King, from now on, I am your man/woman, boy/girl. I will love you and serve you to the best of my ability and will be true to you, even to the death." When this happens, then you become a true "child of the King;" you can come to Him in prayer, and He has promised to HEAL OUR LAND!


As troubles multiply - and they will; I cannot paint a picture of a rosy immediate future for you, as much as I'd like to. I cannot in all honesty say that Jesus will come back and take you out of this mess that you and I are responsible for, for He WILL NOT! But He has told us, Luke 21:28 - "When these things (the wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilence, persecution) begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH!" Relief is in sight, my friends, if we are willing to accept it.


Why don't you get into a right relationship with the King right now and begin this all important process of bringing about His return?








2 - THE SATANIC COUNTERFEIT (Explanation of the PROTOCOLS by Gen. Jack Mohr,)


3 - THE JEWISH UTOPIA - Higger, Lord Baltimore Press, Baltimore, MD.


4 - THE RED PATTERN OF WORLD GOVERNMENT - Butler -Sons of Liberty, P.O. Box 514, Newmarket, NJ.


5 - THE ALIEN MENACE - Lane - Boswell Printing Co. 10 Essex St., Strand, London England


6 - FAR AND WIDE - Reed - Jonothan Cape 30 Bedford Square, London, England


7 - THE SECRET GOVERNMENT OF THE U S A - Davison - Council on American Relations


8 - AMERICA'S UNELECTED RULERS - Courtney - P.O. Box 4254, New Orleans, LA.


9 - THE POWER BEHIND THE GOVERNMENT - Lasell - Liberty Publications, 520 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.


10 - THE FRINGE ON TOP - Evans - Forum Publications, 324 Newbury St., Boston, MA


11 - CONSTITUTIONS BE DAMNED! - Bruce - Forum Publications, 324 Newbury St., Boston, MA.


12 - A RACIAL PROGRAM FOR THE TWENTIETH CENTURY - Cohen - P.O. Box 27895, Los Angeles, CA.


13 - THE RIDDLE OF THE JEWS' SUCCESS - Roderich - National States Rights Party, P.O. Box 184, Augusta, GA.


14 - THE WORLD HOAX - Elmhurst - Jane's Book Shop, P.O. Box 783, Birmingham, AL.


15 - BEHIND COMMUNISM - Britton - P.O. Box 783, Birmingham, AL.


16 - KNOW YOUR ENEMY - Williams - P.O. Box 868, Santa Ana, CA.


17 - KNOW YOUR ENEMY - Jack Mohr


18 - FACTS THAT WILL SAVE AMERICA - Dilley - American Intelligence Research, 2703 E. Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA.


19 - THE FINAL STORY OF PEARL HARBOR - Adm. Theobald, P.O. Box 27895, Los Angeles, CA.