The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 37 - Black Lives Do Not Matter

We are always hearing stories of gang-banging niggers killing one another, and drug-dealing niggers killing one another, but this one is different. Pictured here is 45-year old Chadwick Garrett, a Negro with a job. He took the time to help these two niggers get their SUV out of a ditch. And once he did, they robbed and shot him, leaving him dead.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 38 - Baboons are not good Babysitters

So in Oregon, if you beat someone and they cannot speak to describe their pain, you cannot be charged with a crime? That is what the authorities evidently told the parents of this young child after he was beaten by his "babysitter". Of course, the parents themselves should be beaten for hiring a baboon to be a babysiter in the first place.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 4

The blood of 14-year-old Kelli O'Laughlin is upon the heads of every White Liberal who ever sympathized with the idea that alien beasts should be allowed to dwell and roam about freely in a White society. Multiculturalism and diversity are code-words for genocide of the White race.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 6 - Gorillas in the Midst

A race-mixing society is a decadent society indeed. Let this serve as a warning to all of those White men and women who think that race-mixing is acceptable behavior, when actually it is suicidal destruction!

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 8 - The Wrong "Person"?

How could Casey Ray Vice's father even imagine that his daughter "fell in love with the wrong person"? That is the failure of Liberalism: to imagine that the lowliest scum of the planet could even be considered persons in the first place!

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 9 - Harry Michael Ainsworth

In Algiers, Louisiana, Harry Michael Ainsworth was killed in cold blood right in front of his own children, as he heard a woman screaming and heroically attempted to come to his neighbor's aid, while it turns out that he interrupted a car-jacking.