I won't be shopping at Tesco this Christmas


From The Christian Institute  

Tesco's Head of Research and Development has said Christians are "evil" for opposing homosexual marriage. The comment was made by Nick Lansley, Head of R&D for Tesco.com.

It appears on Mr Lansley's profile page on the photo-sharing website, Flickr.com, where he lists his employment as 'Head of R&D at Tesco.com'.

He adds: "I'm also campaigning against evil Christians (that's not all Christians, just bad ones) who think that gay people should not lead happy lives and get married to their same-sex partners."

It has also emerged that the supermarket giant is selling a juice drink, degradingly called "P***y Natural Energy". You can see for yourself by clicking on this link.

According to the Tesco website, sales of the drink are "supporting Cancer Research UK with a limited edition can exclusive to Tesco with five pence from each sale going back to the charity for its life saving research."

In November the company faced criticism for dumping its support of the Cancer Research 'Race for Life' and sponsoring London's gay pride parade.

Last year a Christian Institute supporter discovered that she had bought unlabelled halal meat from Tesco. Her money was refunded after she made a fuss.

If, like me, you won't be shopping at Tesco this Christmas, tell them so on their Facebook page: facebook.com/tesco or email Richard Brasher, Chief Executive UK Operations, at richard.brasher@uk.tesco.com

I won't be shopping at Tesco this Christmas, and I am repeatedly hearing from other Christians who have already come to the same conclusion. Mr Lansley may be entitled to his opinions, but Christians are entitled to choose not to shop at Tesco.

The decision by Tesco to sell an offensively named drink shows very poor judgment, even if 5p from every can goes to Cancer Research UK. If they want to support this charity, why not restore their sponsorship rather than attach a good cause to a product with such a squalid name? If you would like to contact Tesco, see the tips below.

Please forward this email to your friends.

Yours in Christ,

Colin Hart
The Christian Institute

Tips for contacting Tesco:
You can email Richard Brasher, the Chief Executive of Tesco's UK Operations, at: richard.brasher@uk.tesco.com

Here is some advice for what to do and say in your message:

Be calm and polite, but firm.
Use your own words. Write your own subject line.
If you are a Tesco customer, then say so. If you have a Tesco clubcard, then say so.
Say which Tesco store you use and how frequently you shop there.
  If you know approximately how much your weekly shopping bill is, then say so.

You could use some of the following points, but put them in your own words:

Say that you support traditional marriage. Ask whether the store will be donating money to campaigns for gay marriage.
  Explain that Pride London is a highly controversial event. Say you do not want the profits of your grocery bill being used to promote a homosexual lifestyle.

Ask why Tesco have to sell a product with such an offensive name. Ask Tesco to make its stores appropriate places for children.

In addition to emailing, you can also write to Mr Brasher at the following address:

Mr Richard Brasher
Chief Executive UK Operations
New Tesco House
Delamare Road

Registered office: The Christian Institute, Wilberforce House,
4 Park Road, Gosforth Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8DG
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