The Effrontery of Judaism, Part Two

Jews do not have the capacity to understand why it is that they are hated, but this video is a sure display of one of the primary reasons. It is the goal of the jew to destroy White Christendom, and this proves as much straight from their own mouths. How do Whites remain blind to this jewish treachery?

In China, there are over a billion people, all yellow. There are more yellow people in China than there are Whites in the entire world. Yet the jews are not beating a drum for the integration of China. Why not? Why are negroes and arabs not being sent to China? After all, China now has more heavy industry than America does, and more opportunities for employment.

The jew is still, as Yahshua Christ described in Matthew Chapter 23, the world's foremost hypocrite. However the damndest shame is that today Christians practice judaism, rather than Christianity!