What Is Racism?

by Thomas Jackson

From the Racialist National Library

There is surely no nation in the world that holds "racism" in greater horror than does the United States. Compared to other kinds of offenses, it is thought to be somehow more reprehensible. The press and public have become so used to tales of murder, rape, robbery, and arson, that any but the most spectacular crimes are shrugged off as part of the inevitable texture of American life. "Racism" is never shrugged off. For example, when a white Georgetown Law School student reported earlier this year that black students are not as qualified as white students, it set off a booming, national controversy about "racism." If the student had merely murdered someone he would have attracted far less attention and criticism.

Confessions of a Missionary Kid

by Sandi Blanchard

My Story

I was born and raised a missionary kid (MK), but I never allowed myself to really think about it until last year (when I was 54 years old) - believe it or not. That's because we were told from as early as I can remember that we must not do or say anything that would reflect negatively on Dad.

Tolerance by James Combs


By James Combs



Ch. 1 - Introduction

Ch. 2 - The Purpose of Tolerance

Ch. 3 - Identifying the Enemy

Ch. 4 - Goal of the Self-Chosen

Ch. 5 - Overcoming White Blindness

Ch. 6 - The Effects of Tolerance on Our Nation

Ch. 7 - Is Jewish Cultural-Corruption Succeeding?

Ch. 8 - Disruption of Attempts to Preserve Decency

Ch. 9 - The Progress of Integration

Ch. 10 - Adding Insult to Injury

Ch. 11 - Psychology of anti-White Attacks

Ch. 12 - The "Guilt" Inducing Technique

Ch. 13 - Rechannelling White Resistance

Ch. 14 - White-Victims Taught Defeatism

Ch. 15 - Judaizing White Culture

Ch. 16 - Other Techniques to Divide Whites

Ch. 17 - Beware Jews Bearing Gifts

Ch. 18 - Assessment of the Damage

Ch  19 - Will Whites Awaken to their Degradation?

Ch. 20 - What Will tolerance Produce?

Ch. 21 - Conclusions

Brought to you by the Creativity Movement. Building a Whiter, Brighter Future.