Children and Families Suffer Disease from Vaccines While Doctors Remain in Denial

Perhaps Bill Gates should pay for this. Perhaps the entire medical community should pay for this. Revenge belongs to Yahweh our God, and you will not want to be Bill Gates on that day, nor a peddlar of pharmaceuticals!!!

Confederates for Donald Trump Warn of White Ethnic Cleansing

The Jewish AntiFa group that call themselves the "Young Turks" think there is a problem with these people. But instead, Whites everywhere should be proud of them for standing up for themselves, and to hell with the "Young Turks".

Confessions of a Missionary Kid

by Sandi Blanchard

My Story

I was born and raised a missionary kid (MK), but I never allowed myself to really think about it until last year (when I was 54 years old) - believe it or not. That's because we were told from as early as I can remember that we must not do or say anything that would reflect negatively on Dad.