Heródoto, los escitas, Persas y Profecía

by William Finck

El propósito de esta exposición es mostrar cómo, si uno no está familiarizado con la historia secular (de los cuales gran parte se encuentra en los clásicos griegos), uno no va a entender completamente las Escrituras. La nación de Judea compuesta principalmente de "higos malos" (hoy llamado "Judíos") no se dispersan hasta el año 70 DC, como fue profetizado en Jer. 24:8-10, 26:6, 29: 17-19., Cristo mismo lo afirmó en Lucas 21:24. Mientras que Santiago en 1:1 habla de las "doce tribus que están dispersas en el extranjero", y Santiago murió antes del 70 dC, como atestigua Josefo, Santiago no se dirigía a la denominados "Judíos" dispersos en el año 70, y tampoco pudieron los " Judíos " haberse ya extendido en el extranjero, afirmar ser descendientes de las tribus que no sean sólo tres, Judá, Benjamín y Leví, y sólo una pequeña fracción han reasentado Judea a su regreso de Babilonia.

A excepción de su larga descripción de Egipto en el libro 2, y sus otras incursiones en el pasado, Herodoto dio la historia de Persia, que abarca el reinado de cinco reyes: Ciro (1. 46) Cambises(. 2 1) pseudo-Esmerdis ( 3. 67), Darío (3. 88), y Jerjes (7. 5). Estos reyes son los mismos reyes que nuestro profeta Daniel habla en Daniel 11:1-2.

Heródótos, Skýþar, Persar og Spádómar

William R. Finck Jr. 2007 

Tilgangur þessarar afflettu er að sýna fram á að sé maður ekki kunnugur veraldlegri sögu ( sem mikið af er að finna í Grískum klassískum bókmenntum), muni sá ekki að fullu skilja Ritninguna. Þjóð Júdeu sem samanstóð mest af " slæmum fíkjum" ( sem kallast í dag "Gyðingar") var ekki dreift fyrr en 70 e.Kr, eins og var spáð fyrir í Jer. 24:8-10, 26:6, 29:17-19 et al., staðfest af Kristi sjálfum í Lúkasarguðspjalli 21:24. En Jakobsbréf 1:1 talar um " tólf kynkvíslir í dreifingu", og Jakob dó fyrir 70 e.Kr, eins og Jósefus staðfestir, Jakob var ekki að tala við hina svokölluðu "Gyðinga" dreift árið 70, og hvorki gátu þeir "Gyðingar" þegar útbreiddir um heiminn sagt sig vera komna af ættkvíslunum öðrum en þremur, Júda. Benjamín og Leví, og aðeins örlítið brot af þeim nam land á ný í Júdeu eftir heimkomuna frá Babylon. Umfram fyrir langa lýsingu sína á Egyptalandi í bók 2, og öðrum athugunum sínum á fortíðinni, gaf Heródótos lýsingu á sögu Persíu samkvæmt ráðatímum fimm konunga: Kýros(1. 46), Kambýses(2. 1), Súdó-Smerdis(3. 67), Daríus (3. 88), og Xerxes (7. 5). Þessir konungar eru nákvæmlega sömu konungar og þeir sem Daníel spámaður okkar talaði um í Daníelsbók 11:1-2.

History and Fundamentals

History and Fundamentals

from a South African contributor

By 'fundmentals' we speak of things like: summer, winter, autumn, spring, you know, things that politicians cannot change or which they change only to the detriment of the order of things. There is an ultimate order, and the closer we attain to it, the greater becomes our personal and national wellbeing.

The trick is to discover the fundamental non-negotiables that harmonise with natural law. Once that is established half the battle is won. We who are Bible-believing Christians have the advantage of possessing the Book of Rules that provide for us the remaining answers to our quest for a successful national constitution ensuring prosperity, but not necessarily peace. We 
know that because we have lived through pockets of time where this was demonstrated. Pre-war Germany and post-war South Africa knew both sides of that equation. The prosperity generated  in wicked men and wicked systems jealousy and hatred that proved terminal for both successful systems. 

History Of The Moneychangers by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

PART 1 - THROUGH THE 19TH CENTURY  -  History Of The Money Changers - Hitchcock


By Andrew Hitchcock

February 26, 2006

Economists continually try and sell the public the idea that recessions or depressions are a natural part of what they call the “business cycle”.

This timeline below will prove that is simply not the case.  Recessions and depressions only occur because the Central Bankers manipulate the money supply, to ensure more and more is in their hands and less and less is in the hands of the people.

Central Bankers developed out of money changers and it is with these people we pick the story up in 48 B.C. below.

Hungarian Government Stops Payments To “Holocaust Survivors” & Demands Return of Funds

This article originally from National Alliance News

(WJC) — Hungary is demanding that the Claims Conference, the New York-based Jewish organization which handles payments to Holocaust survivors around the world, return about US$ 8 million in payments made to Holocaust survivors. The government in Budapest said the Claims Conference had failed to properly account for the money. Claims Conference leaders said that reams of information about the payments had been provided to the authorities and accused Hungary of “depriving” Shoah survivors through “disgraceful” and “deceitful tactics.”

(…)Two years ago, after the nationalist Fidesz government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban came to power in Hungary, Commissioner Andras Levente Gal began challenging how the money had been spent, asking for more details about the funds. The Hungarian government halted its payments to the organization, holding on to US$ 5.6 million. “It is impossible to identify the individuals eligible for compensation or the grounds for their eligibility” based on the documents it provided, the Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice said on its website this week, arguing the organization had shown that the funds were distributed “on a far-from-equal footing.” Gal is now seeking to reclaim roughly US$ 8 million from the group, along with interest and added charges.

I won't be shopping at Tesco this Christmas


From The Christian Institute  

Tesco's Head of Research and Development has said Christians are "evil" for opposing homosexual marriage. The comment was made by Nick Lansley, Head of R&D for Tesco.com.

It appears on Mr Lansley's profile page on the photo-sharing website, Flickr.com, where he lists his employment as 'Head of R&D at Tesco.com'.

He adds: "I'm also campaigning against evil Christians (that's not all Christians, just bad ones) who think that gay people should not lead happy lives and get married to their same-sex partners."