Harassed by Alison Porter

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Christogenea.org is being harassed by Alison Porter:

Although we have always had this "Fair Use Notice" on our About Page, and we are certain that our legal standing is on solid ground, Alison Porter, who claims to be the niece of Richard Porter, some of whose works are archived here, is harrassing Christogenea.org into removing her alleged uncle's work from our site. We informed Miss Porter that if she continued to harrass us, that we would publish all of her correspondence here. She insists, so here it is.

Received from Alison Porter by William Finck January 21st, 2010:

Dear William Finck


Please treat this email as Strictly Personal & Confidential and not discuss this matter with anyone else.

I am writing on behalf of the Porter family requesting that you remove articles under the name Richard D. Porter and the pseudonym Morgan Brown from the New Ensign Website. Richard Porter has personally requested this himself. He does not want his name plastered on the internet, his permission was not asked when this Website first appeared a few months ago.

Furthermore, additions have been included under his name, which were not written by him.


His name appears as follows:-


1.Truth Against the World Banking Racket, Morgan Brown

2.The Three Greatest Disasters In our History, Richard D. Porter

3. The Media Is the Enemy, Richard D. Porter

4. The Mainstream Churches An Abomination in the Sight of God, Richard D. Porter

5. The Death of Britain,Richard D. Porter

6.The Catastrophe of Modern Medicine, Morgan Brown

7. The Bible teaches Multiculturalism Leads to Calamity and Extinction For the Host Nation,Morgan Brown

8.All Christian Denominations are Promoting the Lucifarian Program, Richard D. Porter

9.A Reply to the Author of the Book Elizabeth the Last, Richard D. Porter


Hoaxes, Lies vs Truth, Fact vs Fiction, Reality vs Hoax, Richard D. Porter

Multiculturalism,Morgan Brown

The Three Greatest Disasters in our History, Richard D. Porter

The Mainstream Churches are an Abomination in the Sight of God,Richard D. Porter

Death of Britain, Richard D. Porter


The name Richard Porter appears in Steven Books advertisement in all 5 editions of New Ensign Magazine. This was done without the permission of Richard Porter who will gladly tell you himself he does not wish to be associated with Steven Books. Please remove his name both from the New Ensign magazine and the internet and never include it again.

Please also remove his name immediately if there are any other instances of it appearing on this site which are not mentioned above.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email.

Thank you for your immediate attention.

Yours sincerely

Alison Porter

Response to Alison Porter January 25th, 2010:

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am presently replying to email messages purporting to be from both Mr. Richard and Miss Alison Porter. The original messages are copied below.

Collectively you have made several requests that we at Christogenea.org remove literature from one of our affiliate websites. Christogenea.org is a non-profit repository of scholarly materials presented without cost to the general public for educational and research purposes only. Therefore we at Christogenea.org are confident that all of the material on our several websites meets the criteria of the Fair Use doctrine long recognized in American copyright law. We will not be removing any of the material from any of our websites at anybody's request. 

If you claim to be the author(s) of any of the material archived at Christogenea.org or affiliated websites, and you find that the material the way it has been presented has been unduly altered in any manner, please provide original copies of the material in question, along with affadavits supporting your authorship and/or copyright claims, and we will be happy to oblige you in restoring the material to its proper and original form.

Thank you,
William Finck

Received from someone claiming to be Richard Porter by William Finck January 25th, 2010:

From: rdporter@hotmail.co.uk
To: wmfinck@christogenea
Subject: Britain is finished.
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 16:02:37 +0000

Dear Friend,

My niece Alison has asked me to contact you. We do not have a Constitution here in Britain. People have been imprisoned under the Race Laws. I have been hounded and threatened by the police. 

Material has been added to my writings without my consent. Articles published here without my name has had my name added.

Paid informers are working in our ranks. I'm in poor health and my family don't want the worry. 

Please withdraw my name from article attributed to me. BRITAIN IS NOW IN AN ADVANCED STAGE OF DECAY AND IS FINISHED.

Truly, R. D. Porter. 


Received from Alison Porter by William Finck January 26th, 2010:


Dear William Finck

I am utterly dismayed and distressed by your response, I thought it would be a simple matter to have these articles removed at our request.

We do not ‘purport’ to be Porters, we are. We are telling you the truth, we are Christians. Articles have been passed to you under my uncle’s name without his permission. Some were written independently, which he did not even put his name to ; it is someone else who has added his name. They have been put under a moniker to which he did not give his permission with additions included which my uncle did not write; it would be very time consuming to go through them. My uncle has a heart condition, his daughter has cancer and I am quite ill myself after a life saving blood transfusion

As he explained, he does not want any more harassment from the authorities and this is causing the family a lot of stress. He was not consulted about his name being put to these articles and being put up on your website.

Please have some compassion for what our family has already suffered and please do not be the cause of any more persecution which will come our way. We do not have the freedom that Americans have under your Constitution.

We appeal to you as a Christian brothers and sisters to please reconsider in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Yours truly

Alison Porter

Received from Alison Porter by William Finck January 28th, 2010:

Dear William Finck and Eli

My uncle gave these articles privately to someone who put them in your possession, they were not given for the purpose of appearing on the internet without his permission, especially under another moniker and with additions which he did not write. He didn't put his name to some of them, another person did that.

My uncle would never have agreed to them being put on the internet because of the following:

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. Proverbs 23.23.

There is a price next to his name, his articles are being sold and that goes against everything he believes in. He has never made any money out of anything he has written.

The teachings of Jesus encompass a wealth of wisdom on a wide range of matters and our family try and live by the whole of God's word, we try not to focus on just one part of it.

""The sum of thy word is truth; Psalm 119.160.

I would remind you of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ:

"Give to every man that asketh of thee" ... Luke 6.30. We are only asking what was his in the first place.

This is causing a lot of distress to our family, especially his daughter who is only in her 40's and has had a cancer operation, she has seen her father suffer enough.

I appeal to you to reconsider in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you

Response to Alison Porter January 28th, 2010:

Miss Porter,
Firstly, Eli James is not associated with our publishing endeavors and we do not know why you have concerned him with this. Our work with Eli is not directly associated with the websites which are independent entities. Second, nothing is sold at Christogenea.org. We do not have a store selling books or articles, and we have nothing of your uncle's which we make any profit on. So your claims here are entirely unwarranted.
Concerning the Steven Books advertisement which mentions Richard Porter, I suggest that you have your uncle take the matter up with Steven Books. Yet since they actually have some of his books for sale, and because many of your uncle's books and papers are available elsewhere on the internet, often freely, we do not understand why you are singling out, or harassing, Christogenea.org.
There are many affiliated and non-affiliated sites that we host, only two of which sell books directly. We have no control over the content of those non-affiliated sites, and one of them which sells books has a notice on its front page disassociating itself with us. I suggest that you be more specific in your complaints. Every site that we host has a Contact page with the appropriate contact information.
We have given you our answer concerning the materials that we offer freely. We do not understand why you would even be concerned with articles under a pseudonym. If you think that we are going to remove articles written under a pseudonym or any other name based on your word, you are seriously disillusioned. We are not removing any articles from Christogenea.org, Emahiser.christogenea.org, Newensign.christogenea.org, or mk.christogenea.org, without a sworn affadavit and certificates of copyright proving that you or the parties which you represent hold rights to the articles. If that information is presented so that we may be assured that you are indeed entitled to enforce any copyright claim, then we will examine our options and rights under the Fair Use doctrine of United States copyright law. Christogenea.org is not subject to the laws of Great Britain or to the European Union.
Except for providing the actual proof which we require concerning any articles which you may have rights to, if we hear from you again in this matter we will publish all of this correspondence on the front page of Christgoenea.org and our other sites, so that our readers may know that you are harassing us.

William Finck


Received from Alison Porter by William Finck January 29th, 2010:

Dear William Finck and Eli

If I came across as harassing you then please accept my apologies. Perhaps I am too outspoken at times. I was seriously concerned for my family. As far as we are aware my uncle's writings are not anywhere else on the internet.
I won't contact you again.

All the best

Received at the Post Office Box address used by William Finck on or about February 16th, 2010:

This letter came unsigned, with no return address on the envelope itself, and only a few photocopies from some of Richard Porter's books. I asked for legal proof of copyright. Apparently Allison Porter thinks she is playing with a fool. I shall assert to know exactly what I am doing, and I stand down for nobody. I am not removing ANY of the material from this site unless I am lawfully compelled to do so by the competent authorities. I do so because I have reason to doubt that Richard Porter has any hand in this at all. And if he does, then he will have to explain why he is not pursuing any of several other sites which I know has at least some of his material posted freely. And furthermore, why would he reveal his "Morgan Brown" pseudonym?

Also: a major gaffe on Alison Porter's part. I never received any email address of Richard Porter's from anyone, except for the email I allegedly received from him above, which I believe that Alison actually sent! If Richard had sent it, he surely would have remembered something supposedly so important to him!