Michael McLaughlin - The Rise of the Sunwheel: The British Movement
‘The Rise of the Sunwheel: The British Movement and a life as a Rights Activist for Whites’ The legendary leader of The British Movement, which in its heyday put the fear of God into the mishmash of Marxists, misfits, liberals, perverts and others that comprise the rotting head of our fast degenerating society, will discuss his new autobiographical book.
Its all here: chaotic childhood; turbulent times in the Merchant Navy; adrenalin fuelled times as BM deputy and then leader; rumoured attempts by Mossad to assassinate him; meetings with Gerard Lauck, (NSDAP-AO), Vivien Bird, Colin Jordan and Robert Relf (‘House only for sale to a white family’); poet, blogger, and prolific author Michael Mclauglin invites you to take a journey into ‘The Rise of the Sunwheel’.
The Rise of the Sunwheel: British White Rights Dissident Tells All
History Without the Spin
Michael Walsh's page at Spanglefish
The British Movement blog.