Polish Atrocities Against German Minority In Poland - Hans Schadewaldt

The text seems broken in certain places, but it is only because the notes, usually marked in (), abruptly interrupt the text, which then continues. If and when time permits, we will reformat the document appropriately. Thank you, William Finck.





Compiled by Hans Schadewaldt



"Whereas reason requiers, that those vices, to which any nation dothe naturally inclyne, should be restrayned by seveare lawes, those are in Polonia barbarous cruelty and lubricity, thys last being as common as the first."

From: Sir George Carew, A Relation of the State of Polonia and the united Provinces of that Crown anno 1598.

Let our foe, the German, fall! I, your priest do promise you Plunder, rob, and set on fire! Bliss and joy in Heaven above . . . Let the enemy die in pain; But the curse will fall on him He that hangs those German dogs, Who doth plead the German cause. Reaps reward from God on High

Polish hymn of hate against Germany dating from the 1848 revolution.

Racial and National Identity

By Rev. William P. Gale 

Racial and National Identity

This booklet has been prepared for Christians in the hope that it will provide a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures. As Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, we emphasize the fact that a Kingdom is a GOVERNMENT. In support of position, we return to a prophecy of Isaiah in Chapter 9, vs.6-7; Chapter 22, vs.21 and the fact that the Constitution of the United States is a Christian government known as a Constitutional Republic.

Since Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom, it seems necessary that we clarify the so-called “Gospel of Salvation.” The Apostle Paul is very learned on the subject of salvation and writes much concerning the matter. Where Paul is very learned on the subject of salvation and writes very much concerning the matter. Where Paul writes about salvation, there are passages relating to the “Gospel.” Theologians have therefore “interpreted” that the Gospel referred to by Paul is the Gospel of Salvation. Paul did preach Jesus Christ, therefore Paul must have preached the “Gospel” that Jesus said to preach (See Matt. Chap. 4, vs. 23; Chap. 9 vs. 35; Mark, Chap. 1, vs. 14 and Luke, Chap. 4 vs. 43.)

Raw Coconuts: Good for Your Health, Ideal for Dieting

By Joseph Mercola, D.O.

Many people believe that coconuts are generally not healthy. However, raw coconut contains many naturally occurring, health-promoting qualities, and I would like to share my findings on how you can enjoy the wonders of this amazing food.

Lauric acid, the major fatty acid from coconut fat, has been recognized for its unique properties in food use, which include antiviral, antibacterial and antiprotozoal functions. Also, natural coconut fat in the diet may lead to a normalization of body lipids, thereby protecting against alcohol damage to the liver and improving the immune system's anti-inflammatory response.

Registros Clásicos de los orígenes de los Escitas, Partos, y las tribus relacionadas

by William Finck

En el prefacio de Las guerras de Josefo, el historiador explica que originalmente escribió el libro en "la lengua de nuestro país", es decir, hebreo o arameo, talvez, y lo envió a los "bárbaros superiores o del norte'', entre los que a continuación los nombra como "los Partos ... Babilonios ... árabes mas remotos ... y los de nuestra nación más allá del Éufrates, con el Adiabeni ". 

A excepción de los Partos, las designaciones de Josefo aquí son geográficas, donde provienen de las páginas de su libro Antigüedades que muchos de los Israelitas de la deportación a Babilonia todavía habitaban alrededor de Babilonia en su tiempo (15.3.1), lo que incluiría las " remotas " partes de Arabia adyacentes a Babilonia (cf. Actos 2:11; 1 Pedro 5:13.). Además, Josefo atestigua que muchos Israelitas de la deportación asiria fueron "más allá del Éufrates hasta ahora", donde fueron "una multitud inmensa, y no se calcula por el número" (11.5.2). Adiabene es la parte de Asiria, que, según Estrabón en su Geografía, no es en Mesopotamia, sino que consiste en las llanuras más allá del Tigris limítrofes con Babilonia al sur y a Armenia al norte (16.1.1, 19). Media bordea Adiabene en el este. 

Remembering National Action

National Action was probably the only legitimate opposition group in Britain, before it was banned, and some of its former members still languish in prison without ever having committed any actual crimes. We have not forgotten them, and post this inspiring video as a token of remembrance.