Jesse Jackson Preaches Guilt and Racism in Sweden - and the Swedes Applaud
Negroes are not at all smart; rather they simply have no shame. But could Swedes possibly be so stupid?
Negroes are not at all smart; rather they simply have no shame. But could Swedes possibly be so stupid?
Below is the original text accompanying this video, from
Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, by
Harper & Brothers,
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York.
It is the object of this series of histories to present a clear, distinct, and connected narrative of the lives of those great personages who have in various ages of the world made themselves celebrated as leaders among mankind, and, by the part they have taken in the public affairs of great nations, have exerted the widest influence on the history of the human race. The end which the author has had in view is twofold: first, to communicate such information in respect to the subjects of his narratives as is important for the general reader to possess; and, secondly, to draw such moral lessons from the events described and the characters delineated as they may legitimately teach to the people of the present age. Though written in a direct and simple style, they are intended for, and addressed to, minds possessed of some considerable degree of maturity, for such minds only can fully appreciate the character and action which exhibits itself, as nearly all that is described in these volumes does, in close combination with the conduct and policy of governments, and the great events of international history.
Report of The Herald of Freedom
Informed Washington intelligence analysts believe that Henry Kissinger had information which could have proven embarrassing, even disastrous, to former presidents and high ranking American officials, otherwise he could not have obtained and held the numerous advisory positions that were given to him, to say nothing of heading the National Security Council, all our intelligence services and at the same time acting as Secretary of State and a one man foreign policy maker. The KG.B. and its predecessors have carefully compiled information not only on State Department officials and Foreign Service Officers but on American politicians, legislators and important persons who, through character deficiencies have been compromised. The compromise could be related to sexual promiscuity or homosexuality; illicit, unethical or conflict of interest financial dealings', or any other activities or background information which, when passed along to the right person, could be used against the victim.
William Finck © 2007
Þjóðir Miðausturlanda gerðu oft minnisáletranir og aðrar skrár á mörgum tungumálum. Þetta kemur okkur að góðum notum þar sem slíkt hefur stórlega aukið skilning okkar á hinum ýmsu fornu tungumálum landsvæðisins. Með upprisu Forn Grikkja hófust Grískar landfræði og sagnfræði rannsóknir sem, eins og er ljóst af þeirra eigin heimildum byrjuðu á seinni hluta 7 aldar f.Kr. Grísku rithöfundarnir kynntust fyrst nágrönnum sínum í austri í formi veldis Assýra, sem hafði fallið um 612 f.Kr , og enn meir með tilkomu Persaveldis þar sem Kýrus komst til valda 540 f.Kr. Þótt það hefðu verið eldri Grískir sagnfræðingar og rithöfundar söguljóða í sagnfræðilegum stýl, ásamt mörgum öðrum ljóðskáldum, er fyrsti alvarlegi sagnfræðingur sem hefur skilið eftir sig verk Heródótos, sem skrifaði 100 árum eftir dauða Kýrusar. Það kann því að vera augljóst, að elstu ritaðar Grískar heimildir um austurlönd voru undir áhrifum frá Assýringum, og síðar af Persum og Medum.
William R. Finck Jr. 2007
Kórinþumenn voru Dórar. Dórar voru þjóðflokkur sem var sagður hafa ráðist inn á Grikkland, samkvæmt öllum fornum heimildum, stuttu eftir Trójustríðin. Grikkir sem byggðu allan Peloponnes skagann og einnig meginlandið fyrir tíma innrásar Dóra, kölluðust "Danaanar"(Danai), og "Akkea" kallaði Hómer þá. Sagnfræðingar dagsins í dag halda því fram að Dórar hafi komið "úr norðri" og benda á Dórísku Tetrapolis, fjórar borgir (Erineus,Boeum,Pindus og Cytinium, sjáið Strabó 9.4.10) sem liggja vestur af Fókis og norður af Delfí á meginlandi Grikklands, sem vitnisburð um þetta. Þessir sagnfræðingar halda einnig að allir Aríar hafi komið "að norðan" inn í fornöld á einum tíma eða öðrum, en þeir hafa stanslaust rangt fyrir sér. Hómer fær mikinn trúnað hjá Strabó fyrir þekkingu sína og nákvæmni þegar hann lýsir íbúum οἰκουμένη og svæðana þar sem þeir bjuggu, og landfræðingurinn vitnar sifellt í skáldið. Hómer lýsti öllum íbúum Grikklands, og þjóðum og stöðum sem Grikkjum var kunnugt um á þeim tíma er hann ritaði um. Hómer minnist ekkert á borgir Tetrapolis, né af Dórum á Grikklandi, né neinstaðar í norðri.
Clifton A. Emahiser’s Teaching Ministries
Fostoria, Ohio
Jeffrey Crosby a été jeté en prison pour un certain temps sur une accusation douteuse, et là-bas il m’a été d’une grande aide en me servant de correcteur. Précédemment, j’avais publié un article pour Jeffrey intitulé Unveiling The Fears And Denials Behind “The Passion Of The Christ’’ [A] [A] Dévoiler les peurs et dénis derrière «La Passion du Christ».. Crosby m’a depuis envoyé plusieurs brouillons sur ce sujet. Après quelque six semaines passées à scanner quatre des ses manuscrits tapés à la machine et les avoir convertis en documents digitaux, j’en vins à la réalisation qu’une introduction serait bien nécessaire. E. Raymond Capt a écrit un livret intitulé The Traditions Of Glastonbury sur ce même sujet. Non seulement Capt a écrit un livret, mais il a aussi produit un film de 53 minutes portant le même titre, qu’il a par la suite converti en format VCR. Avec cette introduction, nous débuterons ce sujet là où E. Raymond Capt avait commencé son film, en posant une question très significative que William Blake posait dans son poème, qui fut plus tard mis en musique et devint un hymne chanté en Grande-Bretagne ainsi que dans certaines nations du Commonwealth :
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