Kissinger And The World Communist Movement



Report of The Herald of Freedom


Informed Washington intelligence analysts believe that Henry Kissinger had information which could have proven embarrassing, even disastrous, to former presidents and high ranking American officials, otherwise he could not have obtained and held the numerous advisory positions that were given to him, to say nothing of heading the National Security Council, all our intelligence services and at the same time acting as Secretary of State and a  one man foreign policy maker. The KG.B. and its predecessors have carefully compiled information not only on State Department officials and Foreign Service Officers but on American politicians, legislators and important persons who, through character deficiencies have been compromised. The compromise could be related to sexual promiscuity or homosexuality; illicit, unethical or conflict of interest financial dealings', or any other activities or background information which, when passed along to the right person, could be used against the victim.

The so called detente between the U.S., the Soviet Union, Communist China and various Communist satellites was carefully worked out on a long range basis. In the case of the U.S.S.R. the detente was supposedly the way to avoid a nuclear war; the detente with Red China began with the ping pong cover. Concession after concession has been granted to the Communist countries. To mention only a few   long term credit at low interest, export of American technology (both in billion dollar amounts), and the legitimizing of Communist conquests. These concessions go beyond the original projected idea of detente and are part of the plan for strengthening the world Communist movement. The Communist control of South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, and the impending Red activities elsewhere in Southeast Asia are also part of the plan.

The false "peace with honour," worked out by Kissinger with Le DueTho of North Vietnam, was only a political move to get American troops out of South Vietnam at exactly the right time to obtain more votes for Richard Nixon. It was known arid agreed that the North Vietnamese had 175,000 troops in South Vietnam, and others in Cambodia, and that they would be kept there. After a brief period (to make it look good), 200,000 additional troops were sent down to help finish the job

The Joint Chiefs of Staff tried in vain for years to give the Americans an opportunity to win the war in Vietnam but they were never permitted to do so. Thus, 56,000 young Americans were killed and 175,000 were wounded in a war which ended, as planned, in surrender to the Communists. Had this taken place in an officially declared war, those responsible would have been considered traitors.

Henry Kissinger's cooperation with the Communists has riot been limited to Southeast Asia. The invasion of Cyprus and the State Department's policies in connection with Greece and Turkey have turned both countries against the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which was set up in the first place to protect Europe.

The Communist Marxist Socialist takeover of Portugal was accomplished with no interference whatsoever from Henry Kissinger in spite of C.I.A. requests to give aid to the anti Communists in Portugal.

Through the efforts of Henry Kissinger, the U.S. has recognized Communist East Germany, an objective that Moscow and the satellites had been working toward tor many years. The position of the U.S. had always been the same as that of West Germany, that the Soviet occupation of East Germany and the creation of a communist state was illegal and that there should be. only one Germany. Proof of the population's opposition to Communism was manifested when the Berlin Wail was erected to keep East German citizens within that communist "paradise." Over the past several yearsEast Germans who attempted to escape to West Germany and those who assisted them, if caught, were sentenced to, long prison terms, even to life imprisonment in some instances.


The Chinese Communists have helped Hanoi strengthen port facilities at eight harbours in North Vietnam

A Chinese Communist engineering unit has helped the North Vietnamese establish a logistic andtransportation system to help maintain the flow of war supplies

   The Chinese Communists have been helping the North Vietnamese build up a heavy artillery basein Tayninh Province which is a direct threat to Saigon.

   A training center has been operating in suburban Nanning to provide guerrilla and sabotage training for 500 persons at a time.

   A commando training center was established in North Vietnam with Maoist assistance. Twenty commando units, each with 100 members, have been set up. The training period at the center is two months. The first class graduated at the end of February. All equipment for those commando units was supplied by the Chinese Communists.

In December last year, Peiping helped the Khmer Rouge establish seven commando units.

About 3,000 Peiping trained saboteurs have been sent to northern Thailand to conduct infiltration and subversion activities.

The future of NATO has been jeopardized as a result of Henry Kissinger's policy in permitting the Cyprus situation to develop without even attempting to visit the area. When one considers how many trips he has made to the Soviet Union, the Middle East and Red China, his lack of interest in this area is significant.

On April 29, 1975, the Greek government announced that U.S. warships and supply ships using the port of Eleusis will no longer be permitted to use the port for homeporting. Further, that the U.S. Air Force base at Ellinikon will be closed. The situation has also deteriorated in Turkey, the other party to the Cyprus fiasco. Turkish Foreign Minister Caglayangil disclosed on April 22, 1975 that two and a half months have gone by since the United States stopped arms shipments to Turkey, that the Turkish attitude has only hardened as a result, and warned that Turkish irritation might be directed toward American military installations in their country. The foreign minister said that the installations are intended for joint NATO defense but if one side unilaterally withdraws from its obligations, the other should feel free to act the same way. The U.S. is understood to have at least 200 separate military establishments in Turkey, of which a number are important electronic equipment stations which can detect and identify troop movements.

An additional analysis of the Greek Turkish situation reveals that Greece, has completely withdrawn from NATO's military command. The American airbase at the Athens Airport is to be closed and the ballistic missile range on the Island of Crete is to be closed.

To all intents and purposes, the Communists have seized power in Portugal and many K.G.B. officers are firmly entrenched there, giving advice and direction. The present Portuguese government has already informed the United States government that it can no longer use that country or its islands for supplying the Middle East.

in the meantime, West German sources reported on the manoeuvres of Soviet warships. The report states that the course taken up to now bythe large scale Soviet manoeuvres on almost all of the world's seas has clearly  shown the strength of the Soviet fleet and "underlines the expansive maritime ventures on the seas." Massive .manoeuvres by the German Democratic Republic People's Navy (East German) and the Communist Polish fleet have also been noted. The most important realization resulting so far is that the Soviets have let the can out of the bag for the first time as regards what they want to achieve with their unusually strong formation in the Baltic Sea. It is intended to speedily strengthen the formations in the Atlantic in order to be able to form, if necessary, a durable blockade of the sea links between America and their European allies. The Soviet naval leadership has never before sent as many units from the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic as it has during these manoeuvres, it was learned. This finally proves the strategic connection between the Atlantic and the North arid Baltic Seas. it thus became recognizable that defense in the Baltic Sea and its approaches is a prerequisite for securing NATO's northern flank.

The Ford Administration (like the Nixon administration), following the policies of Henry Kissinger like puppets, continues to pour hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to India, knowing full well that India has become virtually a satellite of the Soviet Union. The Indian Army has Soviet advisers and technicians, and on April 30, 1975, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi hailed the victory of the Communists in South Vietnam.

Addressing the British Commonwealth conference in Kingston, Jamaica, Mrs. Gandhi told the leaders of 33 Commonwealth nations that the United States "had underestimated the calibre of Ho Chi Minh and the capacity of the Vietnamese people to mold their own future and withstand pressures." Mrs. Gandhi, who has supported the Soviet Union at every opportunity, does not hesitate to insult the U.S. while condescending to accept hundreds of millions in aid at the same time.

  In the Middle East, Henry Kissinger has again aided the Communist Conspiracy, whose objective here Is togain control of the Arab oil fields, with his secret diplomacy of obtaining a temporary cease fire. Since Israel is completelydependent upon the United States for its planes, tanks, and other weapons of war, a genuine peacebetween Israel and the Arabs could have been arranged if Henry Kissinger had been sincere in his negotiations. His threat (echoed by President Ford) that "under certain circumstances" we might seize the Arab oil fields only created more tension it, , an. already volatile area. The Arabs, according to informed intelligence sources, have mined the oil fields, and if an attempt were made to seize them, would blow them up; full production could not possibly be restored for at least a year. In the meantime, much of Europe and Japan would be cut off from their oil, thus creating chaos, anarchy, and possible revolution. But then perhaps this, too, is part of the plan.

The U.S. News Letter, a private weekly report of the U.S. News and World Report, stated in its May 9, 1975 issue: "As for this country's course of action if peace negotiations break down   a touchy question that would reopen the war powers debate. But note this clue to contingency planning by the Administration: a renewed request to Congress for authorization to activate up to 50,000 reservists. Duty unspecified, but'.. . in situations similar to that which (have) occurred in the Middle East. .

Some journalists in the Middle East are beginning to see through Henry Kissinger. Yosef Lapid wrote in the influential Tel Aviv newspaper MA'ARIV on April 22, 1975 :

"The Nobel Peace Prize which was awarded him for the 'establishment of peace' in Vietnam will continue to haunt Henry Kissinger for many years. Did he have in mind this kind of peace? America's allies throughout the world will ask Is this Washington's degree of credibility? Is it possible to depend on it? And one question will lead to another, and one accusation will lead to another.. What happened in Cyprus and Portugal? Is not the famous detente to which Kissinger has linked his political future only a cover for unhindered Communist conquest of the world?"

Defying Israeli censors, Terence Smith of the New York Times wrote on May 13, 1975 that a book written by Matti Golan, a columnist for the Israeli publication Haaretz, has been barred from publication and the 300 page manuscript, plus notes and documents, were ordered turned over to the government by the Israeli military censor. After delaying for 36 hours and consulting with his attorney, Mr. Golan complied. The book was banned on the personal orders of Israeli Premier Yutzak Rabin, who told the cabinet that the book, contains secret minutes of conversations between Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and different Israeli ministers in which Kissinger allegedly made disparaging remarks about a number of heads of state. According to Mr. Smith, Israeli sources stated that if the book were published, Kissinger would probably have to resign and that Israel i American relations would be seriously damaged. On the grounds that this would threaten the flow of American arms and aid to Israel, the government censor blocked publication and confiscated all papers and notes in connection with it. The government went further and prohibited Israeli newspapers from even publishing the fact that the book was censored. The censor also sought to prevent the publication of the above information in the New York Times but Terence Smith filed his report anyway.

There has been frequent reference to the participation of the Soviet Union in supplying North Vietnam, Vietcong, and the Cambodian Communists with their weapons of war, but Communist China has also been deeply involved in this flow of aid. The Republic of China maintains an excellent intelligence service, with information gathered from within Red China and from other countries throughout the world. Free China's intelligence service obtained conclusive evidence that the Maoist Peiping regime was directly involved in the massive offensive launched by the Communist rebels in both Vietnam and the Khmer Republic, military spokesman Maj. Gen. Lee Chang hao said on April 4. General Lee told a press conference the evidence obtained includes the following:

   A 10 member Chinese Communist military mission, headed by Yang Yung, arrived in Hanoi on Feb. 28 for a two week visit; the situation in Vietnam changed drastically immediately after that.

Since an earlier Maoist military mission's visit to Hanoi in October 1974, the Chinese Communists have been providing massive military supplies for the North Vietnamese. A so called "Headquarters of the Chinese People's Support for Vietnam," headed by Wei Kuo ching, was also established in Nanning in southern Kwangsi Province.

   More than 10,000 tons of arms, including 107mm Bazookas, machine guns and other weapons, were shipped to North Vietnam last January.

   The Chinese Communists recently provided transportation vessels for North Vietnam. In January, the Maoists expanded the Kanchiang shipyard by adding two new piers to the original three, which enabled them to supply the North Vietnamese with five 100 ton landing vessels every three months.

The developments in Cambodia, South Vietnam, and Laos have sent shock waves through South Korea and Japan. In South Korea, where 40,000 American troops are still stationed, there is fear that Communist North Korea,believing (justifiably) that the U.S. is deserting its Asian allies, may be encouraged to launch another invasion of South Korea. In view of the Southeast Asia developments, Japanese officials are having second thoughts about the previous U.S. promise to Japan that it would retaliate against any aggressor country, meaning Russia or China.

Those sceptics in the United States and other parts of the Free World who believe Communist propaganda about Communists being "peace loving promoting coexistence," and other childish fabrications, should take a second look at Phnorii Penh where three million citizens have been forcibly removed from their homes and businesses, even patients from hospitals, and herded out of the city into the countryside while the Communists move in to take over. How many hundreds of thousands will die of starvation or. be executed only time will tell. The blood bath, which has become synonymous with Communist consolidation in a takeover, continues. In some countries the blood bath is kept secret or is called another word, like "purge."

It is obvious from their actions that Communists are inhuman barbarians and cannot be trusted. However, the Kissinger influence on the U.S. State Department has caused their acceptance in our dealings with them, as decent people who just prefer a different form of government. The State Department has gone so far as to trust them with precious uranium which is a policy change indicating that the U.S. no longer fears that the Soviet Union would steal American uraniurn if it got its hands on it.

On April 25, 1975, it was made known that the State Department had officially informed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that it would approve a license sought by Edlow International Company of Washington, D.C. to export 1,400,000 pounds of uranium oxide to the Soviet Union. The uranium ore, which has been obtained from mines in Wyoming and New Mexico, is to be processed into pellets rich in uranium 235 which is used in the manufacture of atomic weapons, although this shipment is presumably to be used as fuel for power stations in other countries. The Edlow shipment is the first publicly announced case in which U.S. uranium has been permitted to go to the Soviet Union but sources state that there has been at least one other shipment.

Under the Atomic Energy Act it is illegal for American companies to produce nuclear material outside the United States unless approval is obtained from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Requests to deal with Communist countries are passed on by the NRC to the State Department which must determine whether such deals are in the national interest. In allowing the Edlow shipment, the State Department informed the NRC that sending the American uranium to the USSR for processing would "riot be inimical to the common defence and security" of the United States and its allies. A spokesman for the State Department gave the following reason:

1f the Soviets are prepared to enrich uranium for civil use in the West, then you must conclude that they have produced all the enriched material they need." Thus we must not be afraid that they will keep the uranium to destroy us as they have said over and over again that they will do.

The Communist conspiracy works on an over all plan, is very patient, arid in some instances (such as in Spain, Greece, Portugal and Guatemala) had been frustrated. With U.S. foreign policy and intelligence services tinder the control of Henry Kissinger, however, the recent advances made by the Communists have gone beyond their wildest expectations. Not only have they been successful in takeovers but they have caused other still free countries to reconsider whether the U.S. is a worthwhile ally, whether they can depend on our word and pledges of support. This has enabled the Communist conspiracy to achieve a propaganda success which would have taken years of effort and perhaps a cost of billions of dollars to accomplish.

As pointed out in the beginning, the K.G.B. and its predecessors for years prepared dossiers to be used for blackmail or pressure purposes often indirectly through sources not easily traced. It is only logical to assume that when the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the F.B.1   and C.I.A. are unable to take necessary effective action against our enemies from with and without, those who prevent it must be on the side of the enemy, which automaticallyraises the question: Why? In the ODRA group, of which Kissinger is a member, there are persons known to the C.I.A. and the BritishSecurity Service whose identities have not yet been made public. Henry Kisiinger'spress interviews deploring the turn of events in Southeast Asia are sheer hypocrisy since he is one oil the primary causes of the tragedy there.

The Confidential Intelligence Report is a privately circulated publication of The Herald of Freedom, Box 3,

Zarephath, N.J. 08890: Frank A. Capell, Editor and Publisher. The C.I.R. is an evaluation of information received­ from both private and official sources in the United States and abroad. Published monthly, the subscription rate is $10 per year; issues are sent via first class mail Extra copies: 2 for $1, 12 for $5.