Multiculturalism is a Lie: Destroying White Sweden

Multiculturalsim is defecating all over the West. Why do the Swedes go along so readily with the destruction of their own culture? How many of these young girls - and boys - will be raped and murdered by the aliens they have so openly accepted? When will Swedes awaken to the horror coming upon them? The footage here is from the December 2012 St. Lucia Day celebrations in Sweden.

Must White Nations Voluntarily Submit to Genocide?

Nation-destroying Peter Sutherland's global migration forum brings together 160 nations to discuss policy.

"At the most basic level individuals should have a freedom of choice” Peter Sutherland, UN special representative for migration

The following article is from the BBC:

EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief

By Brian Wheeler Political reporter, BBC News

The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.

Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.

He also suggested the UK government's immigration policy had no basis in international law.

He was being quizzed by the Lords EU home affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.

Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a "crucial dynamic for economic growth" in some EU nations "however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states".

"A Declaration of War" - From the Youth of France

Qui sommes-nous ?

Edit, May, 2024: The content in the link above is now lost. Apparently, the group's website has been shut down. There was also a Youtube video linked here which is now gone, but we probably have it preserved in one of the three videos displayed here.

Hungarian Government Stops Payments To “Holocaust Survivors” & Demands Return of Funds

This article originally from National Alliance News

(WJC) — Hungary is demanding that the Claims Conference, the New York-based Jewish organization which handles payments to Holocaust survivors around the world, return about US$ 8 million in payments made to Holocaust survivors. The government in Budapest said the Claims Conference had failed to properly account for the money. Claims Conference leaders said that reams of information about the payments had been provided to the authorities and accused Hungary of “depriving” Shoah survivors through “disgraceful” and “deceitful tactics.”

(…)Two years ago, after the nationalist Fidesz government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban came to power in Hungary, Commissioner Andras Levente Gal began challenging how the money had been spent, asking for more details about the funds. The Hungarian government halted its payments to the organization, holding on to US$ 5.6 million. “It is impossible to identify the individuals eligible for compensation or the grounds for their eligibility” based on the documents it provided, the Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice said on its website this week, arguing the organization had shown that the funds were distributed “on a far-from-equal footing.” Gal is now seeking to reclaim roughly US$ 8 million from the group, along with interest and added charges.

Suicides in the Welsh Valleys

This important article, pertinent to this month's upcoming Saxon Messenger editorial, was found nowhere online, so we take the liberty to reproduce it here.

ISSUE 4 - 2011 - UK COLUMN – Page 24

Suicides In The Welsh Valleys: A Cry For Help From Our Young People Or Something Dark At Work In Our Society? Understanding Is The First Step To A Solution.

by Brian Gerrish

Some two years ago national media and press reports high­ lighted a spate of suicides in South Wales, mostly in the area of Bridgend and Rhondda. Principally teenagers and young people in their twenties, a few victims were in their mid forties and early fifties. The deaths came in clusters, sometimes amongst young people closely related or connected with each other, and at times amongst individuals in the same area.

A telling sign that something unusual is at work, is the fact that the majority of victims hanged themselves. This is generally at odds with national statistics where hanging is the preferred method of men and boys, and women and girls choose an overdose or other method.

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Starting in early 2007, the numbers soon passed double figures, and the suicides rapidly raised media attention. with reports generating much speculation on the causes. This in turn caused some anger at the press - a few parents accused the media of "glamorising ways of taking one's life to young people", whilst the MP for the Bridgend area said that the media were "now part of the problem." Apparently as a result of such criticism the media and press were encouraged to scale back reports so as to calm emotions and to help stop 'copycat' suicides.