The Golden Dawn: Can Right Rise in Europe?

Are there any true patriots left in Europe, who can cut through the Capitalist/Communist propaganda offered by the jewish-controlled media? The Bolsheviks themselves had a central bank! If one is anti-"facist" or anti-Right, then one is beholden to the jew and will forever remain a slave to the bankers.

Lithuania: the Latest Jewish Extortion Victim

As reported by the Jewish news outlet Ynetnews, the Lithuanian government has recently entered into an extortion agreement with European Jewry, according to Reuters. The article states that “Lithuania's government on Wednesday approved a foundation to allocate 128 million litas ($49.45 million) in compensation for Jewish communal property appropriated during Nazi and Soviet times. The step follows last year's decision by the parliament to pass a special law after years of negotiations and calls from Lithuania's Western allies, including the United States, to reach the settlement.”

It is Lithuania which should be collecting from the Jews, and not the Jews from Lithuania. The tiny Baltic state was first attacked by the Bolsheviks attempting to keep it from independence at the end of 1918. The Bolsheviks only failed because of the help of the German Freikorps. Over the immediately subsequent years Lithuania was forced to fight wars against the Bermontians (a mix of German and Russian anti-Bolshevik military forces who sought to maintain power in the region in the aftermath of the First World War), the Poles and the Latvians, where Lithuania was never the aggressor. Before 1919, Lithuania did not even have an army of its own.

Lithuania fought hard, and against all odds, to maintain its independence during the inter-war period of the 1920's and 1930's. During this period, the Jews in Lithuania were unmolested, and and they evidently thrived. The government of Lithuania, due to territorial and other disputes, opposed National Socialist Germany at an early time, and Germany even imposed an embargo against Lithuania. As Europe once again neared war, Lithuania was only a pawn on the map between Germany and the Soviets, until the Soviets annexed the Baltic states in 1940. In 1941 Germany invaded and occupied Lithuania. Many Lithuanians cheered Germany as a deliverer from the Soviet oppression. Many Lithuanians were compelled to assist the war effort by Germany. But on the other hand, many Lithuanians resisted the German occupation, and some even formed a pro-Soviet armed resistance, in league with minority Russians and Jews. The Lithuanian people as a whole, therefore, who were always imposed upon by the much larger powers, can by no means be seen as aggressors or as being responsible for anything which happened to non-Lithuanians during the war. After the war, Lithuania was returned to Soviet rule until 1988. The Lithuanian people were every bit as much victims of circumstances as the Jews claim to be, and even to a greater extent, for they were victims of the Jews: it is common knowledge that Bolshevism itself was Jewish, the Bolshevik leaders were nearly all Jewish, and Bolshevism was the primary cause of the Second World War in the east in the first place.

The Ynetnews article also cites the chairman of the Lithuanian Jewish Community as saying that there are “about 4,000 Jews left in Lithuania”. According to a Wikipedia article on Lithuania, only about 2,000–3,000 Lithuanian Jews were liberated from German camps. How many of the 4,000 Jews in Lithuania today could actually have been survivors of any supposed “Holocaust” which allegedly took place there 70 years ago? The article goes on to say that “The payments are to be spread over a ten-year period. The first payment of $1.15 million will be used to assist the needy Lithuanian Holocaust survivors.” Needy Holocaust survivors? All none of them? Judaism itself is an organized extortion racket, and the world's longest-running crime ring.

William Finck

The Pedophocracy

by David McGowan

The Pedophocracy, Part I:  From Brussels ... 
The Pedophocracy, Part II:  ... to Washington
The Pedophocracy, Part III: Uncle Sam Wants Your Children 
The Pedophocracy, Part IV: McMolestation 
The Pedophocracy, Part V: It Couldn't Happen Here 
The Pedophocracy, Part VI: Finders Keepers

The Pedophocracy, Part I:  From Brussels ...

"Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose ... I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God's will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of flesh, between people ... paedophiles can make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose. With boldness, they can say, 'I believe this is in fact part of God's will.'"

Ralph Underwager, 'expert' witness for the defense in scores of child abuse cases and former vocal member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, in an interview in Paidika (a pro-pedophilia publication), conducted in June 1991

To the vast majority of Americans, the name Marc Dutroux doesn't mean much. Drop that name in Belgium though and you're likely to elicit some very visceral reactions. Dutroux - convicted along with his wife in 1989 for the rape and violent abuse of five young girls, the youngest of whom was just eleven - now stands accused of being a key player in an international child prostitution and pornography ring whose practices included kidnapping, rape, sadistic torture, and murder.

I won't be shopping at Tesco this Christmas


From The Christian Institute  

Tesco's Head of Research and Development has said Christians are "evil" for opposing homosexual marriage. The comment was made by Nick Lansley, Head of R&D for

It appears on Mr Lansley's profile page on the photo-sharing website,, where he lists his employment as 'Head of R&D at'.

He adds: "I'm also campaigning against evil Christians (that's not all Christians, just bad ones) who think that gay people should not lead happy lives and get married to their same-sex partners."

Germany: Owned by the Bankers

The following two paragraphs are from the article German Bond Bid Failure: Revenge of The Bankers at the investors' website, The article was written by Joseph Calhoun, and explains very briefly why and how the German nation is a whore chained to the bed of the bankers. The bottom line is that the taxpayers will be forced to cover the bankers' bad loans, and Italy and Greece will continue to borrow into default, until the bankers own all of Europe, and sell cheap it to China, Russia and whoever (and probably mostly to jews)!

Germany got a wake up call last week when an auction of 10 year government bonds failed to get bids for 35% of the bonds offered. While German bond auction failures are not as infrequent as one might imagine – six of the last eight auctions received fewer bids than the maximum amount of bonds offered – this one, coming in the midst of the European debt crisis, was perceived to be more ominous. If the strongest economy in Europe can’t sell all of its bonds, what chance does Italy or Greece have? Some have opined that this failure means the euro crisis has entered a new phase and that Germany itself – the one government in Europe thought capable of ending the crisis – is now at risk. It was more likely a power play by Europe’s bankers intended to send a message to Merkel and Schaeuble. And it appears the message was received.

Schaeuble has been at the forefront in Germany demanding that banks share losses in any sovereign bailouts that come via the European Stability Mechanism to be established next year (moved up from 2013). The failed German bund auction last week was the banks reply and Schaeuble almost immediately backed down. Friday, Schaeuble told reporters that “(i)f we now manage to move toward a stability union, we’ll see how one might possibly adjust the treaty”. Bankers 1, Schaeuble 0. It would appear the bankers are firmly in charge of Europe now and have no intention of playing the patsy. The banks were given an incentive to buy sovereign debt under the Basel committee rules that essentially made all European sovereign debt risk free. Banks could own European sovereign debt – no matter the country of issuance – without having to reserve for potential defaults. Europe’s governments, having fixed the rules to ensure a market for the bonds to fund their welfare states, now want to renege – and the bankers are having none of it. Click here to read more.