If You See Black... Don't Go Back!

If You See Black...
Don't Go Back!

by Edgar J. Steele

February 27, 2005

"Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed."
  --- Noel Ignatiev, Jewish Harvard professor and editor of Race Traitor magazine (Washington Times, September 4, 2002)

"The white race is the cancer of human history."  
  --- Susan Sontag (much-celebrated Jewish  "intellectual," whose recent passing was lamented loudly in Jewish circles) 

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 38 - Baboons are not good Babysitters

So in Oregon, if you beat someone and they cannot speak to describe their pain, you cannot be charged with a crime? That is what the authorities evidently told the parents of this young child after he was beaten by his "babysitter". Of course, the parents themselves should be beaten for hiring a baboon to be a babysiter in the first place.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 37 - Black Lives Do Not Matter

We are always hearing stories of gang-banging niggers killing one another, and drug-dealing niggers killing one another, but this one is different. Pictured here is 45-year old Chadwick Garrett, a Negro with a job. He took the time to help these two niggers get their SUV out of a ditch. And once he did, they robbed and shot him, leaving him dead.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 36 - But this Nigga had a Job

The news outlets are making a lot of comments in relation to Ford's pictures and some of the comments found on his Facebook page. But they never told us, did he "like" Black Lives Matter?

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 35 - Logan Tipton, 6-year-old White boy, killed by ravaging Nigger

In Versailles, Kentucky a feral broke into the home of a White family and fatally stabbed a six-year old White boy while he lay sleeping in his bedroom.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 34 - Negro Beasts Drown White Child in Boiling Water

Two young black males gagged a crying 12-year old white boy and afterwards drowned him in a bath filled with boiling water. The accused yesterday admitted guilt to the murder with smiles as they appeared in the Vereeniging regional court, reports the Johannesburg Afrikaans daily, Beeld.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 31 - Six-Year Old Barely Escapes with Life and Chastity

There are only two reasons why a pair of black adult male beasts would want to abduct this pretty young White girl: rape and murder. With blacks robbing, murdering and raping Whites daily from coast to coast, when are Whites going to awaken to the fact that it is not "crime", but a quiet war of genocide which blacks have been waging against Whites for several decades now?

The Truth Behind Mixed-Race "Marriages"

The Jews in Hollywood and the media have been promoting the destruction of White society for over a hundred years. Every White women who would date a negro is really only a willing victim in an age-old war against Whites. Every White woman with non-White children is a willing traitor who has contributed to the destruction of White society.