National Action Speak in Darlington

We originally posted this video on November 26th, 2016, twelve days after the event that it documents. Here we retain our original comments, but we have removed the Youtube link, as the account there has been terminated for terms of service violations:

This is a clip of a speech from a march at Darlington, November 14th 2016. See the National Action website. They are the only organization we have yet seen in England that knows the true nature of the struggle which our race faces, and this brave speech sums it up nicely.

On December 16th, 2016, the National Action group was proscribed by the British government under their "Terrorism Act", which we view as a severe repression of freedom of expression in Britain. Since December 2016, many former National Action members have been arrested and imprisoned, simply for being members of a group which has been disbanded. They are being imprisoned unjustly for participating in a political group at a time when it was not illegal to do so. This we see as a severe repression of our recognized concept of freedom of association.



We originally posted this video on November 26th, 2016, twelve days after the event that it documents. Here we retain our original comments, but we have removed the Youtube link, as the account there has been terminated for terms of service violations:

This is a clip of a speech from a march at Darlington, November 14th 2016. See the National Action website. They are the only organization we have yet seen in England that knows the true nature of the struggle which our race faces, and this brave speech sums it up nicely.

On December 16th, 2016, the National Action group was proscribed by the British government under their "Terrorism Act", which we view as a severe repression of freedom of expression in Britain. Since December 2016, many former National Action members have been arrested and imprisoned, simply for being members of a group which has been disbanded. They are being imprisoned unjustly for participating in a political group at a time when it was not illegal to do so. This we see as a severe repression of our recognized concept of freedom of association.

On October 9th, 2018, We received an email message from an unidentified individual at the email address This is the police department for London, England but not for the (((City of London))) which is a jurisdiction of its own. We will reproduce that message below. The Met Police, as they are called, evidently want to shame us into removing this video, simply because the group is a "Neo-Nazi" group, and had allegedly violated their "Terrorism Act 2006". 

Now we can only wonder, if Muslims perpetrated the July 7th, 2005 London bombings, why isn't Islam proscribed? Why isn't every Muslim website in Britain taken off-line, and all Muslim publications shut down? 

The email also asked us not to reproduce, or even to print, the email !!!

We are not going to remove this video. We have a right to retain and post this video for documentary purposes. We are not subject to British law. In fact, some of our ancestors helped kick their asses out of these colonies for very similar reasons, and we would be willing to do it again.

Not only do the (((British authorities))) want to oppress any native resistance to their destructive globalist and anti-British agenda, but they also evidently want to erase any record that such a resistance ever even existed.

In our opinion, the Met Police is staffed with a gaggle of cucks, traitors and infiltrators. If any of them are actually British, they should be eternally ashamed for betraying a hundred generations of their own ancestors.

What follows (Click here to read more) is a reproduction (cut-and-paste) of the October 9th email we received from They had the audacity to put the words "National Action - Online Abuse" in the Subject line, as if we are abusing anyone for merely keeping a record of a political event! We believe they should arrest the entire BBC for telling anyone about Hitler!

Ottoman Germany

This too may be dismissed as Jewish anti-Islam propaganda. However the average moslem in the streets of Europe understands that he is there to colonize and supplant Western society. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of "refugees" are men between 20 and 50 years of age, who brought no family to Europe.


Righteous Indignation in Germany - Finally!!!


This is from Face of a dying Nation at Youtube. Here is their text accompanying the video:

Published on May 1, 2016

Heiko Maas, the German Federal Minister of Justice, was unable to finish his Labor Day celebration speech on the 1st of May as he was loudly booed and chased off the stage by the German people. The people repeatedly shouted "Traitor", "Leftist Rat", "Get out!", "We are the People" and "Maas must go!", eventually getting him to cancel his speech and flee to his armored vehicle escorted by his armed bodyguards.

Maas is considered one of the biggest proponents of expanding censorship laws, demanding persecution, fines and jail-time for everybody posting "hate speech" on social media.

He also does not acknowledge the existence of the German people, backing his party, the Social Democrats, in the opinion that Europe was always made up of immigrants and Germany's only chance of redemption for the eternal guilt of World War 2 is inviting as many Muslim immigrants as possible.

His party took devastating losses in polls across the country, losing to the Alternative for Germany (AfD) by a landslide in the last state election of Saxony, where he held his speech.

Maas' party recently published plans to build 350,000 entirely new homes for "newcomers" to solve the "demographic crisis". In his speech he claimed that "the people shouting 'traitor' don't even know what's happening to them". But it appears that they know very well what is being done to them.
The German people are confused and angry about why they're told that they have to be frugal and avoid having children because of the immense cost while simultaneously working their fingers to the bones to fund a foreign invasion.

The people in the audience hence ridiculed him for claiming that the actual workers in the audience "hijack Labor Day". The hypocrisy of celebrating Labor and fair wages while his party supports the import of millions of unskilled workers is what got him chased off the stage.