Behind Communism by Frank Britton


By Frank L Britton.

Probably published in 1952.


PART 1 - CHAPTERS 1 - 10

To understand the total problem of Communism it is necessary that we trace the course of the movement from it’s beginning down to the present.  We must understand who it’s originators were, and what they were, and we must gain some idea as to the forces which influenced and shaped their philosophy.

Unfortunately, any deep-down discussion of Communism and Marxism involves the Jewish question.  We cannot honestly discuss the subject without revealing—and commenting on—the fact that the founders of Russian Communism were Jewish.  Neither can we ignore the fact that all but a few of the top leadership of the American Communism party—including the recently convicted spies— are of the same race.  These are facts of history over which we have no control. But we are faced with the very serious problem of how to reveal these, facts without being labeled—and treated—as "antiSemites."

Behold The International Jew! - Brig. Gen. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, CPDL

Behold the International Jew!

By Brig. Gen. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, CPDL

". . . without regard for race, colour, creed, age, sex or national origin"

(Knowledgeable men, Jew and Gentile, speak out regarding the International Zionist Conspiracy) 



In dealing with any controversial subject such as International Judaism and its Satanic offspring Zionism and Communism, it is often difficult to get a message of warning across to those who are in the most immediate danger. This is due to the fact that the Christian world has become so "brainwashed" in the "Liberal mind detergent" of Zionist propaganda, that immediately, when one speaks of a Jew in any but the most complimentary of terms, he is saddled with the horrible accusation of being an "anti-Semite." This has stifled honest discussion of this tremendous problem.  

Bolshevism Is Jewish - Arnold Leese


By A. S. Leese

THE object of this pamphlet is to prove that Bolshevism is Jewish. Bolshevism represents one of the final stages in the deliberate Jewish programme for World Domination. It is not in the scope of this pamphlet to describe the earlier stages of the programme, in which Liberalism, Masonry and Marxism prepared the ground for Bolshevism; that part of the subject is dealt with in our pamphlet, “The Era of Democracy: the Era of World Ruin,” price 2½d, post free. [Published on this page below this E-Book.]



Communism is not Bolshevism. In Bolshevik Russia, there is no common ownership of land, goods and money; nor is there equal pay for all. These two utterly impracticable ideals have, under the name Communism, been the means through which the Russian people have been duped into accepting something quite different, i.e., Bolshevism.

British Execution of a Rebel Hindi

Whether this is real or not, a news report or a movie, is immaterial. This was broadcast by the BBC, and indicates that Britain was at one time a very different place than it is today, where men are put in prison for the slightest verbal offenses, or for causing someone "anxiety" with a simple statement. 

Can Cosmetic Treatments Kill You?

Risks most likely abound in cosmetic treatments such as liposuction and plastic surgery; though a couple's life-threatening experience may dub one treatment the most dangerous of all: Botox.

Botox is a sanitized derivative of botulinum toxin Type A, which is a bacterium found in contaminated food. Certain types of Botox are used to smooth out wrinkles by freezing muscles in injected areas, while others can be used to treat crossed eyes, uncontrollable blinking and head and neck spasms.

One unidentified couple (in their 50s) went to a medical center where they were injected with a cosmetic treatment they were informed was Botox. The very next morning, the couple experienced fatigue and had trouble breathing and speaking to the extent that they were hospitalized on life-support.