The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 8 - The Wrong "Person"?

How could Casey Ray Vice's father even imagine that his daughter "fell in love with the wrong person"? That is the failure of Liberalism: to imagine that the lowliest scum of the planet could even be considered persons in the first place!

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us, Part 9 - Harry Michael Ainsworth

In Algiers, Louisiana, Harry Michael Ainsworth was killed in cold blood right in front of his own children, as he heard a woman screaming and heroically attempted to come to his neighbor's aid, while it turns out that he interrupted a car-jacking.

The Crime Of Our Age


In the firm belief that the truth will arouse them to action. 

Published by the Author




Third Edition Foreword

In the short time of a year this appeal, directed at the conscience of Christians in this country, experienced the third edition. Trusting in the honesty of the seekers of truth, the second edition was mailed out in good faith. The President, the Government Officials, all Congressmen and other key personalities received their free copy.

"THE CRIME OF OUR AGE" brought forth divided opinions. The reaction equaled the expectation. On one side are historians, church and civic Leaders, and the mass of the righteous, who mean to do well to both our fatherland America as well as the raped motherland Germany. They praise the book as courageous, truthful, end honest. On The other side are the unscrupulous war mongers and hypocrites, who lambasted the author with all sorts of names, without being able to refute the historical facts.

The Effrontery of Judaism, Part One

This video reveals that the jew is purposefully using their campaign of "multiculturalism" to destroy White identity and society. With the emasculation of the Aryan male in an effeminate culture of vanity and perversion, the jew can get away with such arrogant and open plans to destroy the White Christian nations. In the mid-19th century a sedition trial would have been over long ago, and this jewess devil would have been lawfully dispatched for the attempted destruction of a nation. Yet the demoness featured in this video is not alone. She is one of millions throughout the West who have been forcing a program of "multiculturalism" and "diversity" on the White nations for over a hundred years now. With the progress of their agenda, they have now become completely open about it. When will the civilized nations awaken, and see that they have become like Africa and Mexico and India? Hellholes and cesspools of corruption and anarchy await a sleeping Christendom.

See The Immigration Problem and Biblical Prophecy at

The Effrontery of Judaism, Part Two

Jews do not have the capacity to understand why it is that they are hated, but this video is a sure display of one of the primary reasons. It is the goal of the jew to destroy White Christendom, and this proves as much straight from their own mouths. How do Whites remain blind to this jewish treachery?

The Era Of World Ruin! (The Era Of Democracy) - Arnold Leese


(The Era of Democracy)



The claim of the Jews that they installed Democracy for the express purpose of ruining the Gentile world.

THE words, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity which are sometimes summed up in the word “Liberalism” have a noble sound and appearance. Are they not above criticism? Yes, but only when each one is in its right place: Liberty where Liberty can be exercised with intelligence, Equality where Equality really exists, and so on. And yet, in the domain of politics these words are, as will be shown in the course of this Note, anathema to anyone acquainted with their origin and with the evil purpose to which they have been applied, and with the results of their use.

The main result of their use has been the splitting up of coun­tries into warring political parties. These parties are known collectively as Democracy. When Democracy holds an election, it is supposed to produce—at least we flatter ourselves that it produces—a Parliament which represents the best interests of the State. But as the majority of members are forced by their political Association to put the interests of party before that of the State, Democracy fails at the very outset to achieve its main object. So it just carries on in a disjointed manner, in a state of political warfare with itself.