History and Fundamentals

History and Fundamentals

from a South African contributor

By 'fundmentals' we speak of things like: summer, winter, autumn, spring, you know, things that politicians cannot change or which they change only to the detriment of the order of things. There is an ultimate order, and the closer we attain to it, the greater becomes our personal and national wellbeing.

The trick is to discover the fundamental non-negotiables that harmonise with natural law. Once that is established half the battle is won. We who are Bible-believing Christians have the advantage of possessing the Book of Rules that provide for us the remaining answers to our quest for a successful national constitution ensuring prosperity, but not necessarily peace. We 
know that because we have lived through pockets of time where this was demonstrated. Pre-war Germany and post-war South Africa knew both sides of that equation. The prosperity generated  in wicked men and wicked systems jealousy and hatred that proved terminal for both successful systems. 

Nevertheless that is no reason for turning away from what we know produces success, because again, we are living witnesses of the chaos and calamitous alternative that is evident from east to west and pole to pole.

The forcing of wrong systems upon the world by delinquent politicians can produce nothing but what grows from the seeds of chaos they sow. Racial integration and usury have made their way into our social and economic order and defiled the sweet waters of social harmony and honest money. Now their poison is in the pot from which we are being forced to eat. Lunatics from our asylums could not do more harm to our way of life than the heartless troublemakers who do all these things driven by greed for money and lust for power over our nations.

It is no longer necessary to warn about the predictable consequences of what would follow the practice of universalism and money manipulation, the evidence is splashed on out screens and newspapers every day.

The sickening decline in decency, common sense and public behaviour, and the decadent music and art that despoils our culture is the price we are paying for violating the divine decree or to allow an alien "one who is not of your race" to rule over us. It is a Fundamental Sanction, which we have ignored 

The lessons from our past we too have ignored. South Africa had every reason, after emerging from a history peppered with "Kaffir wars", and centuries of struggle, to thumb their noses at what is anything but the 'United Nations'. We knew what had been achieved through "Separate Development". It was a workable system that was getting better all the time. We knew what our problems were and we knew how to handle them. Why murder our greatest leader to please the jabbering idiots in New York? If it had led to a shooting war would we have been any worse off than we are now? They would have smashed our cities, 
but our racial integrity would have remained intact. And cities can always be rebuilt.

South Africa was not overwhelmed in warfare. Nobody wears medals or carries the wounds of war that forced our demise. We live in blushing shame because we put our trust in politicians instead of Almighty God, whom we pretend to worship. We gave in to the most primitive of peoples, who never won a single battle against us, and surrendered to an apparition called 'world Opinion'. We gave them the keys to our fabulous wealth, to our arsenals, and worst of all to the minds of our school going children. In return they rape our wives and our beautiful daughters, they slaughter our farmers, and if we shoot back in defence we are flung into our prisons.

The second Boer war ended with victory for England but the glory achieved by the humble Boer lives on to this day. Our defeat was achieved on pieces of paper. Our generation will surely carry the tag, in terms of courage and valour, as the most forgettable of White South Africa. To exacerbate the shame, now that our heritage has been disgraced by a thing called democracy, hundreds of thousands of our best people have bolted and left this sinking ship - not that we blame them.

We are down and disgraced, but so long as the Promises of our God remain upon the pages of His eternal Word we know that our condition is temporary, not permanent. We are learning a long and painful lesson, one that has happened again and again to God's stubborn, hard-hearted people. This time we have to learn it well because our racial destiny is at stake. 

We've had warnings, one such is found in Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Daniel's interpretation of the feet and toes kingdom is translated as follows by Ferrar Fenton: "As you saw its feet and toes were formed part of clay, and part of iron; that kingdom shall be a divided one; yet the firmness of iron will be in it, because you saw the iron mixed with tempered clay. So as the toes were part of iron, and part of clay, part of that Empire will be strong, and part brittle; and as you observed the iron was 
mixed with the tempered clay, they will mix themselves with the races of mankind - but will not stick together with each other, as iron does not unite with clay. But in the days of those kings, the God of Heaven will establish an Everlasting Empire and indestructible, - whose Sovereignty will not be transferred to another people. It will subdue and break all the kingdoms, and will stand forever. 

The New English Bible is even more graphic with references to the races. "As, in your vision, the iron was mixed with common clay, so shall men mix with each other by intermarriage,  but such alliances shall not be stable: iron does not mix with clay." (Dan. 2/43,44) How about that from the Liberal translators! 

The reason why Christ's Kingdom will stand forever is because the values of His Kingdom are the Fundamental values we have spurned.