Sweden's No-Go Zones Not Safe for Cops or Cameras

The CBS News 60 Minutes crew is about to enter a neighborhood in Sweden which is actually a Somali squatter colony. The cameraman is run over by a car. They call the police, but the police won't escort the crew through neighborhood, telling them they are better off without them. The reporter then attempts to portray any Somalis who would talk to them as if they were benevolent, not considering other possible motives. But it is not long until they are attacked again. The liberal reporter tries reasoning with beasts, and cannot really understand their nature. Will she ever learn, that these Somalis are not people? Rather, she was pleading with them like a mother to a child, but they had no care for her correction.

This reporter is rather fortunate that she was not dragged off and raped. In 2011, when CBS reporter Lara Logan thought she could stand in a crowd on the streets of Cairo and report on rioting Egyptians, they stripped her naked and raped her. Would she ever understand that she was raped by beasts, and not by men? The insolence of liberalism is that it insists it can defy nature, and form creatures who are beasts in its own image of what people should be.