The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 38 - Baboons are not good Babysitters

Babysitting Baboon

So in Oregon, if you beat someone and they cannot speak to describe their pain, you cannot be charged with a crime? That is what the authorities evidently told the parents of this young child after he was beaten by his "babysitter". Of course, the parents themselves should be beaten for hiring a baboon to be a babysiter in the first place.

But it seems to us, that what the Oregon authorities really meant to say is that a Nigger should get off scot-free for beating a White baby. We cannot imagine a White man being treated so leniently for beating a chimplet (the proper term for a black child), but we can imagine the resulting media outcry if such a thing were ever to happen.

We learned of this case from the Western Michigan news channel Fox17, which said in part that "Frustrated with the state’s legal system, Alicia Quinney and Joshua Marbury posted a picture of their badly-bruised son, Jacob, on Facebook. They say they took it after coming home to find the child on the floor crying, and his babysitter, Markell Hilaire, asleep on the couch."

The English name for the baboon who commited this horrible act is Markell Deon Hilaire, who, according to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office in Oregon, was charged with criminal mistreatment and assault.