The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 13 - Negro Brutalizes Elderly White Couple, Rape, Robbery and Murder

Home invasion: Bob and Nancy Strait were both attacked when burglars broke into their home in Tulsa. Mrs Strait died of her injuries.

It is apparent, at least, that there was nothing about this in the national media in America. That is because the American media has a goal to portray only blacks as victms, and Whites as criminals. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, the American media is encouraging negro race-riots, and possibly a war between the races, in order to fulfill a greater agenda: the final destruction of whatever is left of the American Republic. The media's biased reporting is irreprehensible, and can only be explained once it is understood that it leads an organized agenda. - WRF

The following is from the Mail Online:

Couple met and married within a month and stayed together for 65 years... only to be parted after home invader beat wife to death

  • Nancy Strait, 85, was sexually assaulted and battered to death by burglar
  • Her husband Bob, 90, suffered a broken jaw and broken ribs in attack
  • Police have arrested 20-year-old Tyrone Dale David Woodfork

By Nina Golgowski PUBLISHED: 11:07 EST, 20 March 2012 | UPDATED: 13:06 EST, 20 March 2012

An 85-year-old woman was sexually assaulted and battered to death by a home invader who also shot her 90-year-old husband in the face with a BB gun.

Nancy and Bob Strait, who had celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in December, were discovered by their daughter at their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Both the pensioners were rushed to hospital where Mrs Strait, who was nearly blind, died from her injuries.

Mr Strait, who served in the 101st Airborne Division in World War II, suffered a broken jaw, broken ribs and severe bleeding. He is in a serious condition in hospital.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 16 - The War on Whites: negro stabs White woman for no apparent reason

Antoine Davis only exhibited a natural hatred which all negroes have for Whites. Negroes came out of trees. Perhaps if some of them were sent back every time something like this happened, they would learn to stop.

Notice that on many occasions the media has negro reporters present stories such as this, which deceives and conditions Whites into believing that there are "good" negroes.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 17 - The War on Whites: three negroes murder White waitress

Jacqueline Gardner was killed for no good reason by three negro beasts. Where are the national news reports? Why is it that those rare occasions of White-on-Black crime get national media attention, while the many daily cases of violent Black-on-White crime are ignored?

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 18 - Girl Killed for a Bicycle

12-year old Autumn Pasquale was killed for her bicycle by the two animals pictured below, known by English names as "Dante Robinson" and "Justin Davidson", as reported by several New Jersey news outlets.  One of the beasts went so far as to "Like" a Facebook page set up to locate the missing girl (see the article

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 19 - 12-Year Old White Girl Brutally Attacked For Turning Down African

When will Whites ever learn, that blacks are animals who see them as prey? When will Whites ever learn, that blacks are not capable of civilized society and to function as "people"?

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 20 - 14-Year Negro Beasts Kill Young White Mother for Cigarettes

Teen Suspects Sought In Beaver Co. Shooting Death

BEAVER FALLS (KDKA) – A young father is left to care for his little girl after the child’s mother was shot and killed.

The suspects are not even old enough to drive.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 21 - White Teenaged Girls Bobbie Sartain and Raquel Gerstel are Negros' Latest Victims

It's Not a Crime Problem, it's a Negro Problem. And it is going to remain a Negro problem until it is recognized that Negros are the problem. Negros like Jamie Foxx can brag about killing all of the Whites on national television, so it must be open season on Whites, because there is no national outrage. Imagine the non-stop media uproar, the endless demonstrations and rallies, if the roles were reversed. Yet well over 90% of violent crimes involving Blacks and Whites have Black perpetrators and White victims. How is this not a war against Whites, where the Jewish-controlled mass media is the primary enabler of Black belligerents?

While two of the three perpetrators arrested for the shooting have been identified as Diantay Powell, 18 and Antonio Edwards, 19, pictures of the accused are missing from all of the news agency reports which we have been able to locate on the internet. None of the major SF media outlets have as yet posted pictures of the perpetrators. For that reason alone, we are confident enough to identify them as Black. If they were White, their pictures would be plastered all over every news agency outlet in the nation.

The following is from the local San Francisco area news website for station KTVU:

Teen girls killed in Oakland shooting died in hail of bullets

OAKLAND, Calif. —

As Oakland police looked for clues Wednesday in the weekend double murder of two teenage girls who died in a hail of gunfire, a heartbroken father was doing the unthinkable: making arrangements to bury his only daughter.

Bobbie Sartain
16-year-old Bobbie Sartain

15-year-old Raquel Gerstel, along with her 16-year-old best friend Bobbie Sartain, became this year’s Oakland homicide victims 114 and 115 after shooting early Sunday morning.

"It's tragic. I'm devastated," said Raquel’s father Barton Gerstel with a heavy sigh. "She was my heart."

Gerstel said on Saturday night Raquel went to visit a friend. He said he got worried when he didn't hear from her. On Monday night, his frantic search for her ended at the morgue.

"They wouldn't show me her body. Only a picture," Gerstel told KTVU reporter Rita Williams.

He now knows that someone shot and killed the two girls near Brookdale Park early Sunday morning.

Raquel Gerstel
15-year-old Raquel Gerstel

Jayne Nayman, who lives at the intersection of Brookdale and Minna avenues, across the street from the shooting, said that at about 5:15 a.m. Sunday, "All of a sudden I heard a flurry of shots and they were so rapid-fire that I lost count."

Nayman said she told Oakland police that she heard more than 20 shots but police later told residents that they found 36 shell casings.

"There had to be at least two shooters," Nayman said.

She said she was awake at the time because she works the overnight shift as a nurse and normally is up at that hour.

Nayman said the shooter or shooters apparently were calm and businesslike because she didn't near any squealing tires or loud engines afterward, indicating that they left the scene at a normal driving speed.

She said the shooting was "inexcusable and deplorable," asking, "What could possess someone to do that?"