The Sonnini Manuscript

While we do not dispute the early entrance of Christianity into Britain, we at the Saxon Messenger do look quite sceptically upon the validity of the Sonnini Manuscript. In fact, we are certain that it is spurious. It is nevertheless presented here for informational purposes.


The Terrorist Transportation Sturmabteilung (TSA)

With all apologies to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, horror stories related to the TSA in the U.S. abound. Here is just one, from Natural News:

Meg McLain Singled out by the TSA, Cuffed to a Chair, Her Ticket Ripped Up


The Truth Behind Mixed-Race "Marriages"

The Jews in Hollywood and the media have been promoting the destruction of White society for over a hundred years. Every White women who would date a negro is really only a willing victim in an age-old war against Whites. Every White woman with non-White children is a willing traitor who has contributed to the destruction of White society.


The World In A Quote

"The 'World' in a Quote"

We recovered an old pamphlet which, by internal evidence, appears to have been compiled in or around 1992 (the last dated citation bears the date October 11, 1992).  It was put together by a Mr. Jeffrey L. Ostler (whom we do not know).  In this pamphlet he has painstakingly searched out quotes and excerpts that illustrate the fall of the Christian society, et all.

The "Editor notes" are his, we left them intact they are rendered as "(- Ed.)”.  Any notes made by us at Watchmen Bible Study Group are in "[brackets]".  While we proofread the document, it is possible that some typos exist due to scanning-error.

Also, the chapter titles and divisions are ours; we rearranged the order in which the author presented the quotes.  We did this for the ease of reader's searches.  We felt that the quotes, aligned into categories of subject, would be more beneficial to the investigator.

And while we can appreciate the sheer labour involved in gathering all these quotations; especially before home computers and search engines were at the level that they are today; we must take issue with the Author, in that he seems to have systematically omitted and clouded all references to the Jews - but every quote that he supplies is the direct result of the International Jewish program to deconstruct God's world.  They do this for their god antichrist (Satan).