Profound Revolution Chapter 4 - Government By Resolution

The UNers are an accommodating lot. When the President said there would be no more "Senators Pres­ent" treaty making, their attitude was one of meek com­pliance. They abandoned treaty making as a general policy and promptly adopted the resolution method of making law. Under the Warren Austin interpretation and the "Uniting for Peace" resolution, a General As­sembly resolution became law of the World. A simple resolution of the General Assembly ratified by vote of two-thirds of the Assembly is now recognized as World Law to be put into effect within the borders of each Member State.

It is an incredible fact that when the General As­sembly adopts a resolution on ANY SUBJECT under the sun, that resolution becomes law throughout the world. The resolution is sent down to the heads of state of the member nations and they are obliged to implement it. If they fail to do so, the United Nations is empowered to do it for them, or to penalize them.

At this point we are having some very strange and UNconstitutional laws forced upon us. Never have we known anything like them. There is no authority VIS­IBLE to us to permit enactment of such laws or Court decisions upholding them. General Assembly resolution No. 1904 dealing with race and discrimination is an ex­cellent example. And an earlier Civil Rights decision of the Supreme Court based upon a BOOK allegedly written by one Gunnar Myrdal, a Swedish Socialist who knew nothing about the Negro problem in the United States, is another.

The whole destructive race revolution has resulted from resolutions of the General Assembly. The UNers hold that total and complete integration of the races world-wide, is made MANDATORY by the Charter. The words "racial equality" spell it allout, and heads of State are required to put this Charter commitment into effect within their borders.

It would be most difficult for the President of the United States to persuade Congress to pass such legis­lation in the face of a hostile public opinion and the long recognized prohibitions of the Constitution. Once the resolution has been sent to him for implementation he MUST get the job done. It matters not what he thinks about it, nor what Congress or Court may think; the resolution must be put into effect within the borders of the "nation-state." In a very touchy situation sub­terfuge may be needed. The UN will provide the nec­essary "con" artists to take care of that. In the matter of implementing the race and discrimination resolutions the President and the Supreme Court did need such help and the United Nations sent their TOP AGENT to take care of the matter.

Mr. Gunnar Myrdal was by no means the poor, broken-down Swedish author, struggling to make a dol­lar, pictured by the Nation's press. He had been one of the very top men in the United Nations from the very beginning. During the Trygvie Lie administra­tion he had been regarded as second only to Mr. Lie. The matter of implementing the UNconstitutional race and discrimination resolutions was a job of TOP PRI­ORITY and the UN sent a top priority man to do it.  He was to write a book,—or get a "ghost" to write it for him. The Supreme Court would use the book as a peg on which to hang the up-coming decision. This operation was as smooth as are all UN sponsored opera­tions. They always go off without hitch. Lawyers nation-wide were shocked at the thought of the Supreme Court basing an important decision on a book written by a foreigner. In time most lawyers came to regard this as the project of an incompetent and not overly bright Chief Justice.

General Assembly Resolution No. 1904 followed the Myrdal decision by several years. Parts of No. 1904 have already been implemented in the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965 which were closely followed by a wholesale increase in the salaries of Congressmen and Senators, a full $7,500 a year INCREASE. Wewill quote from No. 1904. You will note that a General As­sembly Resolution does not advise or recommend; IT COMMANDS the head of State to REVISE and RESCIND laws and to PASS LEGISLATION and to do it IMMEDI­ATELY and effectively (and don't let us tell you again).

There is no longer any trace of sovereignty left in the Federal Government, nor does any man in Congress seriously claim there is. The Washington Government is completely under UN domination and DISCIPLINE and they all know it and conduct themselves according­ly. This is why they continue to appropriate fabulous and fantastic sums of tax money for projects all over the world, for the building of the UN World Empire.

Few people understand that "Foreign Aid" money is not, and never has been, spent for food, shelter, medi­cation and other necessities for the people of the world. The so-called "Specialized Agencies" of the UN handle those matters. Foreign Aid money goes into the coffers of the various United Nation's EMPIRE BUILDING agencies. The Congress does not appropriate this mon­ey directly to the UN; they could not get away with that. There is an Agency of the Government known as the Agency for International Development (AID) which acts as a pipe-line between the Congress and the various UN agencies. The money is stuffed into this pipe-line by the Congress and it pours into the coffers of the UN agencies at the other end of the line.

Nor is this enough for the UNers. To get the rest of the picture we must fully understand that which very few Americans have been able to grasp, that the United States has agreed to COMPLETELY DISARM and to turn our whole military establishment over to the United Nations. This INSANE operation is well under way now and is to be completed by 1970. There will be no United States Army, Navy or Air Force. There will be just enough military machinery to keep the populace in subjection.

There is an immense incentive to the UN to get this accomplished as soon as possible. The UN has adopted, by UNANIMOUS VOTE of the General Assembly, an incredible resolution providing that when we disarm, we will turn the money, SAVED BY DISARMAMENT, over to the UN to finance empire building. This reso­lution was adopted on December 18th, 1962. The Defense Budget now approaches the 70 billion dollar a year fig­ure. The spenders in the UN have been urged fre­quently to step up the spending in anticipation of the windfall which will result from the "total and complete disarmament" of the United States.

On November 20th, 1963, just two days before the assassination of President Kennedy, the General As­sembly adopted Resoluton No. 1904. The late President had sent to the Congress a Civil Rights Bill which most Congressmen agree was far less severe than the one which replaced it after his death. The latter Bill was obviously the implementation of 1904. Some of the provisions of 1904 are quoted below:

Article 2: "Particular efforts shall be made to prevent discrimination based on race, color or eth­nic origin by any group, institution or INDI­VIDUAL . . .

Article 3 "Particular efforts shall be made to prevent discrimination especially in the fields of civil rights, access to citizenship, education, employment, religion, occupation and hous­ing. . . Everyone shall have equal access to any place or facility intended for use by the general public, without discrimination as to race colour or ethnic origin.

Article 4 "All States (nations - ed) shall take effec­tive measures to REVISE GOVERNMENTAL AND OTHER POLICIES, AND TO RESCIND LAWS and regulations which have the ef­fect of perpetuating and creating racial dis­crimination wherever it exists. They should PASS LEGISLATION for prohibiting such discrimination and take all appropriate measures to combat those prejudices which lead to racial discrimination.

Article 5 "An end shall be put without delay to gov­ernmental and other public policies of ra­cial segregation.

Article 7 "Everyone has the right to equality be­fore the law and to equal justice under the law. Everyone without distinction as to race, colour or ethnic origin has the right to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily harm whether inflicted by GOVERNMENT offi­cials or by any individual or group of in­dividuals.

"Everyone shall have the right to an effec­tive remedy and protection against any discrimination he may suffer on the ground of race, colour or ethnic origin with respect to his fundamental rights and freedoms through INDEPENDENT NATIONAL TRI­BUNALS (Federal Courts - ed) competent to deal with such matters.

Article 8 "All effective steps shall be taken immediately in the fields of, teaching, education and information (propaganda? - ed) with a view of eliminating racial discrimination and prejudice and promoting tolerance and friendship among nations and racial groups as well as to PROPAGATING the PUR­POSES and PRINCIPLES of the Charter of the United Nations (NOT the Charter itself, just the purposes and principles of the Charter, whatever they are - ed). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (which the U. S. Senate rejected - ed) and the Declaration on the granting of indepen­dence to colonial peoples and countries."

Note Article 8. The General Assembly now makes laws governing education in the States. No longer will the public schools teach the Declaration of Indepen­dence, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights. The Government in Washington has a MANDATE from the U. N. to teach the basic documents of the new World Government.

Article 9: "In order to put into effect the purposes and principles of the present Declaration ALL STATES SHALL TAKE IMMEDIATE AND POSITIVE MEASURES including legislative and OTHER measures, to prosecute and/or OUTLAW organizations which promote or incite to racial discrimination."

We deal here with the question of the authority of the United Nations to dictate to the Washington Gov­ernment in the arrogant and authoritarian language set forth in this Declaration. We offer it as evidence that, regardless of what the American people or their Con­gress believe about the complete authority of the United Nations, the United Nations asserts this autho­rity and, as we shall see, the Government of the United States recognizes it.

The question of the right or wrong of racial dis­crimination is not at issue here. What is of moment­ous importance is the recognized authority of the UN to order the Government of the United States to RE­VISE and RESCIND LAWS and to PASS LEGISLATION decreed by these resolutions—and to command the Government to create SPECIAL COURTS to try certain cases. Nor, so long as we remain a Member State of the United Nations may anyone properly question the authority of the United Nations to order us around like the Subject State that we have become. Article 25 was just a foot in the door. The Senate agreed to much of this before the treaty law was suspended. The Con­gress and the President have been responsible for much of it also. Now the authority of the UN is SUPREME. Nobody can question it.