The Fable of the Ducks and Hens

The Fable of the Ducks and Hens by George Lincoln Rockwell  

Narrated by Edgar J. Steele


Many, many years ago, When animals could speak. A wondrous thing the ducks befell, Their tale is quite unique.

Down by a pond dwelt all these ducks, Ten thousand at the least. Their duckish joys were undisturbed By any man or any beast.

One day down near the entrance gate, There was an awful din. A hundred hens all out of breath Were begging to come in.

“Oh let us in!” these poor birds cried, “Before we do expire!” “Tis only by the merest inch That we escaped the fire!”

The Golden Dawn: Can Right Rise in Europe?

Are there any true patriots left in Europe, who can cut through the Capitalist/Communist propaganda offered by the jewish-controlled media? The Bolsheviks themselves had a central bank! If one is anti-"facist" or anti-Right, then one is beholden to the jew and will forever remain a slave to the bankers.

The Great Red Dragon or London Money Power


THIS work is divided into three parts:— 

PART I gives a History of the Rise of the London Money Power. 

PART II proves that this Imperialism of Capital — the London Money Power — is foretold in prophecy, under the symbol of the Great Red Dragon. 

PART III gives the Remedy for the industrial evils that afflict our country. (And, I did not scan this part)
There are many persons, perhaps, who will be deeply interested in Part I, and Part III, Who will feel but little interest in the prophetic portion of the work . The work is so arranged that all such persons can skip Part II, and pass from Part I to Part II, without any break in the connection of thought: though they will miss the most striking delineations of the character and the activities of the Money Power.

The Growing Menace Of Freemasonry by Arnold Leese

by Arnold Leese

Disraeli, speaking at Aylesbury, 20th September, 1873, said:—"I can assure you, Gentlemen, that those who govern must count with new elements! We have to deal not with Emperors and Cabinets only. We must take into consideration secret societies, who can disconcert all measures at the last moment, who have agents everywhere, determined men, encouraging assassinations, and capable of bringing about a massacre at any moment."

The Conspiracy of Silence.

"THE position claimed by Freemasonry throughout the Whole World is a peculiarly and radically exceptional one. It alone is never, except in rare instances, dis­cussed by the Press; indeed, it refused to allow itself to be discussed."

"Although priests openly deliberate and pronounce upon all other points affecting the general interests of mankind; although Christianity with its system and doctrines, the State with its laws and constitution, are topics of free discussion; although the most intimate and personal concerns of individual persons are made public—Freemasonry alone, by the universal consent of Europe, is acknowledged to be a Noli me tangere! Everyone shrinks from speaking of it, as of an uncanny ghost. This phenomenon is an obvious proof of the immense power Freemasonry exercises in the world . . . . "

The Host and the Parasite - Greg Felton

Greg Felton, a Canadian investigative reporter and author, spoke on Feb. 25, 2008 at the Vancouver Public Library about his controversial book, 'The Host and The Parasite" Watch 30-minute video of his presentation and 30-minute highlights of the heated questions and answers. For more information about the author, go to


The Iron Curtain Over America

The Iron Curtain Over America

By John Beaty

Part 1 - Chapters 1-4


To the mighty company of American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines whose graves are marked by white crosses far from home this book is dedicated with the solemn pledge that the Christian civilization of which they were the finest flower shall not die. The Iron Curtain Over America is archived here under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in reviewing the included information for personal use, non-profit research and educational Archived for Educational Purposes only Under U.S.C. Title 17 Section 107 Yahshua Messiah’s Sabbath Day Ministry C/O general delivery USPO Waxahachie, Texas (75165) First Printing, December, 1951 Eleventh Printing April 1954 Preface The Iron Curtain Over America Lt. Gen, George E. Stratemeyer, USAF (ret.), says: