Bassou: Man-Ape Hybrid?

Equalitarian Theorists Worried

Bassou lives in the Valley of Dades, near the town of Skoura, in Morocco.  He sleeps in the trees there and subsists on dates, berries, and insects.  He wears no clothes (although he was persuaded to don a burlap sack for the photograph which appears here), uses no tools, and speaks only in grunts.

The local Berbers have been aware of Bassou's presence for at least the past 25 years, but they shun him in superstitious fear and have been unable to give any clue as to his origin.  Western scientists have also been aware of Bassou for a number of years, but, for the most part, they too shun him in superstitious fear.  For Bassou's existence raises some very troubling questions for the true believers in the TV religion of universal human equality. It has been hard enough for them to try to fit Blacks and Whites together into that scheme, without having to worry about Bassou.

Bill Gates Exposed

The billionaire Bill Gates has been funding vaccination programs for years. Here he admits that vaccination programs shall be used to reduce global population by 10 to 15%. DON'T TAKE THE VACCINES!

Now it has just been announced that Bill Gates has also bought a million shares of Monsanto, so this genocidal maniac will also have his hands on our food supply!


Confederates for Donald Trump Warn of White Ethnic Cleansing

The Jewish AntiFa group that call themselves the "Young Turks" think there is a problem with these people. But instead, Whites everywhere should be proud of them for standing up for themselves, and to hell with the "Young Turks".

Harassed by Alison Porter

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Here Be Cannibals


Over a very large part of the secluded area there is no evidence that human flesh was ever eaten, and no first-hand account of it is recorded by Fynn, Livingstone, Galton, Speke, or Baker. In several places the native inhabitants knew that cannibalism existed elsewhere; Speke and Baker give examples of this. Fynn mentions a tribe living in the vicinity of the Zulu that was stated to have taken to eating human flesh when their cattle were stolen; but this was not confirmed by direct observation, and the vast majority of Kafrid tribes were never cannibals, so far as is known. No suggestion is made anywhere that any Nilotid was ever a cannibal. Schweinfurth remarks of the Dinka (Ni), ‘It is scarcely necessary to say that the accounts of the cannibalism of the Niam-Niam excite as much horror amongst them as amongst ourselves.’

Niagara Falls Frozen

Why do so many people see the end of the world in a little adverse weather? And then after things get back to "normal", whatever that is, all is forgotten - including God - until the next looming catastrophe comes along. Why do men thrive on fear? As the apostle John said in his epistles, there is none of God's love in fear. If you fear, your lack of faith as a Christian is fully evident.