Profound Revolution Chapter 12 - Which Will It Be - U. S. or U. N. ?

Other military debacles which should be attributed to the United Nations and its New York powerhouse are Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Both were well-governed and highly prosperous little countries before the propaganda machines began attacking their Presi­dents, building up false images of them, asserting that these rulers were cruel and ruthless dictators and call­ing for their elimination.

The connection between the New York Establish­ment and Castro, the selected candidate for the ruler of Cuba, has, from the beginning of the Cuban "revolu­tion," been obvious to those informed about The Estab­lishment. The New York Times and its agent, Herbert Matthews, acted openly in this situation. The publisher of the Times is a member of the Council on Foreign Re­lations and the Times is second only to the Rockefellers in the number of associates represented on the roster of the C. F. R.

Not only did the Times agent, Matthews, handle the arrangements which brought Castro to power, but Cas­tro lost no time, after he had consolidated his gains, in coming to the United States, where he reported in at headquarters, Pratt House, home office of the C. F. R. in New York. Their annual report for that year records that Castro addressed the Council.

Incredulous people always point out that the billion­aires of the Council on Foreign Relations OWNED enormous business interests in Cuba. This is true, but CU­BANS had been acquiring very substantial holdings in some of the more profitable operations. The cartelists of the C. F. R. are never satisfied to own MOST of any­thing; they insist upon having it ALL, as they will when the United Nations has completed the establishment of the World Empire.

Then there was the case of the Dominican Republic. This little country had been the poor house of the West­ern Hemisphere. It had never been able to maintain a stable government. Its plight had been deplorable. Finally the United States decided that something should be done to establish a working government and we sent in the Marines to try to get things moving. The Marines, as usual, did a magnificent job. They brought the country to a state of sovereignty and solvency; they put it, in good shape.

Among the Marine troops was a young man named Rafael Trujillo Molina. When the Marines left, the Re­public was in the hands of an elected ruler. He, it turn­ed out, was not able to preserve the gains made by the Marine Corps and the economy of the country began to crack. This ruler was obliged to borrow large sums of money and the country was soon back to the same con­dition from which it had been rescued.

As the date for elections drew near, Trujillo decid­ed to run for the office of President. He had become convinced that the rule imposed by the Marines was the ONLY form of government which would survive in the Dominican Republic and he told the people plainly that if he were elected he would govern by military law. He was elected and he promptly re-instated the methods of the Marines.

The country prospered as no other country had done since the colonial days of the American Republic. Within ten years ALL external debt had been paid, the whole nation was being educated, whether or not they wanted it. There was an abundance of work to be done and Trujillo saw to it that the Dominicans exerted them­selves fully to get it done and they reaped un-dreamed of rewards from their labors. At the time of the assas­sination of Trujillo, the Dominican Republic was on 100% gold standard with a treasury surplus. Nowhere on earth was there such "peace and security" as in the Dominican Republic. Did the U. S. and the U. N. approve of this? The record says "NO." Outside agitation, led by the propaganda machines of New York City, began a systematic campaign to bring down the government of the Dominican Republic. The cry here—as in the Cuban affair—was that Trujillo refused to hold "democratic" elections and the campaign continu­ed until Trujillo was assassinated.

Now the two most prosperous and civilized little nations in this hemisphere have been reduced to chaos and dire poverty. Their streets have run rivers of blood; the people live in a constant state of terror; there is' no stability anywhere. The Establishment and their revolutionary government in Washington are happy. Two more nations have been pushed behind the "Iron Curtain" and the Western Hemisphere has been breached. The "profound" revolution was expanding; the "one man, one vote" gimmick was taking hold.

The spirit of Trujillo was still abroad in the Domini­can Republic, however. Another military man, Wessin y Wessin, was in the process of leading the country back to peace and order. Then the Washington Government went after him—literally. They ousted him, drove him out of the country and began a new reign of terror calculated to compel the Dominicans to accept a form of government dictated by Washington.

Now, under the United, Nations Charter, of course, "We" have no business in the Dominican Republic EX­CEPT UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL. "We" were careful to call upon the Organi­zation of American States a regional agency (as SEATO is a regional agency) of the U. N., which may operate ONLY UNDER THE AUTHORITY of the Security Council. The hand of the United Nations, in these wars, is being carefully concealed, but sometimes in the official conclaves, in headquarters and elsewhere, a hint of the REAL situation comes out.

Within the United States the sham-battle is stand­ard equipment. From time to time the Members put on a show for the benefit of the press and the public. Such a sham-battle was staged during the heat of the Dominican outbreak, with the Czech charging the United States with Charter violations in the matter of interven­tion in the Dominican Republic. Mr. Francis T. P. Plimpton (former law partner of Adlai Stevenson), an American delegate to the U. N., replied (U. N. Monthly Chronicle, July 1965, pg. 34) that:

"The Organization of the American States did not need his defense. In accordance with Article 53 of the Charter it had REPORTED ALL ITS ACTIONS TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL.”

As the 0. A. S. reported its actions to the Security Council, we must assume the actions taken were satis­factory to the Security Council, otherwise the Security Council, under ITS OBLIGATIONS under the Charter, would have been required to make a change. The Se­curity Council had both the authority and the power to CONTROL the situation in the Dominican Republic. We may safely presume that IT DID and DOES. The Abom­inable situation in the Dominican Republic is a U. N. affair. It cannot be anything else. If it were, it would be the obligation of the U. N. to stop it.

In the Cuban affair we had an excellent example of U. N. control of a situation that was clearly a "threat to the peace." The Cuban affair also had been referred to the O. A. S., and for once the O. A. S. countries had reached an agreement. They were prepared to handle Castro. The U. N. promptly snatched the whole matter from the 0. A. S. the Security Council took it up and sent U Thant and a group of "experts" to Cuba. Mr. Thant ordered the removal of the American air power, he called off the blockade by American ships and he, Mr. U Thant in person, put the U. N. STAMP OF APPROVAL on what now exists in Cuba. The gov­ernment now in control of Cuba is what the U. N. wants in Cuba and all over the world. Cuba is now firmly incorporated in the World Empire of the Establishment. It is "Behind the Iron Curtain."

The government propaganda line which "explains" why we permit the continuance of the Castro regime in Cuba has been that we are afraid to antagonize Red China. If we do not coddle Red China, we might bring on a nuclear holocaust. The same "line" was pushed during the Korean War.

An intelligent and aroused People will begin to reject the propaganda "lines" advanced by spokesmen for the Revolutionary Government who speak only under the Discipline of the United Nations and/or its C. F. R. proprietors. The People will learn how to read and understand the devious language of The New Order and to judge the proposals for what they really are, to use common sense, 4th grade arithmetic and solid self-interest in the process.

The Washington government has become conscious of an awakening at the grassroots and in the State Ca­pitols. States are being asked to take action to protect the interests of the People. In an effort to head off any inquiry into Federal and international affairs, the Rev­olutionary Government proposes to "beat them to it." The President, in his State of the Union Message, has promised to appoint a commission of "the most distinguished scholars and men of public affairs, to examine our Federal System, to examine the relation between city, state, nation and citizen." For thirty years the country has been plagued with Committees and Commis­sions of "distinguished citizens" who always come from the same hatchery, the Council on Foreign Relations. They "find" what the government wants them to "find" and the States and the People are pushed a few more paces into the World Empire. There can be no doubt of the urgent need for examination of the Fed­eral System. The States and the People should assume this responsibility, not the Masters of the present Fed­eral System.

The President's State of the Union Message, January 12, 1966, contained some statements deliberately calculated to deceive and mislead the People. From this we can see how the People have been duped into surrendering their earnings and being burdened with debt while Foreign Aid (to billionaire cartelists) money was spent for Empire Building all over the world. These sentences are LOADED—read them carefully.

"We will place the maximum skill and resources of America in farming (the skills—ed.) and in fertilizers (the resources—ed.) at the service of those coun­tries committed to developing a modern agricul­ture."

This crack about pledging the resources of America has been said before, even more emphatically, by the top men in government since the day the U. N. Charter was adopted.

Under the Constitutional Government of the United States, the President had no power or authority to pledge American men or resources to ANYBODY ON EARTH. Men were masters of their own destiny, ex­cept in time of war, and the resources of the nation be­longed to the owners. All this changed under the Rev­olutionary Government of the New World Order.

The point should be made—and remembered--that at no time have the real purposes, for which "Foreign Aid" money was appropriated, been explained to the Congress or the People. The enormous "Foreign Aid' budget of from 3 to 4 BILLION dollars is explained by the President in these words:

"We will conduct a worldwide attack on the prob­lems of hunger, disease and ignorance. . . place the matchless skill and resources of America at the service of those countries committed to developing a modern agriculture, aid those who educate the young."

"We" will do this IN FACT by building hard top roads, railroads—tens of thousands of miles of them- paper mills, radio factories, power plants, dams, ports, steel mills and more. This is the type of deception which the Revolutionary Government finds it necessary to practice in order to persuade the deluded and defrauded People to share their earnings with the Empire Builders of the United Nations. The "Foreign Aid" money is NOT used for eradicating hunger, disease and illiteracy. Funds actually used for these purposes come from the budgets of such agencies as UNESCO, Inter­national Labour and World Wealth Organizations and other specialized agencies. The Revolutionary Govern­ment has NEVER told the People the truth about "For­eign Aid" and A is not telling them the truth now.

Truth, independence and justice have been aban­doned as the Washington Government surrendered to United Nations laws and decrees. Even the lives and security of the people in the States are in jeopardy. We are now subject to the infamous Nuremberg ex post ­facto law. The United States Senate adopted the Nu­remberg Treaty as required by the United Nations. Now Americans may be tried on criminal charges for actions which were perfectly legal at the time they were committed. Fantastic—outrageous? The U. N. itself is all that and more.

It is the hope of the writer and this revelation of the little-understood FACTS about the United Nations will arouse the American public to TAKE ACTION in the ONLY WAY action can be taken effectively. We must realize that there is no hope whatever for us or our young men in the armed services anywhere in Washington. Washington has SOLD OUT to the Em­pire-Builders in the United Nations. They have deliv­ered this Nation up to World Government and do not recognize their own authority conferred upon them by the STATES. They are merely puppets for the United Nations and serve only to IMPLEMENT the decisions of the U. N. agencies.

We might retire many of them, even a majority of them, at the next election. That would not quite solve the problem; it would help, but far more drastic action is needed. Let us review AMERICAN history. The way to this problem will be found in the ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION and the Bill of Rights.

When the States formed the Federal Agency—that is what it was, simply an Agency of the States to do cer­tain things requiring the services of an agency—they granted VERY LIMITEDand clearly defined powers to this Federal Agency. All powers not specifically dele­gated were retained to the States and the People.

The People would elect the Congress and the Con­gress would represent the People. The States would elect (appoint) the Senate and the Senate would repre­sent the States. In that way the States, which are close to the People and responsible to them, had CONTROL over the Senate which was to represent them.

Our troubles began when the first propagandists went to work in 1911 to persuade the States that the People were demanding the right to elect the Senators themselves. This, the propagandists declared, was the "democratic process." The States succumbed to the propaganda, although there was not a word of truth in it, and enacted the 17th Amendment which created TWO HOUSES OF REPRESENTATIVES and left the States with NO REPRESENTATTON in the Federal Government. Now the AGENCY has become a powerful and undiscip­lined GOVERNMENT.

The States have absolutely no control over it, simply because the States no longer appoint the Senators who are presumed to represent them. Enormous slush funds, donated by greedy and selfish people who sought to obtain advantage for themselves, poured into the States to influence the Senatorial elections. The Sen­ators so elected could not long remain undisciplined. They were soon under the domination of the New York Establishment and when the Establishment set up the United Nations, the whole government accepted the DISCIPLINE of the United Nations.

It is of the opinion of the writer that the SHORT­EST road to freedom and a return to Constitutional Gov­ernment is by REPEAL of the 17th Amendment. This would bring home every member of the United States Senate and permit the States to appoint men who would truly REPRESENT THE STATES. They might return the incumbents if they so desired, but the STATES and NOT the United Nations or the Council on Foreign Re­lations, would, control them.

The laws of the United States have become such a confused muddle that it is probable that only a Consti­tutional Convention would be equal to the appalling task of bringing order out of the prevailing chaos. As this is written, a substantial number of the States have adopted identical resolutions calling for a Constitutional Convention. A long educational campaign for the in­formation and education of State Representatives has brought to the States the best-informed State Repre­sentatives of the century.

The tremendous events of the past few years have established a TIME FOR ACTION in the States. That time is NOW. The wars in Viet-Nam and in the Domin­ican Republic, both under Security Council authority and the promise of MORE and ever MORE wars under the same authority, have brought the apathy and patience of the American people to an end.

The blatant and obvious lies of the Administration and both Houses of Congress, the muzzling of press and military, the outrageous and tyrannical decisions of a Supreme Court run wild, the spread of Soviet Empire throughout the world, the bankrupting of States and People—all these coming to a head at the same time—indicate that the TIME IS RIGHT to rise up and call a halt to the DISCIPLINE of the United Nations. It may be that this evil thing will destroy itself.

Let's give it a shove.