Ukranian Patriots Topple Statue of Bolshevik Holodomor Tyrant

Demolition of the monument of Petrovsky

This occurred in Dnepropetrovsk (called "Dnipro city" on by the original poster of the video) in the Ukraine. The video was posted on Youtube on January 29th, but the incident may have happened a day or so earlier.

It was reported on Breitbart on January 30th.

Here is a shorter report from another source:

Ukrainian activists in the eastern city of Dnipropetrovsk Friday night toppled a statue of controversial Bolshevik leader Grigory Petrovsky, implicated in a famine that killed millions in the 1930s, city hall said.

Petrovsky, the de facto head of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic from 1922 to 1938, was also a signatory of the treaty that made Ukraine a Soviet republic.

The monument, which had been inaugurated in 1976, will be now kept in a museum, Dnipropetrovsk mayor Borys Filatov said...

It is amazing that the statue has stood for as long as it did. But evidently, there are some "Ukrainians" who would rather sympathize with the Bolsheviks.