Russians Combat Immorality

Orthodox Christians in Russia are evidently doing what the rest of the West should have been doing decades ago: taking a stand against immorality. But why is it the Orthodox Christians who are "radical", as this RT reporter identifies them? In reality, it is the sexual deviants who are the true radicals!

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements

by Nesta H. Webster

Christian Book Club of America


It is a matter of some regret to me that I have been so far unable to continue the series of studies on the French Revolution of which The Chevalier de Boufflers and The French Revolution, a Study in Democracy formed the first two volumes. But the state of the world at the end of the Great War seemed to demand an enquiry into the present phase of the revolutionary movement, hence my attempt to follow its course up to modern times in World Revolution. And now before returning to that first cataclysm I have felt impelled to devote one more book to the Revolution as a whole by going this time further back into the past and attempting to trace its origins from the first century of the Christian era. For it is only by taking a general survey of the movement that it is possible to understand the causes of any particular phase of its existence. The French Revolution did not arise merely out of conditions or ideas peculiar to the eighteenth century, nor the Bolshevist Revolution out of political and social conditions in Russia or the teaching of Karl Marx. Both these explosions were produced by forces which, making use of popular suffering and discontent, had long been gathering strength for an onslaught not only on Christianity, but on all social and moral order.

Skýþverskir forfeður okkar

by Colonel J.C. Gawler

Innan við hálfa öld eftir að Ætt Ísraels fór í útlegð, var fyrst minnst á Skýþverja í sögulegum heimildum. Þessi skjöl, sem eru frá tíma Essarhaddons Assyríukonungs(681-669 fyrir Krist), voru endurheimt frá skjalasafni Nínevehborgar og eru nú staðsett í British Museum. Þau sýna að Skýþverjar voru þá staðsettir meðal Meda þar sem Biblían segir okkar af sumir af Ísraelítum höfðu verið settir í útlegð( 2 Kings 18:11). Sömu gögn sanna einnig að ný þjóð að nafni Gimiri var einnig staðsett á sama svæði á þessum tíma.

Stop the Aurora Vaccine Policy

Stop the Aurora Vaccine Policy 

In fall of this year, 2011, Dr. Bruce Van Cleave saw fit to require 31,000 employees of the Aurora Healthcare network to be vaccinated with the much controversial flu vaccine and to the degree of risking employment for not doing so. This policy, although claiming to leave room for exemptions, has made it fairly clear that if not vaccinated by December 31, 2011 you will more than likely lose your employment. We already have confirmed cases of people who have filed for a religious exemption and meet the stated needs to qualify for this according to company policy and Aurora has taken it upon themselves in this case to 'interpret' their version of religion to deny these particular cases. Clearly this is a civil rights violations and is taken very seriously with in the court system and has been a staple in America culture to protect someone. We take the right of people to decide for themselves whether they want to inject themselves very seriously and so should you. Research all across the board has been very alarming as to the so-called benefits and downfalls of vaccines as many who work in the healthcare system are already aware. In this article from WISN it is fairly clear in this report they instead to force this upon all employees at the cost of their employment...